OCMA每周精选 | 探索海洋生态系统服务测绘方面的差距:基准分析 - 海洋生态系统服务评估

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文章发表于Ocean and Coastal Management 192 (2020) 105193

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Exploring gaps in mapping marine ecosystem services: A benchmark analysis

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original paper info

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图1  ESs映射的主要目的分析

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图2 多维缩放(MDS)结果

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图3 最佳方案与实际备选方案评级之间的平均距离

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图4  在映射研究中考虑的关键变量,图形的大小代表了变量作为标准的重要性

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We assessed the gaps between current and “model mapping routines”, which represent a benchmark for mapping marine ecosystem services (ESs). Model mapping routines comprised 17 selected variables and their best-rated alternatives depending on the mapping purpose, namely, marine spatial planning, environmental impact assessment, vulnerability and risk analysis, marine protected areas management, payments for ecosystem services, and natural resources management. We conducted a systematic search of articles (n = 64) from which information on the 17 variables and their alternatives was retrieved. We assessed gaps using similarity matrices, according to the co-occurrence index. The largest gaps (as measured by average distances >0.5 between actual and best options) occurred in articles reporting natural resources management as purpose, whereas the smallest were related to marine protected areas management and payments for ecosystem services. The gaps were due to departures in different individual variables. For example, in the case of marine spatial planning the omission of tradeoffs, scenario analysis, multiple scales, and threshold analyses explained the gap, whereas in vulnerability and risk assessment the omission of thresholds, the lack of consistency of the indicators used, and the absence of a definition of ESs explained the gap. We trust that this study will help to recognize that ESs mapping studies should be guided by the purpose of a given intervention rather than by the technical capacities and disciplines of the researchers, if the ESs approach expects to reach a real impact into public policies.

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Keywords: Ecosystem services;Mapping;Maritime spatial planning ;Marine ecosystems ;Best practices

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卞文韬 上海海事大学 硕士在读

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王跑跑 上海海事大学 硕士在读

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