
" G4 |/ L- \5 I8 P


: ?9 @! ^& }/ G d$ l8 E9 f


1 A4 c+ W/ L N


4 }" t+ h& m5 Y; o3 G! Y, O- d


6 A3 U/ S2 X4 Q4 y# W9 G" O' ?" X

Metamaterials: From Engineered Materials to Engineering Materials

" E! F+ ]) M- Q$ e& F$ k2 N0 s

John Pendry, 周济, 孙竞博

+ b- G/ i' N w6 B2 C! S6 I

News & Highlights

, I% ~( a/ G: O' Y( z9 q1 N


( c' D+ E' ?6 E% _8 W( Q+ A

Satellite Tracking and Global Treaty Effort Open New Front on Plastic Waste Problem

/ a4 B$ b' Y3 X4 M6 V2 o

Sean ONeill

5 i4 d0 e* f6 E1 U# D3 K


1 f/ v" w7 P% v! k6 s

Simplified Instruction Set Architecture Accelerates Chip Development— and Wins the 2022 Draper Prize

7 u `1 K/ t) p2 J4 G3 y

Chris Palmer

|6 N; J& q! }+ g6 P% M2 I* e9 I


- @& c0 ~. c6 I) E5 l2 j

Hacking Contests Offer Big Payouts for Exposing Security Flaws

+ S4 N3 \; W, p/ O3 i! _7 v2 z

Mitch Leslie

4 ?) C4 U6 k+ P0 T

Views & Comments

) A9 l% [" }9 B: n


3 l: v; ?8 j- I

Networking Automation and Intelligence: A New Era of Network Innovation

5 [, Q. _/ u% {; N% A

张宏科, 权伟

1 L8 h- Q" X* [


' x9 e1 a. y4 e

Climate or Carbon Mitigation Engineering Management

3 Z& }! ~0 y; X' D% N

魏一鸣, 康佳宁, 陈炜明

' u6 V5 G- i# J: M9 H3 p


8 k- S7 @6 L* ~# t0 Z


9 o ]: C' }' E


) s4 a4 h0 x" N m

Perspective: Acoustic Metamaterials in Future Engineering

0 z5 ^' K& y" \8 @7 ?

鲁强兵, 李鑫, 张秀娟, 卢明辉, 陈延峰

7 ]! e3 P" u, I


. X% P) z- x2 o; o0 }) t* X% V1 h

Modulational Instability of Optical Vortices in Engineered Saturable Media

. @) M5 k* V. ~- S6 q; z7 T

D.G. Pires, N.M. Litchinitser

3 ]# j f/ ?7 a1 z9 ]4 ^


' O5 u) w' B! V

Architectural Design and Additive Manufacturing of Mechanical Metamaterials: A Review

+ m' N9 D1 q/ R. ?

卢晨曦, Mengting Hsieh, 黄志锋, 张驰, 林耀军, 沈强, 陈斐, 张联盟

% n8 F9 a& p e6 b* F5 o* n


2 E9 s: e2 p, `5 L v+ W, v

A Planar 4-Bit Reconfigurable Antenna Array Based on the Design Philosophy of Information Metasurfaces

* |( [4 w- m Z2 E) r- `, p0 A

汪正兴, 杨汉卿, 邵睿文, 武军伟, 刘国标, 翟峰, 程强, 崔铁军

1 x, |" C0 |7 w1 W. j8 @) P2 h t


- s N4 j1 L* O& Z

Super-Resolution Displacement Spectroscopic Sensing over a Surface “Rainbow”

3 @# r% e, ~, X

Lyu Zhou, Nan Zhang, Chang Chieh Hsu, Matthew Singer, Xie Zeng, Yizheng Li, Haomin Song, Josep Jornet, Yun Wu, Qiaoqiang Gan

+ T" M% n0 o% {2 @. J


% y6 M# {( D+ T: N& ^5 X- M R

The Tessellation Rule and Properties Programming of Origami Metasheets Built with a Mixture of Rigid and Non-Rigid Square-Twist Patterns

" M/ w: t! x) S. O8 F

马家耀, 臧世玺, 陈焱, 由衷

3 T. A' c7 Z2 H+ G" o/ J% }

Civil Engineering Materials

" Q$ _- p+ F( m2 C; Q* b


' t4 C$ [' I. W! o& E9 s& ?

Determination of the Apparent Gas Permeability in a Macrocracked Concrete

- W; F! \. x9 e6 g

Pierre Rossi

3 W$ [9 P8 u3 I* N2 V/ o6 l


/ b9 A4 j) Q% X& @. Z

Nanomechanical Characteristics of Interfacial Transition Zone in Nano-Engineered Concrete

$ u8 S9 _# R6 J9 b5 N( q

王欣悦, 董素芬, 李镇明, 韩宝国, 欧进萍

0 _0 D& V7 I6 R7 d4 ?- R/ _; K


5 t" t7 h+ E' x7 d3 Z" G

Three-Dimensional Mesoscopic Investigation on the Impact of Specimen Geometry and Bearing Strip Size on the Splitting-Tensile Properties of Coral Aggregate Concrete

. T; `# S2 D X8 K: T1 K. V+ J0 g

吴彰钰, 张锦华, 余红发, 方秦, 麻海燕, 陈力

9 q5 s9 {0 a% ^3 N' Y


$ G) j! }. q5 T& G5 Y3 j* u6 A

Service Life Design for Concrete Engineering in Marine Environments of Northern China Based on a Modified Theoretical Model of Chloride Diffusion and Large Datasets of Ocean Parameters

