摘要:利用新建的中大温盐资料集、HadISST和ICOADS的逐月海温资料,对东海黑潮关键区30 a(1981—2010年)气候态海表温度气候特征进行分析,并利用SODA海表资料尝试找出海表温度变化的特征及原因。结果表明:在东海黑潮关键区范围内,1981—2010年海表温度整体呈现增温趋势,春冬两季增暖幅度最大,1997年是海温气候异常由负到正的转折点;利用SODA表层和次表层温度和海流资料分析看出,海表温度的增强主要是由经向平流增强带来的增温效应;此外,1 000 m以浅东海黑潮关键区1997年后比1997年前海水增暖系统更加深厚,500 m以浅东海黑潮主流区流速表层约每10 a增加0.6 cm/s,趋势随深度增加而减小,年际变化较显著且与ENSO变化周期一致,海表海温约每10 a增加0.2~0.3℃,海下100 m附近增速最大。 关键词:东海黑潮;海洋增温;海表温度异常;气候变化;海洋观测资料;经向平流
- N: D T: ?. \. D" [+ ~Abstract:Based on the monthly mean sea temperature dataset of the newly-built China Sea Ocean Observation database, HadlSST dataset and ICOADS, this paper analyzes the climatic characteristics of sea surface temperature in the Kuroshio area in the East China Sea from 1981 to 2010, and examine the characteristics of sea surface temperature variation and its cause using SODA. The results show that the sea surface temperature reveals an increasing trend with the maximum rate in spring and winter and with a transition point in 1997 when the sea temperature anomaly turning from negative to positive. The increase of sea surface temperature is mainly caused by the intensification of meridional advection. Moreover, the extension of sea temperature increase above the depth of 1 000 m is deeper after 1997 compared to that before 1997. The current speed in the sea surface increases 0.6 cm/s every 10 years above the depth of 500 m in the Kuroshio area in the East China Sea, which weakens with depth and shows significant interannual variation in accordance with the ENSO cycle. The sea surface temperature increases 0.2~0.3 ℃ every 10 years with the maximum rate near 100 m. Key words:Kuroshio in the East China Sea; ocean warming; SST anomaly; climate change; ocean observation database; ocean meridional advection ( c D& ^. B2 _, h8 I7 t
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