通知 | 女海洋科学家分论坛——海洋探测与保护中的她力量三号通知 - 海洋科学家协会

9 x' Y) \) F* V& A& `: o


$ \1 |( i5 Z* n$ G

三 号 通 知 (中 文)

) r3 Z4 `/ v2 H; j. e


# c3 H$ h6 q' V' f, f7 M Q$ m


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焦念志  REIMERS Clare  苏纪兰  王  颖

: ]/ C1 t5 b! \" k1 J& P2 I


9 O2 H$ f2 K- f2 m


8 Z0 i( Q \# u' G+ ?1 i


& V; i' u/ Y1 U6 u3 L


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刘东艳  孙  珍 唐丹玲

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, A5 F- N/ Q( P5 K


1 @: e; c1 e( T


/ L: n3 l. h* J4 O( ~3 U# N7 N; \

秘书组成员:叶镕炜 唐立梅 陈安霞 叶佳维 郝美艳

) z, @5 G/ x0 o6 f4 x( t) H( I5 U


6 s+ S6 t5 @& _9 N5 c% r7 U" T


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/ l: O7 o, U0 t% j; q5 B r3 q

Women Marine Scientists Forum:

! X% U6 m- j; N$ F+ c( n

SHE ower in Ocean Survey and Protection

) A ^# q9 @4 V' Y" S

NOTICE NO. 03 (English)

4 Y5 ]$ `& |1 B+ o

Oct. 14th - 15th, 2023

$ n5 z+ Z1 K6 Z5 C* o

Shaoxing, Chin

# h+ h p9 b, p( {( [

1. Introduction

( T7 `6 H& Z, n6 W. s

The ocean is the cradle of life, a regulator of the climate and a treasure trove of mineral resources. It is directly linked to the sustainable development of human beings. Exploring and protecting the oceans is the mission of mankind, the current hot issue of global concern and the frontier of scientific research. From land to sea, from the Antarctic and Arctic to the mid-ocean ridges, from the Tibetan Plateau to the trench and the abyss, all the systems of the entire Earth are interconnected and interact with each other. In order to have a clean, vibrant and productive ocean, we must effectively protect the marine environment while using the ocean, and we must coordinate between land and sea and take action by all.

0 a' l# R# }. H: E

The Special Committee for Women in Science and Technology of China Association for Science and Technology is committed to building a platform for the growth and development of women in science and technology. In order to give full play to the role of women scientists in building a strong maritime power, the Second Institute of Oceanography, the Ocean College of Zhejiang University, China Women Scientists Association and the Peoples Government of Shaoxing Municipality are jointly organizing the "Women Marine Scientists Forum: SHE Power in Ocean Survey and Protection" in Shaoxing on October 14th -15th, 2023, as a parallel forum of the first World Conference on Women Scientists.

- N) y; x- I( J

The Forum focuses on the theme of ocean exploration and protection. We provide a platform for women scientists in related fields to communicate, discuss and cooperate with each other, so as to inspire ideas, share methods and experiences, make policy recommendations and conduct scientific popularisation. Through "Communication - Sharing - Mutual understanding - Recommendation - Action", we wish to promote the development of ocean-related disciplines, the growth of women marine scientists and the awareness of ocean development and protection.

/ A8 r: X. w# i! f& \3 y

2. Activities

: Y N$ g2 U4 ?8 ]0 c

(1) Science Popularization

. }9 k. K6 r' J3 m( w, Z9 ~% {

Description:Big Hands guiding Small Hands

1 V% S F$ f! o% u

Time:Afternoon, October 14th, 2023

7 Z7 _% A5 c9 c% o. w, U

Location: Outdoor, Cao’ejiang River

( R1 c4 r9 @, t7 u" p4 J3 t0 ?

Participants: About 20 women scientists, together with ~20 primary school students. 

