: z3 K/ d* A. E: s6 D# E% [ Archaeologists have found what they believe to be the world’s oldest intact shipwreck at the bottom of the Black Sea where it appears to have lain undisturbed for more than 2,400 years. / k- I0 g: B% I: Q
' ?0 @! m0 v! R+ W% z! z The 23-metre (75ft) vessel, thought to be ancient Greek, was discovered with its mast, rudders and rowing benches all present and correct just over a mile below the surface. A lack of oxygen at that depth preserved it, the researchers said. / A% \% E( n; r% s
# Z/ a: a- M4 m, |* b “A ship surviving intact from the classical world, lying in over 2km of water, is something I would never have believed possible,” said Professor Jon Adams, the principal investigator with the Black Sea Maritime Archaeology Project (MAP), the team that made the find. “This will change our understanding of shipbuilding and seafaring in the ancient world.”
0 O- Q( Y1 P/ f! |* n4 H* U “我从来都不相信能在2千米的海底找到如此完备的古希腊船只残骸,这将改变我们对古代造船和航海的认识。”黑海海洋考古项目组的主要调查者约翰·亚当斯说道。黑海海洋考古项目组发现了该船只。
( S; I Z4 u" p/ ?+ t; L0 u5 N The ship is believed to have been a trading vessel of a type that researchers say has only previously been seen “on the side of ancient Greek pottery such as the ‘Siren Vase’ in the British Museum”.
% ?- M6 g) e8 Q% { 该船只残骸认为是一条商船,研究人员称,他们之前只在大英博物馆塞壬花瓶等古希腊瓷器的一侧上见到过该船。 2 N- i( z$ z, L- h
- ]* F+ @) N- t- Z2 t8 N
That work, which dates from about the same period, depicts a similar vessel bearing Odysseus past the sirens, with the Homeric hero lashed to the mast to resist their songs. + Z1 D% Z- h. P: r8 d7 a4 z
塞壬花瓶也来自同一个时期,花瓶上有着这样图案:奥德修斯在塞任面前经过时,为了抵挡她们的歌声,将自己捆绑在了桅杆上。 * d( G1 g' [8 W: Y/ W. v2 r
The team reportedly said they intended to leave the vessel where it was found, but added that a small piece had been carbon dated by the University of Southampton and claimed the results “confirmed [it] as the oldest intact shipwreck known to mankind”. The team said the data would be published at the Black Sea MAP conference at the Wellcome Collection in London later this week.
) a/ Q* a& i5 y6 y, y 据称,在刚发现该船只的时候,黑海海洋考古项目组本来准备离开,但他们随后还说,南安普敦大学已经根据船上的碳成分确认了沉船日期,并称结果“证实了这是人类有史以来发现的最古老、完备的沉船残骸。”该考古团队称,相关数据将本周在伦敦韦尔科姆收藏馆举行的黑海海洋考古项目组会议上向外公布。
. T$ y# T! ? c) L2 y/ _ It was among more than 60 shipwrecks found by the international team of maritime archaeologists, scientists and marine surveyors, which has been on a three-year mission to explore the depths of the Black Sea to gain a greater understanding of the impact of prehistoric sea-level changes.
% D' X8 O$ D& ^9 I! f) ^ 这是由海洋考古学家、科学家和验船师组成的国际团队发现的60多条沉船残骸中的一条。之前他们正在执行为期三年的任务--探索黑海海底,认识史前海平面变化的影响。 2 I7 h' I6 j6 J% ^" V
They said the finds varied in age from a “17th-century Cossack raiding fleet, through Roman trading vessels, complete with amphorae, to a complete ship from the classical period”.
' h; q) M% Q5 ? 该国际团队称,他们发现了很多的东西,有17世纪哥萨克的突袭船只、拥有两耳细颈酒罐的古罗马商船,还有古代的完整船只。
! p h5 O D) B+ F& H$ F/ V The documentary team made a two-hour film that is due to be shown at the British Museum on Tuesday. * w% v' p7 m% m$ I9 ~" G8 S7 c& N
3 t) ^9 O8 H/ J+ t source:Worlds oldest intact shipwreck discovered in Black Sea
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