( R, {* ]& Q `: K6 q0 `0 X

冯滔滔, 余红发, 谭永山, 麻海燕, 许梅, 岳承军

1 q- `. a7 p5 w' B- p* ^

Material Science and Engineering

% K! m0 n) ?! h7 P- c6 s


# P3 q( ?$ a* C3 q4 k* c

A Numerical Study of Wave Propagation and Cracking Processes in Rock-Like Material under Seismic Loading Based on the Bonded-Particle Model Approach

0 B) w/ ^1 S. l0 X& K: m- v. G( z

张晓平, 张旗, 刘泉声, 肖锐铧

, t* a2 `; |: d& |6 v, t

Green Chemical Engineering

: K" w0 Z" R0 t- [


- U. g5 T, h7 _. O$ q$ L" _# p

An Effective Green Porous Structural Adhesive for Thermal Insulating, Flame-Retardant, and Smoke-Suppressant Expandable Polystyrene Foam

& t. c, `2 Q* {8 a7 c- R6 s

李蒙恩, 赵海波, 程金波, 汪婷, 付腾, 张爱泞, 王玉忠

7 R: ~# W0 ?# P* H* O" Y

Coronavirus Disease 2019

* N4 U; a8 n @0 H


2 P$ z* W8 H! v( j2 q! q9 F

Identification of Monocytes Associated with Severe COVID-19 in the PBMCs of Severely Infected Patients Through Single-Cell Transcriptome Sequencing

2 t, w7 G1 D: U

张研, 王淑婷, 夏鹤, 郭静, 何康信, 黄晨杰, 罗瑞, 陈燕飞, 徐凯进, 高海女, 盛吉芳, 李兰娟

6 ~# N' S% X; |; \+ I3 o3 \3 I* r$ m- W


1 \" U2 h$ g! @


; ?. T" }3 E& z3 x# X \; F, l! h: y( t

Phylogenetic and Comparative Genomic Analysis of Lactobacillus fermentumStrains and the Key Genes Related to Their Intestinal Anti-inflammatory Effects

3 S% t- e6 M+ _" B

赵岩, 张程程, 于雷雷, 田丰伟, 赵建新, 张灏, 陈卫, 翟齐啸

, e, h0 g$ }+ B, c! m

Medical Additive Manufacturing

( d! \" j3 P+ P8 U W0 U* r. y3 u


5 {' d% w$ U( i4 o7 b6 ~' ^6 a" m" |

3D-Printed Scaffolds Promote Angiogenesis by Recruiting Antigen-Specific T Cells

1 V6 f7 M! h9 I3 L5 }1 g- Y4 @. F

李翠笛, 马振江, 李文韬, 颉天阳, 钟丽萍, 陈宏方, 王文豪, 王金武, 崔文国, 赵永祥

, ~' a: {& o D+ N

Environmental Engineering

" X0 z" x( o% N


* [1 T& X0 F' {$ ]* u8 L$ \

Occurrence and Roles of Comammox Bacteria in Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems: A Critical Review

4 W, q6 V2 l8 x; o0 O

Naga Raju Maddela, Zhihao Gan, 孟雅冰, 范福强, 孟凡刚

- W8 o% d9 g% C) G

Space-Deployable Structure

7 u+ I$ X8 s9 Q' z7 s. P R V


, e9 s- n- L6 H3 ^

Recent Advances in Space-Deployable Structures in China

/ O/ O7 k6 ~+ ?# d3 q$ V

马小飞, 李团结, 马静雅, 王治易, 史创, 郑士昆, 崔琦峰, 李潇, 刘凡, 郭宏伟, 刘立武, 王作为, 李洋

: [4 p* k% D6 b* d$ _

Cyber Technology

0 |* z7 f" y) L7 G


- ^9 _3 o8 y% g# m3 r

Dynamic Spectrum Control-Assisted Secure and Efficient Transmission Scheme in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks

! R( V4 L3 j; B9 a# k

李晨曦, 关磊, 吴华清, 承楠, 李赞, 沈学民

8 K& g2 k& D0 z. S0 @! q

Biomimetic Robot

3 Q1 I. a! h9 h


P0 }0 T! O1 N: J$ D" ^3 M9 { T

Learning Rat-Like Behavior for a Small-Scale Biomimetic Robot

- c- {6 \9 Z- j. Q$ G; e/ v# n

高子航, 贾广禄, 谢宏钊, 黄强, 福田敏男, 石青

Z( x$ U, `* f/ Y' {) n

Engineering Management

: C+ w) L/ ~& M+ f


9 F6 h M) C w/ @; i8 h% X: U

Data-Driven Discovery of Stochastic Differential Equations

2 W( A! n+ c1 f5 T

王亚森, 方华臻, 金骏阳, 马贵君, 何心, 代星, 岳作功, 程骋, 张海涛, 浦栋麟, 伍冬睿, 袁烨, Jorge Gonçalves, Jürgen Kurths, 丁汉

6 q% C+ p3 S- Q$ V) i0 B. u


3 _& _( z/ N; }6 S8 Z) U! |$ U0 d& _' w/ [' @' X8 N; U& e ( _) |3 d% f8 W, m" M9 w- W- L7 p0 p& Z0 t" X: A' ~% E / B$ l8 u- T- t

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