《海洋预报》| 南海大气边界层高度的气候特征研究


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南海大气边界层高度的气候特征研究6 a  G# L' f: N" d( V9 ]3 Y  c
全文请用PC端下载 地址:3 U! Q6 n' n# H, i5 J
9 y1 b) s, W/ r, J
! w) J, h- n( G! D; ~读书小笔记- `8 r9 C. d$ q/ P' [" L
作者:董议文1 李响1 张蕴斐1 王剑1 易侃2 姚佳伟1$ M' O$ j9 y' i
单位:1. 国家海洋环境预报中心 自然资源部海洋灾害预报技术重点实验室, 北京 100081;7 A1 I. G6 j/ Z
2. 中国长江三峡集团有限公司科学技术研究院, 北京 100038) X- G0 A9 ~; ^1 c' L
8 J* D+ ?( ?* g! L9 j9 b出版年·卷·期(页码):2023·40·第一期(79-90)
* X. t6 y; ~4 r- a/ c! _摘要:利用1979-2020年逐时的ERA5再分析数据,研究了南海区域大气边界层高度的气候特征及其影响因子。结果表明:南海区域平均大气边界层高度为500~800 m,空间上呈中间高、四周低的分布特征。南海大气边界层高度具有显著的季节变化特征,总体按照冬季、秋季、夏季、春季依次递减,日变化较小,大部分区域边界层高度的日变化幅度小于 300 m,日循环比较平缓。南海大气边界层高度显著的季节变化特征主要受海气温差、海表面风、感热通量、潜热通量和稳定度的共同影响。较大的海气温差和强风速使海表热通量增加,下垫面不稳定性增加,海气相互作用加强,湍流活动增强,导致秋冬季边界层高度较高。过去 42 a南海区域年平均大气边界层高度显著增高,年平均增高率约为0.8 m/a,且边界层高度变化存在显著的季节差异。海表面温度升高、潜热通量增加以及稳定度减小有利于边界层的发展,可能是导致南海边界层高度增加的主要原因。7 S! f# m4 Z2 j) I
关键词:南海 大气边界层高度 季节变化 日变化 趋势. U$ @! N. \3 f" V9 Y; [! [. {$ t7 l
Abstract:Based on hourly ERA5 reanalysis data from 1979 to 2020, the climatic characteristics and influencing factors of atmospheric boundary layer height over the South China Sea are studied. The results show that the average boundary layer height over the South China Sea is within the range of 500~800 m with a spatial distribution of higher in the middle and lower in the periphery. The boundary layer height over the South China Sea is characterized by significant seasonal variation, generally decreasing in order of winter, autumn, summer and spring, with relatively small diurnal variation. The diurnal variation amplitude of the boundary layer height in most areas is less than 300 m, and the diurnal cycle is relatively gentle. The significant seasonal variation characteristics of the boundary layer height over the South China Sea are mainly affected by the air-sea temperature difference, sea surface wind, sensible heat flux, latent heat flux and stability. The large air-sea temperature difference and strong wind speed increase the sea surface heat flux, and increase the instability of the underlying surface, and strengthen the air-sea interaction and enhance turbulence activities, leading to higher boundary layer height in autumn and winter. In the past 42 years, the annual average atmospheric boundary layer height over the South China Sea has a significant inceasing trend with the rate of about 0.8 m/yr, and there are significant seasonal differences in the variation of boundary layer height. The rise of sea surface temperature, the increase of latent heat flux and the decrease of stability may be the main reasons for the increase of boundary layer height over the South China Sea.7 K/ B  P' w' o8 H( Q) T
Key words:South China Sea; atmospheric boundary layer height; seasonal variation; diurnal variation; trend+ h8 }/ A& Q% g5 t

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9 @4 m1 J# m, H东海南部、钓鱼岛附近海域有0.9到1.3米的轻浪到中浪;. d2 a/ Y3 R# j
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4 Q4 ]2 J! x6 r黄海的大浪区减弱消失。
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4 f: n" q3 c9 P0 g' m# C$ ?4月10~14日西北太平洋海浪数值预报: o2 G- I8 Y- m% X" b& H4 {2 \( c
美丽海岛海域海况: }; [/ e/ Q& |( R* V" I) o/ x7 G! A
0 Q3 }( N/ {) K$ B! r3 Z5 d长岛附近海域有1.9米的中浪,觉华岛、长山群岛、刘公岛、灵山岛、嵊泗列岛、岱山岛、东极岛、普陀山、永兴岛、黄岩岛附近海域有1.3~1.6米的中浪这些海岛较适宜乘船出行;
$ l& w7 e7 m- r! i) x" }4 [我国其他各美丽海岛附近海域都是轻浪,海况不错,非常适宜乘船出行和海岛游玩。
6 P  Q: o" f- ]2 z; z; b美丽海岛是指以下的35个海岛:3 y5 P3 f8 j! G
觉华岛、长山群岛、菩提岛、长岛、刘公岛、灵山岛、秦山岛、连岛、崇明岛、嵊泗列岛、岱山岛、东极岛、普陀山、大陈岛、玉环岛、洞头岛、南麂岛、嵛山岛、三都岛、平潭岛、湄洲岛、东山岛、钓鱼岛、南澳岛、万山群岛、川山群岛、海陵岛、南三岛、东海岛、涠洲岛、分界洲岛、蜈支洲岛、永兴岛、黄岩岛、永暑礁。6 b8 ]* [5 W6 z& G8 ]: T
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