新发现!!!公海迁徙物种最新数据,或促进国际公海合作 - 海洋野生动植物迁徙

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编者按:“野生动物迁徙物种”(Migratory Species of Wild Animals)是指野生动物任何物种或其次级分类的全部种群或该种群在地理上彼此独立的任何部分,它们中相当大的部分周期性地可预见地穿越一个或多个国家管辖的边界。为了生存,它们世世代代随着自然环境的变化而采取的惯性活动,为了食物、为了繁殖、为了寻找合适的温度,部分动物便开始了迁徙活动。

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联合国环境规划署《保护野生动物迁徙物种公约》(CMS)执行秘书布拉尼•钱伯斯((Bradnee Chambers)曾在绿会主办的“生态一带一路与CMS研讨会”上表示,野生动物在国与国之间迁徙的过程中没有国境线的概念,因此人类需要共同采取一些特殊的手段使这些物种能在地球长期生存下去。

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译+按/Cat 审/Linda、冬 编/Angel

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Tracking marine migrations across geopolitical boundaries aids conservation

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By tracking migratory marine species, scientists reveal movements through different countries waters and in the open ocean beyond areas of national jurisdiction

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加利福尼亚大学 - 圣克鲁兹分校

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The leatherback sea turtle is the largest living turtle and a critically endangered species. Saving leatherback turtles from extinction in the Pacific Ocean will require a lot of international cooperation, however, because the massive turtles may visit more than 30 different countries during their migrations.

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棱皮龟是一种极危动物,迁徙期间会经过30多个国家 图/Alex Eilers

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A new study uses tracking data for 14 species of migratory marine predators, from leatherback turtles to blue whales and white sharks, to show how their movements relate to the geopolitical boundaries of the Pacific Ocean. The results provide critical information for designing international cooperative agreements needed to manage these species.

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"If a species spends most of its time in the jurisdiction of one or two countries, conservation and management is a much easier issue than it is for species that migrate through many different countries," said Daniel Costa, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at UC Santa Cruz and a coauthor of the study, published September 3 in Nature Ecology & Evolution.

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Daniel Costa是加利福尼亚大学的生态学和进化生物学教授,也是此研究的联合作者,该研究已于9月3日在《自然:生态与进化》杂志出版。他说:“如果一个物种大部分时间在一到两个国家的管辖区域度过,比起在多个国家迁徙的物种,更加容易保护和管理。”

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"For these highly migratory species, we wanted to know how many jurisdictional regions they go through and how much time they spend in the open ocean beyond the jurisdiction of any one country," Costa said.

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Under international law, every coastal nation can establish an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) extending up to 200 nautical miles from shore, giving it exclusive rights to exploit resources and regulate fisheries within that zone. The high seas beyond the EEZs are a global commons and are among the least protected areas on Earth. Discussions have been under way at the United Nations since 2016 to negotiate a global treaty for conservation and management of the high seas.

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根据国际法,每个沿海国家都可以建立一个专属经济区(exclusive economic zone,简称EEZ),可扩展到距海岸200海里,拥有专有权,来开采资源和管理该区内的渔业。专属经济区外的公海是全球公域,也是全球保护程度最低的地区。自2016年,联合国就开展讨论,协商公海保护与管理的全球条约。

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First author Autumn-Lynn Harrison, now at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute in Washington, D.C., began the study as a graduate student in Costas lab at UC Santa Cruz. Costa is a cofounder, with coauthor Barbara Block of Stanford University, of the Tagging of Pacific Predators (TOPP) program, which began tracking the movements of top ocean predators throughout the Pacific Ocean in 2000. Harrison wanted to use the TOPP data to address conservation issues, and as she looked at the data she began wondering how many countries the animals migrate through.

