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* f+ ~5 j5 t. ]6 B 联合国“海洋科学促进可持续发展十年(2021-2030)”
1 Y) b0 ~' b1 R8 f, m$ d “海洋与气候无缝预报系统”大科学计划项目办公室 4 ?) u1 a. ~+ w9 h" @
全球招聘公告 联合国“海洋科学促进可持续发展十年(2021-2030)”(简称“海洋十年”)“海洋与气候无缝预报系统”大科学计划项目办公室现面向全球招聘工作人员。一、机构介绍“海洋十年”由75届联合国大会批准实施,被称为第三个千年伊始的、“一生一次”的全球顶层海洋科技倡议,旨在推动海洋领域形成创新性的科学解决方案,促进海洋、气候和人类社会的可持续发展。根据实施计划,“海洋十年”行动分为大科学计划(Programme)、项目(Project)、活动(Activity)和捐助(Contribution)四个层级,设置不同的审批权限。其中,大科学计划是全球性或区域性行动,具有关注全球海洋重大科学问题、实施周期长、多国参与、跨学科、投入大等特点,其科学优先级最高,申请、组织和实施的难度也最大。“海洋与气候无缝预报系统”大科学计划(Ocean to climate Seamless Forecasting system, 简称OSF)由自然资源部第一海洋研究所牵头、欧洲科学院院士乔方利领衔,于2022年6月正式获批为联合国“海洋十年”行动。OSF大科学计划以解决“海洋十年”的第五、第六和第七项挑战为目标,旨在跨越从目前的7天预报到数月短期气候预测之间的预报“盲区”,与国际合作伙伴共同推动海洋与气候预报能力的大幅提升。目前,OSF大科学计划下设8个项目,形成了覆盖50多个国家的70余家海洋与气候科研机构和5个国际组织的全球伙伴关系网络。2022年11月,OSF大科学计划办公室(简称OSF办公室)正式成立运营,主要工作包括:1.负责OSF大科学计划与国际海委会、“海洋十年”协作中心以及各大科学计划之间的沟通与联系,保证OSF大科学计划内部各项目之间及时有效的沟通与交流;2.推进与国内外科研机构就海洋观测技术、海气耦合理论、先进预报模式等领域开展合作;3.负责OSF科学计划的实施并支持OSF咨询委员会(Advisory Board)、科学指导委员会(SSC)和项目(project)等的工作;4.加强青年科学家能力建设;5.维护并建立与相关国际项目和组织的伙伴关系;6.发布国际海洋与气候研究领域最新科研动态和成果。请登录OSF大科学计划门户网站(www.osf-un-ocean-decade.com)获取更多信息和最新动态。二、招聘岗位信息OSF大科学计划办公室全职工作岗位包括执行主任、项目主管和行政助理。根据工作需要,现面向全球招聘项目主管1名,具体情况如下:工作职责协助OSF首席和办公室执行主任推动海洋观测、模式发展和模式诊断等相关工作,主要职责如下:1)协助OSF首席和办公室执行主任,推进与国内外科研机构就海洋观测技术、海气耦合理论、先进预报模式等领域开展合作;2)负责与OSF大科学计划内部各项目之间的沟通与协调;3)负责组织海洋与气候模型测试,分析模式数据并撰写测试报告; 4)协助组织与筹办国内外会议,参加会议并撰写会议记录等;5)完成项目首席和执行主任委派的其他工作。应聘条件1)拥有海洋科学、大气科学、计算机科学及相近学科的硕士及以上学位;2)具备出色的编程能力和海洋与气候模式运行及检验能力,能够使用Python和Fortran等编程语言进行数据分析和图形制作者优先; 3)具备国际合作或科学项目管理的工作经验者优先;4)具备出色的英文沟通能力及书面表达能力;5)为人诚恳、严谨、有责任心,具有良好的团队合作意识和独立解决问题的能力,出色的沟通与协调能力,以及优秀的多学科和多文化理解力;6)能经常赴国内外出差。用工形式与薪酬福利该岗位实行劳务派遣制,年薪介于25-35万元之间(包含个人及单位缴纳的各项社会保险、医疗保险、住房公积金、劳务派遣管理费和防暑降温费),根据应聘者的能力和经验确定。三、工作地点OSF大科学计划项目办公室位于青岛国际合作中心(山东省青岛市黄岛区金沙滩路598号)。四、应聘方式符合条件的应聘者应于2024年5月10日24:00前将中英文版个人简历和求职信(包括应聘理由、岗位相关工作基础和工作计划等内容)、中英文论文及代表作,以及本硕博期间的学历学位证书扫描件(应届毕业生提供就业推荐表扫描件)、获奖证书扫描件和工作履历方面的证明材料,以RAR压缩包形式作为附件发送至邮箱:osf@fio.org.cn。压缩包文件名须为:申请岗位-姓名。OSF办公室将对申请人进行资格审查,通过初选者将安排中英文双语面试。如有任何问题,请咨询赵老师(+86-532-88961760)。We are Hiring!The United Nations’ Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), also known as the Ocean Decade,is a global initiative aimed at promoting innovative scientific solutions and sustainable development in the ocean, climate, and human society. The Ocean to climate Seamless Forecasting system (OSF) Programme is an international collaboration involving over 70 research institutions from more than 50 countries and 5 international organizations. The OSF Programme builds on very recent observational and computational breakthroughs. OSF’s vision is to advance scientific understanding of the ocean-climate nexus, provide seamless forecasting, and serve effective ocean management, and its goal is to dramatically improve our forecasting capability for the ocean and climate.The OSF Office, established in November 2022, is responsible for communicating and