' @6 Q% a" V# l! G$ A 《Engineering》2022年第10期最新发布了“超材料”“土木工程材料”“绿色化学工程”“空间可展结构”“微生态”等专题的论文。
7 M4 y5 O4 o* p" h+ a Contents 6 ]0 {# O2 w. W5 X
Editorial % p" t' y, F: z1 o
超材料——从工程化材料到工程材料 ' T# S* b0 l! l' `' e# q" N1 j
Metamaterials: From Engineered Materials to Engineering Materials ) b r$ I0 p9 [0 o* e
John Pendry, 周济, 孙竞博
9 L, X P0 h4 L- u; x News & Highlights
7 [1 m7 D6 S3 l1 H+ Z% {" X 卫星跟踪和全球条约为解决塑料垃圾问题开辟了新途径
9 q9 S' S: ^. X7 G; l o$ ^% ^ Satellite Tracking and Global Treaty Effort Open New Front on Plastic Waste Problem 6 a/ Q3 q. M5 v4 o% A
Sean ONeill * [- t% q% A6 a7 u( j0 l
精简指令集架构加速芯片研发 : ^8 a' S/ |% O @8 y
Simplified Instruction Set Architecture Accelerates Chip Development— and Wins the 2022 Draper Prize % K P/ x% [$ T1 v+ d) X0 ?1 J+ ]/ k
Chris Palmer
/ Y! {8 C) J' k f b1 l% t2 w" D 黑客大赛为发现安全漏洞者提供巨额奖金 5 z! F! Y! E$ k, E
Hacking Contests Offer Big Payouts for Exposing Security Flaws
9 ~/ O, C/ P1 Q9 [- Z. }) G Mitch Leslie
# O' k: Z& N' I+ s- e$ h Views & Comments
& H! @/ [, k6 M C8 G5 J, C 网络自智——网络创新的新时代 ' K( w& H( z7 Q& f. J; d. Y
Networking Automation and Intelligence: A New Era of Network Innovation 0 w, z7 i8 r7 L- ~. ]* x
张宏科, 权伟
& }) s9 s! ~' P6 ~7 w 碳减排工程管理
; x0 ~$ ]. t& p8 x0 U1 l Climate or Carbon Mitigation Engineering Management $ u6 m! y& r! e {
魏一鸣, 康佳宁, 陈炜明 ( ?1 ~ a3 V- V" A( \3 H( G
Research ; r9 T6 t; [( |7 q
& w5 ]- O. ?& ]- n* L 未来工程中的声学超构材料 : X2 C2 T9 V0 ?" B$ B
Perspective: Acoustic Metamaterials in Future Engineering
( h. \3 |" B L- `, P+ e9 N$ M 鲁强兵, 李鑫, 张秀娟, 卢明辉, 陈延峰
% T6 X+ @" t) [1 r* j 工程饱和介质中漩涡光的调制不稳定性 ) s3 t4 c6 I- c @# N6 f& @: b( T
Modulational Instability of Optical Vortices in Engineered Saturable Media
$ J+ _7 k' N: s, M! R5 X D.G. Pires, N.M. Litchinitser n3 V, i) f" Z
& |) n& u3 [4 k f5 q Architectural Design and Additive Manufacturing of Mechanical Metamaterials: A Review
! K, S' V9 Y% ?! c 卢晨曦, Mengting Hsieh, 黄志锋, 张驰, 林耀军, 沈强, 陈斐, 张联盟
% _8 i- o: @, n) @* J! p0 U 基于信息超表面设计理念的一种平面4比特可重构天线阵列
: b9 N- e+ x1 H/ A: M6 w! o" m% x A Planar 4-Bit Reconfigurable Antenna Array Based on the Design Philosophy of Information Metasurfaces ; t# Z6 y" S q; B o8 @3 }
汪正兴, 杨汉卿, 邵睿文, 武军伟, 刘国标, 翟峰, 程强, 崔铁军
; v+ R) T, D2 ~ 表面"彩虹"上的超分辨率光谱位移传感
# t. u d7 v6 Y; L Super-Resolution Displacement Spectroscopic Sensing over a Surface “Rainbow” $ t% d: l# S/ S$ |
Lyu Zhou, Nan Zhang, Chang Chieh Hsu, Matthew Singer, Xie Zeng, Yizheng Li, Haomin Song, Josep Jornet, Yun Wu, Qiaoqiang Gan
{7 X: B& p0 e7 u) Q* K- r/ R) x. } 基于刚性与非刚性Square-Twist胞元混合排布的折纸超材料设计与性能编程研究
