0 s2 z5 @4 x$ F8 p7 b# x0 T* {% T V9 x1 n9 W
7 @% P. A9 D- c+ Q5 {全文请用PC端下载 地址:; S7 P4 ~5 ]" P/ J" o S9 r2 [
6 w3 F- Y4 _7 I! A
0 K% g/ D; v, C9 }7 _读书小笔记
( _) I) ?4 r) i# F作者:杨薇1 2 冯箫1 2 冯文1 2 李勋1 2 张涛3; m! j" M- W$ Q$ M! `6 ~. [
单位:1. 海南省气象台, 海南 海口 570203;
* @- V/ m' e4 T6 M. G( {2. 海南省南海气象防灾减灾重点实验室, 海南 海口 570203;
1 h6 r' h( B5 |2 k3 o; W3 A* E( m' H3. 国家气象信息中心, 北京 100081
# s3 i; d. t( a2 j/ U分类号:P732.1
: _, Q0 E) D1 \6 D# ]. _- X出版年·卷·期(页码):2023·40·第二期(98-109)7 ^! e; A8 B0 ?4 d& T3 b# r
摘要:为研究中国气象局(China Meteorological Administration,CMA)研发的中国第一代全球再分析产品CRA(CMA Global Reanalysis)对海雾模拟的适用性,将CRA与欧洲中心再分析产品ERA5(the 5th Generation of ECMWF Reanalysis)以及美国国家环境预报中心的再分析产品FNL(Final Reanalysis Data)分别作为WRF(Weather Research and Forecast)模式驱动的初边界条件,对发生在琼州海峡的一次持续性海雾过程进行数值模拟。结果表明:将3种再分析产品作为初始场均能模拟出琼州海峡海雾发展过程。CRA和ERA5模拟的海雾在偏东风下开始发展,风向转为东北风后消散。CRA模拟的海雾强度最强且维持时间最长,FNL模拟的底层风场较早转为东北风,海雾消散早。在垂直方向上,ERA5和CRA模拟的海雾发展高度与实况接近,FNL则明显偏低。CRA中较低的逆温层以及近地层温度将水汽聚集在低层,使得海雾可以持续发展并长时间维持。在加入实时更新的高分辨率海温后,模拟的气海温差场更精细,可反映出琼州海峡中部及东部气海温差小于0.5℃的区域,模拟海雾发展的能力更强。/ n c2 x6 [( {# G |
关键词:中国第一代全球再分析产品 海雾 琼州海峡 数值模拟
5 k8 F' r5 j0 f' ^Abstract:To investigate the application of China Meteorological Administration Global Reanalysis (CRA) product on sea fog simulation, the 5th Generation of European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Reanalysis (ERA5) and the Final Reanalysis Data (FNL) of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction are used in this study. The Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) is driven by these products as the initial boundary conditions, and a persistent sea fog process in the Qiongzhou Strait is simulated. The results show that all the three reanalysis products can simulate the process of sea fog over the Qiongzhou Strait. In the CRA and ERA5 simulation, sea fog develops under the easterly wind and dissipates when the wind direction turns to northeast. The CRA simulates a strongest and longest sea fog for this process. In the FNL simulation, the wind direction changes to northeast earlier and result in earlier dissipation of the sea fog. In the vertical direction, the height of sea fog simulated by the ERA5 and CRA is close to observation data, while that simulated by the FNL is quite low. In the CRA simulation, the water vapor is aggregated in the low layer due to the low temperature of the inversion layer and the near ground layer, making the sea fog develops continuously and maintains in a long time. After adding the real-time updated high-resolution sea surface temperature data, a more refined air-sea temperature difference field is obtained, which can reflect the difference area less than 0.5 ℃ over the Qiongzhou Strait, and simulate a stronger sea fog.- Z9 q1 Z' J; _* {$ e, ~7 l
Key words:China Meteorological Administration Global Reanalysis;sea fog;Qiongzhou Strait;numerical simulation
: R' o4 z& L7 S0 |) H" B* v( B3 ?: b7 A! x0 u' I
6 ^" v7 ?+ {5 g. y. D3 m1 I
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+ A _$ `. {, k+ f0 B3 ~未来两天海洋环境预报+ I$ k, e9 v+ B. k, u* }0 S+ ?
预计明天,7 r+ x9 N" L" j/ f2 q, F
渤海有0.3到0.5米的小浪到轻浪;7 v. j' I; {5 C. C' ^. V; e; W# a
6 l( D! b) N8 M- E7 u, _东海北部有1.3到1.8米的中浪;, S) q+ P6 X$ b* ?& T
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# i! y5 n/ W$ _4 C1 \巴士海峡有1到1.5米的轻浪到中浪;
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北部湾有1.2到1.6米的轻浪到中浪。 U; c& _1 v% x$ n, j
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. z. d; k& W" n \6月20~24日西北太平洋海浪数值预报* r6 k6 N' s5 A9 r% z8 q
美丽海岛海域海况# n! z" r" K$ N8 ^3 t: c# e- \7 T
/ k9 h7 ]/ _2 ?2 a" y+ B钓鱼岛附近海域有1.8米的中浪,玉环岛、洞头岛、南麂岛、平潭岛、川山群岛、海陵岛、永兴岛附近海域有1.3~1.5米的中浪,较适宜乘船出行和海岛游玩;' {; l4 G/ X6 F) b/ v5 R
我国其他各美丽海岛附近海域都是轻浪,海况不错,非常适宜乘船出行和海岛游玩。" M5 E! \4 g- u a2 @, o0 Q
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美丽海岛是指以下的35个海岛:* f9 n/ {9 v; j6 O/ }" ^& i; m
' B$ L* q' M% d/ Y/ a8 a更多滨海旅游预报 尽在中国海洋预报& {% @; t$ H- ~5 k% F6 ~6 o: O* _) H
9 k5 ]6 @9 J K& C
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