% c4 p ^7 j9 Z

(2) Women Marine Scientists Forum

- G, s7 U7 N" m1 V9 N

Theme: SHE Power in Ocean Survey and Protection

; p. S$ U* Y% M; @5 g

Time: October 15th, 2023

* {, a' b. H' _2 b5 Q, T

Location: Sheraton Shaoxing Shangyu (No.1001 Jiangxi Road, Shangyu District of Shaoxing, Zhejiang)

& `4 I3 F& @3 B: `

Description: Distinguished women marine scientists as well as outstanding young women marine scientists will be invited to give keynote speeches, invited talks and panel discussions. Renowned academicians and experts will be invited to lead discussions and give comments. Young students are welcome to prepare posters and participate. Excellent posters will be selected and awarded.

' |2 M2 t v& O1 b, ^

3. Organization of the Forum

2 u) G* f: g5 g& `' _


' W/ q3 ]% a0 X c) k( _, k4 l' K

China Association for Science and Technology (CAST)

2 W6 Q% Z W! m

The People’s Government of Zhejiang Province

( G+ s y. X f6 j0 ?) l


. O- j4 l3 ~, {5 J

The Special Committee for Women in Science and Technology of CAST

2 X! [ T$ ?" P8 f" M" |+ f/ S


$ ~# }7 p+ c: g* B2 F, Z

Second Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR)

- x& I% Q: B9 o, m0 W* T

Ocean College, Zhejiang University

) q/ \1 k- i5 E& `' e8 x* T

China Women Association for Science and Technology (CWAST)

- ^( u" ~* I4 B% r0 }# z


+ R1 D+ e: U( z1 Q8 N

The Peoples Government of Shangyu District of Shaoxing 

) r4 Y6 D2 T# N) J* z7 q

Shaoxing Association for Science and Technology

' d' D5 E, H! z0 L8 ~


# L' C; e) `& |0 A

Zhejiang Women Association for Science and Technology  

) Z5 m3 P; x+ V

Hangzhou Women Association for Science and Technology

+ X. y3 \( ]/ d! x

Shaoxing Women Association for Science and Technology

# P9 q3 r5 k$ y, A

Committee of Women Geoscientists of Zhejiang Geological Society

: n& J# v/ m. M% t* Q

Organizing Committee

+ P8 K6 Y! k) [# \$ s; r+ W: e

Chair: HAN Xiqiu

+ k8 b, b) p. M @* q4 F

Executive Chairs: LIU Dongyan, SUN Zhen, TANG Danling (in alphabetical order)

+ i/ b% k+ Y' f0 {$ h4 b; W2 B! q

Secretarial team

5 ~9 R0 E+ ?! r) d3 e

Secretary-General: TONG Mengmeng

, X7 j# |. z, q o* P T: d3 A

Deputy Secretary-General: YANG Limei

! ~+ j- x3 _7 m9 W; D

Secretaries: YE Rongwei, TANG Limei, CHEN Anxia, YE Jiawei, HAO Meiyan

/ ?3 w' X5 }: }- k7 U6 d3 O' t5 H

4. Schedule

; ^$ n( M/ s* P$ z) y+ E- d% X

6. Contacts

, ^0 B, _; ~/ l% P6 Y. A

Tong Mengmeng,18858160402,

% x1 S! h! G2 x$ N; E% p


6 E. r# T. |) h; M

Chen Anxia,15842462062,

# J! @; X O: Y; w' N+ c+ q0 I


: Y% `# Y" }7 j! m- z


- F& `/ g* }) w6 i


5 z! {" y) M) ^+ Q" S 2 z4 U, z: e8 L L8 j( E


0 f1 O5 r8 c- M1 f" N K+ Z$ W7 l


! x( p4 X) L2 ]" c, j: j , v- e* \( F7 x1 E3 R g% p. j' Y- s& `6 c+ B1 H' N ' b, U7 m! c( Z3 ^9 }( A 1 R- i1 t- Q, z

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