《海洋预报》| 2106号台风“烟花”的路径及降水特点分析


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& ~4 d2 f* N  P; q2 Q2106号台风“烟花”的路径及降水特点分析
6 u2 p% \. t# w: D7 C) `" a) }9 F全文请用PC端下载 地址:& t" R! n8 |& K, g% l
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读书小笔记$ u$ @3 K- w$ i% n
作者:项素清1 韩兴1 方鹤鸣2 姜涵3
: q/ R/ |( `  Q5 R( Z单位:1. 浙江省金华市气象局, 浙江 金华 310002;
/ t; k1 ~# k" ]. d7 L4 n4 R2. 金东区气象局, 浙江 金华 310002;) a6 O4 T5 i' ]7 S8 f/ a
3. 浦江县气象局, 浙江 金华 3222005 t, ~4 t, s+ d0 x
分类号:P444;P732.3# A; x- @, v. Q$ `$ x9 x$ N* Q
出版年·卷·期(页码):2023·40·第三期(75-84)+ r' f8 C  m/ y4 H4 _% X; p: t! G
! b3 }9 X# J" i) m  T- O$ ^关键词:台风暴雨 非对称结构 西南急流 边界层辐合线 地形增水
: x$ u6 s( S' i& p5 P2 L6 z
, _8 @6 m2 R" ?) n- _Abstract:The 2106 typhoon "In-Fa" landed twice in Zhejiang Province with its impacts lasting from July 22 to 28, the cumulative rainfall and single station rainfall in Zhejiang Province broke the historical record of typhoon in Zhejiang Province. Through this analysis, we find that the position of subtropical high during the period of the typhoon is abnormal norther than that in the climatology, which leads to a weaker guiding airflow further resulting in the slow movement speed of the typhoon "In-Fa". Typhoon 2107 "Chabaka" and typhoon 2108 "Nibert" have no direct interaction with the typhoon "In-Fa", but pose indirectly effect on the path of the typhoon "In-Fa" through affecting intensity and range of subtropical high. Continuously water vapor supplying to typhoon "In-Fa" by the southwest monsoon sustains the intensity of the typhoon "In-Fa" after landing, creating advantage condition for the long duration in Hangzhou Bay. The cloud system on the west side of the typhoon "In-Fa" encounters dry air over Zhejiang Province, leads to the weakening of the typhoon and forms an asymmetric structure. The convective available potential energy is low, thus limit the development of vertical convection and the intensity of hourly rainfall. The lasting period of the typhoon "In-Fa" is twice of those of general typhoons, so the cumulative rainfall is large. The increase in precipitation induced by land surface elevation is very significant. Stations with high cumulative rainfall usually locate in montanic areas with high altitude, and the rainfall reaches 2~3 times of those of other areas.
) w1 X4 r% f  j- W6 dKey words:typhoon rainstorm;asymmetric structure;southwest jet stream;terrain increase water2 \. I: O: L+ y* p9 C7 Z1 ?) ?" N) d$ `

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4 k, P# j0 v  N& P读者也可以通过公众号菜单栏, {3 a; y" `2 K- g4 B8 t
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2 a( P* a# _* P9 V9 F预计明天,  X; I4 F- f, v$ o% f% f6 z
渤海有0.6到1.2米的轻浪;# a9 B. i7 O( v/ V
" {- _5 U! x% n  j' w6 f8 D黄海南部有0.8到1.1米的轻浪;
* G9 `( h3 G) C# `1 T东海北部有0.9到1.3米的轻浪到中浪;: }; U& H; p, G* \- |5 h. u
3 U3 ?; ^2 Z: r) P6 K6 `台湾海峡有1.6到2米的中浪区;
; p5 E1 s/ D5 m; c& `台湾以东洋面有1.9到2.2米的中浪区;( U6 V3 I5 w  E, p! E  x
3 h/ S4 d! b, E. O南海有1.5到2.2米的中浪区;
* J" [9 D5 J# ]& V+ k! q北部湾有1到1.3米的轻浪到中浪。
: U+ R# g& n: U6 n& G$ _# n. X
9 C1 F  q8 n$ L8 Q( C8 z预计后天,
( q! |* H/ S. a+ p我国近海无大浪区。* H6 Y) [% z! c2 h2 H( z. V: r

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" I& B& |4 I3 i  r7 E' M' K2 {( W% w; q
9 S& C3 Y0 d& y美丽海岛海域海况
6 }* a3 t- q1 _. o1 E$ C* _# z预计明天,
6 v* Z6 @: P5 [/ C0 \3 ^永兴岛、永暑礁附近海域有1.8米的中浪,东极岛、大陈岛、洞头岛、南麂岛、嵛山岛、平潭岛、湄洲岛、黄岩岛附近海域有1.3~1.7米的中浪,这些海岛较适宜乘船出行和海岛游玩;" |$ D) w, H/ j9 M
! R$ }) u6 q$ e' ~; ?6 Z
" j# @9 J+ `% w4 p, ?9 T9 t美丽海岛是指以下的35个海岛:6 Y! G$ l0 r/ z0 k. O4 A$ N$ c3 ^% R
觉华岛、长山群岛、菩提岛、长岛、刘公岛、灵山岛、秦山岛、连岛、崇明岛、嵊泗列岛、岱山岛、东极岛、普陀山、大陈岛、玉环岛、洞头岛、南麂岛、嵛山岛、三都岛、平潭岛、湄洲岛、东山岛、钓鱼岛、南澳岛、万山群岛、川山群岛、海陵岛、南三岛、东海岛、涠洲岛、分界洲岛、蜈支洲岛、永兴岛、黄岩岛、永暑礁。' \/ S* H/ h! U+ m
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