
SevenCs Launches S-100 Data Management System  ?* G" p& r+ D* K1 |

  e0 h6 d7 l; q% i(Image: SevenCs)* C! k6 z& o$ a9 V

# K' v/ J( f: A" _2 V, W! RAt the third IHO Assembly, SevenCs presented its new development, the S-100 Data Management System (SDMS), designed to help organizations better manage their S-57/ S-100 datasets and comply with the dependencies set out in the standards.
( T$ h% I: X7 f" w& Q: JManufacturers of electronic navigation charts can apply predefined workflows to ensure that the ENC quality assurance process is as compliant as possible with standards.1 |5 _+ _5 y4 X( T) h+ L
The system consists of a core module that controls individual processes, takes care of user rights management and guides workflows.' K+ z1 Y8 p: `7 e7 x8 E
Additional functional modules take care of individual tasks; these tasks include validation, visualization and data import in the current version; data conversion and data encryption will appear in the next version of SDMS. These modules can be added separately to the main module.
5 e: u4 S7 j9 _& G' ?Key features:; O7 c0 B$ A) o) b5 }
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  • Status-driven management system for S-100 processing workflows
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  • Workflow Management based on the S-57 and S-100 standards
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  • Database, Application Server, Web User Interface
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  • User Management5 H! K# w1 s5 H5 }2 H0 k* A( n' d
  • Works as a cloud service or in a local network and can also be used on a desktop computer
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  • The integrated Validation Module interacts with 7Cs Analyzer" j# v& Q" f' T, \% U2 ?" q
  • Focus on ’after-production‘ steps) x9 j0 |$ ~& F/ T4 e
  • Support and storage for S-57 and S-101 data products
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  • •Log provides User Activity Reporting# |% _# ?2 h) _- S: p

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