《海洋预报》| 浙江沿海大风气候特征及影响系统分析

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1 \8 I& k1 R3 D8 v: H) e; Q* Q全文请用PC端下载 地址:  x; ~% ?6 l* R  b6 v2 Z
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  J  j! `: i& h$ L( _0 K, x( h0 ]. W读书小笔记
/ `# g( `6 t% s4 r6 t作者:曹宗元1 王坚侃1 何晴1 张骁1 傅娜1 陈冬冬2
3 l& y( o; K; v$ H9 m6 r) p单位:1. 舟山市气象局, 浙江 舟山 316021;
% C2 o- ^. y- R+ H7 p! q, |* g8 S* s2. 中国人民解放军 92012部队, 浙江 舟山 316000
( f. {3 I  \4 \分类号:P425.4+3
6 k( \* m9 F- O出版年·卷·期(页码):2023·40·第二期(89-97)
1 D1 y9 d- {4 K6 w9 E6 k, x! m# m摘要:选取浙北、浙中、浙南3个沿海代表站,对浙江沿海大风日数、大风频率、风向、影响系统的年际和月变化进行统计分析。结果表明:浙南沿海大风日数最多,平均每年有1/3的天数为大风日,浙北沿海次之,浙中沿海最少,大风日数呈现逐年下降的趋势,且近10 a的下降趋势减缓。浙江沿海大风日数具有一定的地域性特征。浙北沿海8级及以上、9级及以上、10级及以上的大风最多分别出现在4月、3—4月、4月和8月,最少均出现在6月;浙中沿海8级及以上大风日数冬多夏少,9级及以上大风日数呈现秋季—翌年初春多、春末—夏季少的特点,10级及以上大风集中爆发于9月台风季;浙南沿海8级及以上大风在12月最多,9级及以上和10级及以上大风最多出现在10月,最少在5月。浙江沿海季风特征显著,秋冬两季以偏北大风为主,且大风主导风向自北向南顺转(NNW、N、NE),浙中南沿海夏季风弱于冬季风。造成浙江沿海大风的主要天气系统有冷空气、台风、低压、高压后部和强对流等,冷空气偏北大风在11月—翌年3月最为常见,其次为夏季(7—10月)的台风大风,再次为春末夏初的低压大风。% p7 Q" T% D  M' {+ }
关键词:浙江沿海大风 大风日数 风向 气候特征 影响系统1 B( _. M6 g- S2 G
Abstract:This paper selects three representative stations along the coasts of the northern, the central, and the southern Zhejiang to statistically analyze the interannual and monthly changes of strong windy days, strong windy frequency, wind direction, and impact systems in the Zhejiang coastal area. The results are as follows: The number of strong windy days is the largest along the southern coast of Zhejiang, with 1/3 of the year are strong windy days on average, followed by the coastal area of northern Zhejiang, and the number of strong windy days is the least in the coastal area of central Zhejiang, meanwhile, the number of gale days shows a downward trend, which has slowed down in recent 10 years. The number of gale days along the coast of Zhejiang shows certain regional characteristics. The numbers of strong windy days of level 8, 9, 10 and above in the coastal area of northern Zhejiang peak in April, March-April, April and August, respectively, while the minimum numbers of which all occur in June. The number of strong windy days of level 8 and above along the coast of central Zhejiang is greater in winter and less in summer, while the number of strong windy days of level 9 and above is higher from autumn to early spring of the next year and lower from late spring to summer, and the number of strong windy days of level 10 and above is concentrated during the typhoon season in September. The number of strong wind days of level 8 and above along the coast of southern Zhejiang peaks in December, while the number of strong wind days of level 9, 10 and above are both reach to the highest in October, and to the lowest in May. The monsoon characteristics are significant in the coast of Zhejiang. In autumn and winter, the coast of Zhejiang is dominated by northerly winds, and the dominant wind directions turn clockwise from the north to the south, which are NNW, N, and NE, respectively, and the summer monsoon in the central and southern Zhejiang is weaker than the winter monsoon. The causes of strong winds along the coast of Zhejiang from atmospheric systems are cold air, typhoon, low pressure, high pressure at sea, and thunderstorm strong winds. Cold air northerly strong winds are most common from November to March of the following year, followed by typhoon strong winds in summer, mainly from July to October, and low-pressure strong winds in late spring and early summer.
) C& X$ ?+ U/ M9 [- l1 }Key words:Zhejiang coastal strong wind; windy days; wind direction; climate characteristics; influence system
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5 l: b; B2 r4 S$ W$ h: e未来两天海洋环境预报
5 t( P6 l6 v) A. P7 s" i' ^预计明天,
. @, n0 K" G7 n. ~# o; L% |4 h渤海、黄海、东海西部有0.8到1.5米的轻浪到中浪;
& b  ^/ i$ L" Y, k, b2 n' |- K: _东海东部有1.5到2.3米的中浪到大浪区;
' {) A- L' ^7 w1 }9 w+ [* \钓鱼岛附近海域、台湾海峡、台湾以东洋面、巴士海峡有1.3到1.8米的中浪;' ]; s* J9 v/ q0 W1 s- D
南海有1到1.8米的轻浪到中浪;9 R" G- v3 o- D. p
北部湾有1到1.6米的轻浪到中浪。1 f4 O: N8 u+ F3 U  G. W8 @! a
) `/ \  D+ L  Q0 h9 f7 m东海东部将生成新的大浪区,浪高2到2.8米。
/ n1 a9 m& s3 c5 M# q9 s

+ c6 k* X+ L; d1 F                               
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- f6 s7 K3 v& x$ ^! g+ k7 s6月15~19日西北太平洋海浪数值预报5 F1 f$ z0 m' A, b+ ?2 [
$ k, n4 n+ e) z. r6 z预计明天,7 Z$ m- K$ i3 x  k5 b
9 D1 m+ n' M: U# l4 Z! u
2 s  {* M6 y3 h( s! ^* r0 V- O我国其他各美丽海岛附近海域都是轻浪,海况不错,非常适宜乘船出行和海岛游玩。5 S' B3 S- s( n) p6 s! l9 h9 w

0 m& g# P0 E6 p2 x. D7 i3 S" |美丽海岛是指以下的35个海岛:
! F& s" d, p# k! p% O8 L! n觉华岛、长山群岛、菩提岛、长岛、刘公岛、灵山岛、秦山岛、连岛、崇明岛、嵊泗列岛、岱山岛、东极岛、普陀山、大陈岛、玉环岛、洞头岛、南麂岛、嵛山岛、三都岛、平潭岛、湄洲岛、东山岛、钓鱼岛、南澳岛、万山群岛、川山群岛、海陵岛、南三岛、东海岛、涠洲岛、分界洲岛、蜈支洲岛、永兴岛、黄岩岛、永暑礁。: V0 P$ M4 B2 x! v" x, F" q
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