南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(珠海)—澳门大学2024/2025学年联合培养博士研究生招生简章 - 海洋科学实验设施

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SML-Zhuhai-UM Joint PhD Programme Admissions for Academic Year 2024/2025

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Institution Profile

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7 W4 R$ W% I* T


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The Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Zhuhai), SML in short, is a provincial research institution sponsored by Zhuhai City. Aimed to be a world-class laboratory, SML is “government-owned and university-operated”, and allies with 41 domestic and international universities, research institutes and enterprises, based on the principle of “joint contribution, shared benefits and win-win development”, and adhering to the "three rounds" driven development strategy of serving "major national needs, international scientific frontiers, and local economic development".

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SML is located at the marine science complex on Sun Yat-sen university’ Zhuhai campus, with the space of its main building over 160,000 m2. Major infrastructures include an intelligent unmanned system research and training mother vessel, a large research and training vessel, a newly-acquired icebreaker, a world-leading supercomputer, and a suite of experimental facilities for ocean engineering. To strengthen its hard power, SML has established eight large-scale public platforms aimed to be “internationally first-rate and domestically leading”.

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Academician Chen Dake was appointed as the Director of SML, and Academician Su Jilan was appointed as the Director of its academic committee. SML currently has more than 100 of them being national high-level talents, which forms a powerful team steered by influential leaders and supported by energetic young scientists and engineers. 

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4 ]% G$ P( [: q1 A; c2 i

Founded in 1981, the University of Macau (hereinafter referred to as UM) is the only internationalised public comprehensive university in Macao, with a modern governance model. UM has established a strategic ‘3+3+3+3’ research blueprint, with the four ‘3s’ referring to three state key laboratories (State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine, State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI, and State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City), three emerging research fields (precision medicine, advanced materials, and regional oceanology), three interdisciplinary research fields (cognitive and brain sciences, data science, artificial intelligence and robotics), and three research platforms for the humanities and social sciences (Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Centre for Macao Studies, and Asia-Pacific Academy of Economics and Management). The university encourages interdisciplinary collaboration, especially the integration of modern technology in humanities and social sciences.

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8 o; i, B3 K2 R) H; {8 D u j; n

In order to implement the Outline of Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and promote the in-depth cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in higher education and scientific research, SML-Zhuhai and UM intend to launch a Joint PhD Programme (hereinafter referred to as the Programme). The PhD students enrolled in this Programme will be supervised under dual-advisor guidance, and these who accomplished the Programme requirements shall be awarded the PhD degree of the UM.

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4 g* U4 x5 K7 E' g* D1 k


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Enrollment Details

* ~. `5 @4 t% f, B6 F; K


+ e. l5 R2 w/ A, q# E# A8 H$ h

Enrollment Faculty and Department

$ E7 x0 _5 U' C3 C# m


" ~6 z e; F( t

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,

( m: O$ M$ F5 q: C$ H

Faculty of Science and Technology

$ g5 D5 `8 s4 b. u1 \0 v* U: X


9 B' Q- C, J+ R/ s+ M8 K

Academic Arrangement

* [# i0 D6 B0 H4 t5 X1 F; K


& `; d3 b/ N6 z$ j6 {


9 U F+ O6 e$ n p+ {5 o* v. v

Students have to study in UM for the first academic year and continue their Programme in SML-Zhuhai for the second to fourth year.

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3 g- m: w* T4 V/ j) n

Enrollment Plan

% A9 E- F: F1 W! t* _3 M1 C* Z


4 R5 R8 }' n- l' o2 e$ e

6 students.

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. z6 N) x7 S6 _# r) l9 M' \. {

Fees and Assistantship

7 Z: f6 o9 |+ A9 D. X

A. 学生须按照澳门大学相关规定向澳门大学缴纳含学费在内的相关费用;博士四年学费为澳门币150,000元,分八期缴纳;

2 P! j" z3 q' V9 `

B. 联培博士生第一年将获得每月12500澳门元的助学金,按月发放;

3 j8 W! f" z" b# g$ W

C. 学生第一年在澳门大学学习,第二年起赴南方海洋实验室进行科研学习。在南方海洋实验室学习期间,导师将按照南方海洋实验室相关标准为学生发放津贴。

9 u' G+ P! M* n' I4 T& E- S& o8 a- C

A. Students are required to pay tuition and other related fees to the UM. The Programme full tuition fees within normative study period are MOP150,000, will be charged in 8 installments.

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B. The UM PhD Assistantship provides each new recipient with a monthly stipend of MOP 12,500 for the first year.

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C. Students shall be required to spend the first year at UM and start their off-campus research at SML-Zhuhai from the second year. During the study in SML-Zhuhai, the assistantship will be granted in accordance with the relevant standard of the SML-Zhuhai.