! \5 F7 E0 e) n9 ?" m The Tessellation Rule and Properties Programming of Origami Metasheets Built with a Mixture of Rigid and Non-Rigid Square-Twist Patterns
8 y% d7 S; ?3 x( Z/ c g, r' v 马家耀, 臧世玺, 陈焱, 由衷 $ }( ]! s' t3 q
Civil Engineering Materials ( E8 x3 w/ {) _9 ~0 c" c
宏观裂缝混凝土中表观气体渗透率的测定 ' x1 _3 M! E" s/ @9 r1 s5 ^- h
Determination of the Apparent Gas Permeability in a Macrocracked Concrete % j2 D( b/ ~- s
Pierre Rossi
5 m9 ^4 A5 p1 N; k 纳米工程混凝土界面过渡区的纳米力学特征
0 o6 n, d9 o: I7 H* F# @ Nanomechanical Characteristics of Interfacial Transition Zone in Nano-Engineered Concrete
) ]: Z3 w1 R" M0 z5 y 王欣悦, 董素芬, 李镇明, 韩宝国, 欧进萍
; y/ h9 }$ w* Y- _- @) b2 H0 v1 E 考虑垫片形状和尺寸效应的珊瑚混凝土劈裂抗拉性能的三维细观研究
) C6 P, @$ y, D1 f! g) d* n Three-Dimensional Mesoscopic Investigation on the Impact of Specimen Geometry and Bearing Strip Size on the Splitting-Tensile Properties of Coral Aggregate Concrete
% l; G ^: Y. W2 l' t 吴彰钰, 张锦华, 余红发, 方秦, 麻海燕, 陈力
2 J2 c7 t5 v+ @& \ c 基于修正氯离子扩散理论模型和海洋大数据的中国北方海洋混凝土结构工程服役寿命设计
. |# Q0 I; T+ c3 \- ~ Service Life Design for Concrete Engineering in Marine Environments of Northern China Based on a Modified Theoretical Model of Chloride Diffusion and Large Datasets of Ocean Parameters
. W* ~& v7 l/ y7 G1 w 冯滔滔, 余红发, 谭永山, 麻海燕, 许梅, 岳承军
, a6 n8 ` T( u/ ]. {" Q$ T8 Z Material Science and Engineering c4 [8 j+ Z% X5 ], o
地震波荷载类岩石试样波形传播和裂纹扩展数值模拟研究 2 E" ^1 M) P( B* |
A Numerical Study of Wave Propagation and Cracking Processes in Rock-Like Material under Seismic Loading Based on the Bonded-Particle Model Approach ) g, s: o2 q+ Y# j
张晓平, 张旗, 刘泉声, 肖锐铧
# ?4 ~4 v4 s! q2 K Green Chemical Engineering 1 p, P1 w$ c# h2 Z
3 f0 h4 j; F q0 D An Effective Green Porous Structural Adhesive for Thermal Insulating, Flame-Retardant, and Smoke-Suppressant Expandable Polystyrene Foam ! a% |( f: e% |- S% |. w
李蒙恩, 赵海波, 程金波, 汪婷, 付腾, 张爱泞, 王玉忠 * R4 c& N8 B: t
Coronavirus Disease 2019 & T/ ?) ?2 h- |, p1 a8 F
. c! ]: l; v J+ q$ j Identification of Monocytes Associated with Severe COVID-19 in the PBMCs of Severely Infected Patients Through Single-Cell Transcriptome Sequencing * y9 t: ~+ k" g# R6 j2 L
张研, 王淑婷, 夏鹤, 郭静, 何康信, 黄晨杰, 罗瑞, 陈燕飞, 徐凯进, 高海女, 盛吉芳, 李兰娟
, Q* f" ~* y( o3 S Microecology , ?: L* K: p$ e% @# S9 L
1 d! s9 k2 I4 r* I# d Phylogenetic and Comparative Genomic Analysis of Lactobacillus fermentumStrains and the Key Genes Related to Their Intestinal Anti-inflammatory Effects
, S6 d, T; v/ z0 N3 a2 P 赵岩, 张程程, 于雷雷, 田丰伟, 赵建新, 张灏, 陈卫, 翟齐啸 # _0 ]' o9 g9 f$ G- w/ ^
Medical Additive Manufacturing # t4 X' l$ d/ ?
