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; F* \1 I( A R/ y2 t$ \/ h
: W. N9 D, Q' k( C; r: J; i
/ R6 c2 B. n$ y" s; J' @ 作者:王宗辰1 2 史健宇1 2
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1. 国家海洋环境预报中心 (自然资源部海啸预警中心), 北京 100081;
2. 南中国海区域海啸预警中心, 北京 100081
* _5 x0 s. D- D
; g5 j% n& G7 e9 c8 c1 H 分类号:P731.25
5 ] J* R7 } @: [; p7 r/ ^ J
' x$ q' F5 W: @
Q- d# g/ b8 Y8 O8 w+ j( l( L
4 y3 V. o( F8 t, m" |2 @ Abstract:A shallow MW8.2 earthquake occurred off the Alaska Peninsula at 14:16 on July 29, 2021 (Beijing time), triggering a small tsunami with the maximum wave amplitude of 51 cm recorded locally. The National Tsunami Warning Center (NTWC) of the Ministry of Natural Resources of P. R. China issued 2 tsunami bulletins for that event. This paper summarized the emergency response processes of domestic and international tsunami warning centers for the earthquake tsunami, and conducted a comparative analysis of their bulletin contents and issuing performances. The results showed that the NTWC made an appropriate response to the earthquake tsunami event. The U. S. tsunami warning agency was more efficient in issuing tsunami warnings, while it canceled the warning before the arrival of the maximum wave amplitude, which posed a potential safety problem. In light of this event, its suggested that China should further strengthen the monitoring and detection capabilities of strong earthquakes on the global seabed and tsunami warning and analysis technologies, and continue to expand the tsunami monitoring and warning capabilities to the global oceans.
! `4 B; X# {% b6 b7 ~" U7 R/ | Key words:Alaska Peninsula; earthquake tsunami; tsunami warning
. r" t/ M$ F6 J) R; f5 G$ H 读者也可以通过公众号菜单栏
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: ?' {8 _. H9 s/ C- S
' S7 t3 Z1 x s, s; p+ ^ 未来两天海洋环境预报
% @$ I) `/ b( u9 B 预计明天,
; L- ]' X0 w( a7 w 渤海、黄海有0.6到1.2米的轻浪;
. O' m' n5 ?# v' o 东海、钓鱼岛附近海域有0.8到2.1米的轻浪到中浪区;
o3 d* S! \/ i, n 台湾海峡有1.5到1.9米的中浪;
' a ?1 e) h8 c8 [ 台湾以东洋面有1.5到2.2米的中浪到大浪区;
, P: s3 P9 X4 _$ l& s3 t. r 北部湾有0.6到1.1米的轻浪;
+ `) M6 P7 g4 [7 \ 南海有1.3到2.3米的中浪区。
# f6 B: R, J& Y, q: ? o
' U( x8 Y! k0 _; b8 l 我国近海无大浪区。
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# e! D& ?+ h, i0 w
. G! {6 c3 [% N' u" x" A3 H
$ g9 K# {8 V4 a0 A! E$ t 永兴岛附近海域有2.3米的中浪,不适宜乘船出行;
$ a# G1 V# m! V7 j
# U& [$ j7 I* t6 @" Y. p; e! G
" d/ _) [' W- [
" i# G! y% {$ E: F7 ]& D _4 w 觉华岛、长山群岛、菩提岛、长岛、刘公岛、灵山岛、秦山岛、连岛、崇明岛、嵊泗列岛、岱山岛、东极岛、普陀山、大陈岛、玉环岛、洞头岛、南麂岛、嵛山岛、三都岛、平潭岛、湄洲岛、东山岛、钓鱼岛、南澳岛、万山群岛、川山群岛、海陵岛、南三岛、东海岛、涠洲岛、分界洲岛、蜈支洲岛、永兴岛、黄岩岛、永暑礁。
9 c5 \6 E0 G( ]+ ]' V
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/ e/ q" O/ ?" G2 z A& |$ p
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