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: Q% M6 v/ C/ b5 O0 d9 O6 `

Application Requirements

3 w* m0 ]1 I8 c! t9 v# `

A. 学历要求:硕士毕业生(应届毕业生需在入学前取得相应学位)及成绩优异并具有较强科研能力的本科毕业生;

?7 J! e8 j4 f" W4 x

B. 英语水平需满足下列条件之一:

+ `4 D" ^$ @* S( s/ _+ W

(a)托福* (TOEFL)纸考550分/网考80分以上;

- V0 \3 e Z/ Y( _+ j6 H

(b)雅思* (IELTS)总成绩6.0分及以上,且各单项成绩不低于5.5分;

3 g r5 g9 f1 _3 ]' K- {$ K2 \


4 w: r8 |' [5 e8 A; `


' t& J. y: e: u+ O' B


: ]7 i% N3 n" V: _" Q' P1 y

C. 详细申请条件及申请材料详见澳门大学官网:哲学博士及其他博士学位课程

! ?* `" d: t. F d3 k; s( ]

A. Education background: A Master’s degree or academic background recognized as equivalent by UM; or a Bachelor’s degree or academic background recognized as equivalent by UM, with outstanding performance and have demonstrated strong research ability.

: {/ |5 s! W. V3 T

B. English: Applicants have to fulfill English Language requirements with one of the following proficiency attainments:

5 y; Z4 z+ [2 ]+ p2 T

(a) TOEFL* score of 550 (paper-based examination) / 80 (Internet-based examination) or above,

+ d% E3 A' D, ~

(b) IELTS* overall score of 6.0 or above with no sub-score lower than 5.5,

: b0 e2 C D. i) I" @ v

(c) CET 6 score of 430 or above,

$ q1 b4 |% F5 r# a

(d) Applicants who received their Bachelor’s/Master’s degree from a university where the medium of instruction was English are required to provide a proof of English as the medium of instruction.

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*Note: TOEFL and IELTS scores are valid for two years from the test date.

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C. View website of UM PhD and Other Doctoral Degree Programmes for more details.

% G4 i8 \5 U6 A( _/ \, L- ? H


& R, A1 L: l6 e. ^& J

Application Process

: w% Z; e& G9 ?4 X0 x

A. 申请者确定符合申请条件后,参考附件1 2024-2025学年SML-UM博士生联合培养计划导师名单,选择有意向的配对导师并联系双方导师;

5 ? O! l: t5 e# r! F

B. 申请者填写附件2 2024-2025学年SML-UM博士联培项目学生报名信息表,提交至南方海洋实验室进行预报名;同时请登录澳门大学申请页面进行网上申请,网上申请流程请在文章下方点击阅读原文;

) r4 T" Y3 e) e& I S1 f

C. 报名截止时间为2024年2月29日;

& j4 y: E% M- U# S, c8 B$ v, P$ [

A. According to the Potential Supervisors list of Potential Supervisors list of UM-SML-Zhuhai Joint PhD Programme (2024/2025), applicants choose and contact the potential co-supervisor from both sides.

. @7 x- B% m% u% l6 M" q

B. Applicants should submit the SML-Zhuhai-UM Joint PhD Programme Application Form (2024/2025) to SML-Zhuhai for pre-application. Meanwhile, applicants should apply online through UM website. Click "阅读原文" below the article for more details. 

* d9 M+ Y/ ~3 T6 c; Z$ O

C. The deadline for application is February 29th, 2024. 

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Other Notes

I0 k4 |9 \8 X0 o/ r( c: U! N

A. 所有学历、学位、成绩、语言等信息务必保证其真实性,如发现作假行为,后果自负;

# E |& O2 r- N

B. 报名表及邮件主题请名为“澳大联培-申请人姓名”,发送至南方海洋实验室联系人邮箱;

9 `% a4 d1 X( j0 n/ f w5 e. ]& F

A. All information including education background, degrees, grades, and language must be guaranteed to be authentic. If there is fraud, applicants will be responsible for any consequence arising therefrom.

& {( ^. T6 ~0 X

B. The pre-application letter sent to the contact email of SML-Zhuhai should be titled by “UM Joint PhD Programme-Applicant’s Name”.

+ m" ~7 H, d+ l8 r s6 Z


9 l0 Q6 e2 S( Q7 F5 y# m/ J" c+ J

Contact Information

" B: T6 h5 t8 L8 b2 F

联 系 人(Contact):孙老师 Ms. Sun

7 K3 F. b) S3 v% ?


: n4 I* e7 |6 F }. d5 p4 ~


9 N+ M3 [% H3 n/ ]# ~: ?


' e) f6 I( ~2 o" C4 x. {8 S: ]5 t" s

文   案:南方海洋实验室

- |8 v7 Y c2 _- J: T

图   片:南方海洋实验室

- i; A% \, _9 K; x

编   辑:余文多

! r: ~6 X% C |: Z% e) G

初   审:盛   函

0 q; e' `% W- W# V2 [9 k

审   核:吴思铭

! z' q! b9 t2 W( q3 N7 U 7 |& Q' I- u# @# I3 h

审   定:刘   梅

3 F1 t* V) Z6 S: W: `. _% Q


, G! F% a3 m. V2 g5 H


0 b) u" [! g6 d. C+ I
6 _5 J6 q2 D/ }* J9 T

02-02  新闻速递

% O( |' S& E. J- Y5 e


) A/ c( \& Y4 V% s& ~
+ f* z% x, i3 L8 h" t

01-27  海外优青

1 r/ w: `0 c/ J


% S: g4 s; F) h' p
2 K0 ^8 T: N5 A' B" U& K" }2 a


X) d! W" y6 |, e2 y, N' v( h2 ^; ^4 m6 _# l 1 }# V4 M+ \+ P$ v8 a! g: `. {$ y3 K; Z" K v# S1 ] - h$ }) N% M! m* |" \9 Q

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