) T% S5 C9 [& @3 t* a2 G 3D-Printed Scaffolds Promote Angiogenesis by Recruiting Antigen-Specific T Cells $ a# h ^7 z: o4 d4 {
李翠笛, 马振江, 李文韬, 颉天阳, 钟丽萍, 陈宏方, 王文豪, 王金武, 崔文国, 赵永祥
) k: e5 r) K$ Y" m: c Environmental Engineering 4 _1 i% a5 Z8 M
全程氨氧化细菌在水和废水处理系统中的发生和作用综述 ) }1 ?( y* O5 t+ \6 B
Occurrence and Roles of Comammox Bacteria in Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems: A Critical Review 0 d& [. ~" P/ ~0 B
Naga Raju Maddela, Zhihao Gan, 孟雅冰, 范福强, 孟凡刚 * H% s5 D2 T, [; }6 C- r" H' V
Space-Deployable Structure
5 J- t1 S2 M5 G" o. @7 l 中国空间可展开结构进展和挑战 ; L2 R1 |" E2 h m1 m3 I; S
Recent Advances in Space-Deployable Structures in China 7 `* F3 t$ o V$ l
马小飞, 李团结, 马静雅, 王治易, 史创, 郑士昆, 崔琦峰, 李潇, 刘凡, 郭宏伟, 刘立武, 王作为, 李洋 % i5 G3 \0 o8 i' _, |: b6 Q/ n
Cyber Technology
# {0 b+ `3 S% W: t& F. n 基于频谱动态控制的异构蜂窝网络安全高效传输方案
7 M2 P* V$ z: B- `0 S9 D% L% ]$ O Dynamic Spectrum Control-Assisted Secure and Efficient Transmission Scheme in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks
+ U) j& s* S p2 a1 s# i' Q" v 李晨曦, 关磊, 吴华清, 承楠, 李赞, 沈学民
2 V$ u! I% Q" C! t5 y0 G" J% } Biomimetic Robot
# A( G. H: j6 v' _' f 微小型机器鼠仿鼠行为学习与生成 . Q# Z6 T% \/ ?# u* V3 p& t
Learning Rat-Like Behavior for a Small-Scale Biomimetic Robot 6 d2 N. |. n3 x' R0 M/ A
高子航, 贾广禄, 谢宏钊, 黄强, 福田敏男, 石青 * m9 ~9 }; i8 E" e
Engineering Management
) x: @8 d: a/ ~' P; y8 Y( Q 数据驱动的随机微分方程辨识 1 P1 l g0 q1 v
Data-Driven Discovery of Stochastic Differential Equations
5 y8 v5 f/ x* H 王亚森, 方华臻, 金骏阳, 马贵君, 何心, 代星, 岳作功, 程骋, 张海涛, 浦栋麟, 伍冬睿, 袁烨, Jorge Gonçalves, Jürgen Kurths, 丁汉 
+ a1 M" F1 w3 p* ~0 {0 ~# l0 B 注:论文仅反映研究成果进展,不代表《中国工程科学》杂志社观点。
! D) _2 c0 y* ?* n- c* q6 V, _4 w- n7 Q; ]
6 y3 m) u9 z/ e n2 Z* ?7 K$ U* y1 Q
9 V1 @' n# i3 Z. p |