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Autumn-Lynn Harrison目前在华盛顿的史密森尼保护生物学研究所(Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute)担任首席作者工作。她在加州大学圣克鲁兹分校(UC Santa Cruz)做研究生的时候,便在Costa的实验室开始了这项研究。Costa是与斯坦福大学的Barbara Block(研究联合作者)是“太平洋捕食者标记”(TOPP)的联合创始人,该项目自2000开始记录了太平洋海洋生物链顶端的肉食动物的运动。Harrison曾想用TOPP的数据来解决保护问题,而当她看到这些数据时,她开始思考这些动物的迁徙路线要经过多少国家。

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"I wanted to see if we could predict when during the year a species would be in the waters of a particular country," Harrison said. "Some of these animals are mostly hidden beneath the sea, so being able to show with tracking data which countries they are in can help us understand who should be cooperating to manage these species."

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Harrison also began attending meetings on issues related to the high seas, which focused her attention on the time migratory species spend in these relatively unregulated waters. "Figuring out how much time these animals spend in the high seas was directly motivated by questions I was being asked by policy makers who are interested in high seas conservation," she said.

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The TOPP data set, part of the global Census of Marine Life, is one of the most extensive data sets available on the movements of large marine animals. Many of the top predators in the oceans are declining or threatened, partly because their mobility exposes them to a wide array of threats in different parts of the ocean.

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TOPP数据集是大型海洋动物运动最大规模的数据集,也是国际海洋生物普查计划(Census of Marine Life)的一部分。许多海洋顶级捕食者正呈现衰降状态或是受威胁,部分原因是因为它们具有流动性,致使自己在海洋不同领域受到各种各样的威胁。

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Leatherback turtle populations in the Pacific could face a 96 percent decline by 2040, according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, and leatherbacks are a priority species for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Laysan and black-footed albatrosses, both listed as near threatened on the IUCN Red List, spend most of their time on the high seas, where they are vulnerable to being inadvertently caught on long lines during commercial fishing operations.

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根据世界自然联盟(IUCN)濒危物种红色名录,太平洋的棱皮龟种群到2042年可能面临96%的降幅,而棱皮龟是美国海洋和大气管理和研究局(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,简称NOAA)的重点保护动物。黑背信天翁和黑脚信天翁都被IUCN红色目录列为近危物种,它们大部分时间在公海度过,在商业捕捞期间,容易被长长的鱼线误捕。

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黑背信天翁在美国专属经济区哺育,但在北太平洋四处搜寻食物 图/Dan Costa

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White sharks are protected in U.S. and Mexican waters, but the TOPP data show that they spend about 60 percent of their time in the high seas. Pacific bluefin tuna, leatherback turtles, Laysan albatross, and sooty shearwaters all travel across the Pacific Ocean during their migrations.

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"Bluefin tuna breed in the western North Pacific, then cross the Pacific Ocean to feed in the California Current off the United States and Mexico," Costa said. "Sooty shearwaters not only cross the open ocean, they use the entire Pacific Ocean from north to south and go through the jurisdictions of more than 30 different countries."

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International cooperation has led to agreements for managing some of these migratory species, in some cases through regional fisheries management organizations. The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC), for example, oversees conservation and management of tunas and other marine resources in the eastern Pacific Ocean.

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国际合作促成了一些迁徙物种的协管理议,在某些情况下是通过渔业管理机构达成的。比如说,美洲热带金枪鱼委员会(Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission,简称IATTC)负责东太平洋金枪鱼和其他海洋资源的保护和管理。

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The first session of a U.N. Intergovernmental Conference to negotiate an international agreement on the conservation of marine biological diversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction will be held in September. Harrison said she has already been asked to provide preprints and figures from the paper for this session.

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联合国政府间大会( U.N. Intergovernmental Conference)第一阶段将于2018年9月份举行,以商讨国际协议,保护国家管辖区外的海洋生物多样性。Harrison说,她已经受邀为大会提供论文的预印本和数据。

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"These migratory species are a shared heritage, and this paper shows their international travels better than ever before," Harrison said. "The first step to protect them is knowing where they are over their annual cycle and promoting international agreements to manage the threats they may face across several countries."

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