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The genomes of all lungfish inform on genome expansion and tetrapod evolution
/ `% `& F6 U# s! |8 U 报告人简介 & S8 O4 E! O9 [7 `9 n( }8 X
Axel Meyer 教授 " J: \- B! H5 K- O1 O
康茨坦斯大学 8 E# ?, V: [' v* O! D$ \+ q6 K
Axel Meyer博士,康茨坦斯大学动物与进化生物学系教授,入选为德国科学院院士、美国艺术与科学院院士、柏林-勃兰登堡科学与人文学院院士、欧洲科学院院士等,主要研究领域包括非洲慈鲷鱼(Cichlid fish)的进化特征,硬骨鱼类特异性基因组复制,脊椎动物的分子系统发育。当前Axel教授实验室被认为是国际顶级的基因组与进化生物学团队,在系统发育框架内的形态分化及其发育基础、种群和物种之间的遗传分化、基因和基因组的进化以及新基因功能的进化领域获得诸多重要进展,已在Nature、Scicnce、PNAS等顶级刊物上发表论文超过500篇,H-index 为131,是国际上最高引用(>66,000次)的进化生物学家之一,得到国际学术界的高度关注。
3 {8 K p4 q+ X1 F. O: N 报告摘要 # p3 R7 X5 M" v6 F+ X: y* U. E
The genomes of living lungfishes can inform on the molecular-developmental basis of the Devonian sarcopterygian fish–tetrapod transition. We de novo sequenced the genomes of the African (Protopterus annectens) and South American lungfishes (Lepidosiren paradoxa). The Lepidosiren genome (about 91 Gb, roughly 30 times the human genome) is the largest animal genome sequenced so far and more than twice the size of the Australian (Neoceratodus forsteri) and African lungfishes owing to enlarged intergenic regions and introns with high repeat content (about 90%). All lungfish genomes continue to expand as some transposable elements (TEs) are still active today. In particular, Lepidosiren’s genome grew extremely fast during the past 100 million years (Myr), adding the equivalent of one human genome every 10 Myr. This massive genome expansion seems to be related to a reduction of PIWI-interacting RNAs and C2H2 zinc-finger and Krüppel-associated box (KRAB)-domain protein genes that suppress TE expansions. Although TE abundance facilitates chromosomal rearrangements, lungfish chromosomes still conservatively reflect the ur-tetrapod karyotype. Neoceratodus’ limb-like fins still resemble those of their extinct relatives and remained phenotypically static for about 100 Myr. We show that the secondary loss of limb-like appendages in the Lepidosiren–Protopterus ancestor was probably due to loss of sonic hedgehog limb-specific enhancers.
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