coordinating among the OSF Programme, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission(IOC), the Decade Coordinating Centre (DCC), and other Programmes. The Office also promotes institutional collaboration and supports the work of the OSF Advisory Board, Scientific Steering Committee, and projects. In addition, the Office organizes capacity building activities and maintains relationships with relevant international projects and organizations.Read more about the OSF Programmeat www.osf-un-ocean-decade.com.One vacancy is available at the OSF Office.1.Project OfficerResponsibilities:Assist the Principal Investigatorand Executive Director in promoting related work such as ocean observation, model development, and model diagnosis, with the following main responsibilities:1)Assist the Principal Investigator and Executive Director to cooperate with Chinese and international scientific research institutions in ocean observation technology, ocean-atmosphere coupling theory, advanced forecasting models, etc.2)Communicate for and coordinate OSF projects.3)Organize model tests, analyze model data, and write test reports.4)Assist in organizing and preparing Chinese and international conferences, attend meetings and write meeting records.5)Other tasks assigned by the Principal Investigator and Executive Director.Qualifications:1)A masters or above degree in marine science, atmospheric science, computer science or related disciplines is required.2)Excellent programming skills and experience in operating and verifying ocean and climate models are desirable.3)Experience in international cooperation or scientific project management is desirable. Programming abilities with Python and Fortran are preferred.4)Excellent English communication and written expression skills are required.5)Be honest, rigorous, responsible, have good teamwork spirit and ability to solve problems independently, outstanding communication and coordination skills, as well as excellent interdisciplinary and multicultural understanding.6)Able to travel frequently at home and abroad.Salary: 16,000-22,000 yuan/month (pre-tax) determined on the applicants competencies.Work Location:Qingdao, ChinaApplication:Qualified applicants are supposed to submit theApplication Form, resumes in Chinese and English, and cover letter (including reasons for application, work experience, work plan, etc.), Chinese and English copies of papers and representative works, as well as copies of academic degrees from bachelors through doctoral levels (scanned copies of employment recommendations for graduates), award certificates and proof of work history. All documents should be submitted in RAR format and sent to: osf@fio.org.cn by May 10, 2024.
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信息来源:联合国“海洋科学促进可持续发展十年(2021-2030)”“海洋与气候无缝预报系统”大科学计划项目办公室 ; ^; w0 b8 d0 M# t5 F
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