《海洋预报》| 两次西风槽影响下北上台风导致的强降水对比分析


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7 {9 n* C' f( u8 v% k' ~- u
7 M% J7 y' A5 r# X. M9 `两次西风槽影响下北上台风导致的强降水对比分析% b* b" t& i5 e  b
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* q( i9 `  Q' H6 _: u
; I. @5 f% v" ]2 i读书小笔记% m- w) ]8 o6 k7 Y: l% V3 j8 S
作者:陈宏 卢焕珍 孙密娜 韩婷婷
" C3 {4 K- q0 c! t单位:天津市气象台, 天津 300074& U( l* V2 _) u1 L4 j5 O* M
) _; }: F/ G6 ^' N4 u8 A4 G6 S- x出版年·卷·期(页码):2023·40·第四期(83-96): y' G# f; v( }) F9 Q  w& M- t
2 S8 H3 S( e, V! G2 f2 ]+ G关键词:台风 西风槽 位涡 水汽输送
- d' e" r4 ?+ s0 V' }0 r: T# p- w& Q0 y
Abstract:Based on typhoon best track data, hourly automatic weather station data, National Centers for Environmental Prediction/ National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) 1°×1° reanalysis data, cloud top brightness temperature data from FY-4A satellite and conventional observation data, a comparative analysis of heavy precipitation in Tianjin during Typhoon “In-Fa” (2106) and Typhoon “Ampil” (1810) is conducted in this study, specifically both these two northward-moving typhoons were affected by high-altitude trough in the westerly belt. The results show that the two typhoons were both affected by high-altitude troughs and cold air during their northward movement. However, due to the different typhoon structure, location and intensity of the rainstorm are different after the two typhoons encounter the westerly trough. Typhoon "Ampil" maintained a barotropic structure, thus the associated precipitation had a short duration and high intensity, and the heavy rainstorm mainly located in the western Tianjin. However, Typhoon "In-Fa" had a baroclinic property, and the associated precipitation had a long duration and low intensity, and the heavy rainstorm mainly located in the eastern Tianjin. During the northward movement of Typhoon "Ampil", the subtropical high moved eastward, which was conducive to convergence of the cold air behind the trough and the warm-humid low-level jet from the southeast, leading to the development of atmospheric stratification instability and mesoscale cloud clusters. The high-level high potential vortex air flow reached the lower troposphere, and the downward propagation of the potential vortex caused the increases of the low-level potential vortex. Heavy rainfall is closely related to the helicity center, frontal zone and easterly water vapor transport in the lower troposphere. Typhoon "In-Fa" merged with the westerly trough and evolved into a high-altitude trough, but the mesoscale cloud clusters were not obvious, and the dense belts of θse on the west and north sides of the heavy rain area inclined. Heavy rainfall mainly located in the gradient area of frontogenesis function and pseudo-equivalent potential temperature. The southerly water vapor transport provided the source for continuous precipitation. The associated precipitation was characterized by low intensity and high stability.) e) v: o3 w6 ^. H( D
Key words:typhoon; westerly trough; potential vortex; water vapor transport
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未来两天海洋环境预报" i8 R$ b5 b3 L. N
预计明天,. s( ?: g* A2 [% h1 G
$ B( o$ q1 p% _0 ^# P9 J东海北部有1.7到2.2米的中浪区;& Z9 j; m" _+ c" c3 x
" X0 J) J9 k' c9 X台湾海峡有3到3.5米的大浪区;, {! Q% H. X1 |
8 e) r* B+ z5 Y; ]6 N$ T' m南海北部有2.9到3.2米的大浪区;3 I: a; B% J, ^) O5 c! ?& s8 Q
南海中部有1.8到2.6米的中浪到大浪区;3 {5 {/ E8 k% k1 m. j1 c/ W+ R
2 P7 l  P0 G3 y  [# [  g3 Z0 U北部湾有1.6到2.2米的中浪区。+ r6 Q' w3 I' B/ I. y
" x+ t9 e5 C& l7 L* Q
预计后天,7 Z/ e! }  |& F' _4 q
& l. Q) B; ]  F) K6 D# t台湾海峡、巴士海峡的大浪区维持,浪高2.6到3.2米;* k4 e" I& M: E5 W- t; X% `9 K
南海北部的大浪区维持,浪高2.9到3.3米;. F) f& S4 Z/ f9 B
南海中部的大浪区维持,浪高2.2到2.7米。! q" b6 n& _2 f" C: L6 o
  x" G0 k7 `6 p6 ~! N7 W

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10月10~14日西北太平洋海浪数值预报; x, L' p7 p2 X/ X
' I! l+ E; J7 w$ |% c- @3 o9 l预计明天,3 w* C2 }' {+ k' @6 ]: W1 s8 h
平潭岛、湄洲岛、东山岛、钓鱼岛、南澳岛、分界洲岛、永兴岛附近海域有2.1~2.4米的中浪,以上海岛都不适宜乘船出行和海岛游玩;! i  D6 _+ p& k+ r
7 n- |- o& h/ ], \& r9 ?8 q0 b我国其他美丽海岛附近海域都是轻浪,海况不错,非常适宜乘船出行和海岛游玩。
8 X  o" Z* D3 i  U; ^) G9 [
4 |8 G* R) W# e" d0 _4 o美丽海岛是指以下的35个海岛:
9 ~  {5 T) n3 \9 j+ u. M觉华岛、长山群岛、菩提岛、长岛、刘公岛、灵山岛、秦山岛、连岛、崇明岛、嵊泗列岛、岱山岛、东极岛、普陀山、大陈岛、玉环岛、洞头岛、南麂岛、嵛山岛、三都岛、平潭岛、湄洲岛、东山岛、钓鱼岛、南澳岛、万山群岛、川山群岛、海陵岛、南三岛、东海岛、涠洲岛、分界洲岛、蜈支洲岛、永兴岛、黄岩岛、永暑礁。3 ?$ j7 R1 y4 g1 X  a
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