) D! C9 K5 c/ B* i/ j7 y 本文来自 海洋知圈 , \' c/ ^( A/ d- O, r3 ?
(ID:ocean_circle) a( u2 Q. u o" x# g% X0 u9 m
生态海岛 蓝色发展
& z! p3 a6 `7 g& c2 R4 A6 r; b- C! p1 T$ p% J( n, P- i
2022年11月9-10日,以“生态海岛 蓝色发展”为主题的中国—岛屿国家海洋合作高级别论坛在福建平潭召开。来自中国及太平洋、加勒比和印度洋地区的10多个岛屿国家和相关国际组织代表,以及中外海洋管理部门、科研机构、高校的代表和专家学者180余人通过线上线下相结合的方式参加论坛。
* l1 G' ?! {1 |0 {4 u; a2 n( [ 为落实联合国可持续发展目标,践行全球发展倡议,深化中国-岛屿国家海洋领域合作,深度参与联合国“海洋十年”计划,论坛通过并发布了《海岛可持续发展倡议》,旨在探索建立蓝色伙伴关系,推广基于生态系统的海洋治理模式,增强海洋灾害应对能力和海岛发展韧性,推动海洋科学赋能海洋政策创新,推动可持续蓝色经济发展,提升可持续发展能力建设水平。 4 v. f( Q4 F1 ~- N* O0 {
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海岛可持续发展倡议 8 W$ J! S1 v4 s) R7 L
Initiative on Island Sustainable Development
/ P$ m0 x, p" w/ @ 中国·平潭
* E1 A4 s; q, `4 |2 d! s- v7 V1 | 2022年11月9日
4 N2 j9 g% v' r. G$ n8 S 我们,来自中国和岛屿国家的代表,于2022年11月9日以线上和线下的方式相聚在中国平潭,出席主题为“生态海岛 蓝色发展”的“中国—岛屿国家海洋合作高级别论坛”。
. T$ C. v- T+ D/ y( _$ q& X We, the representatives from China and Island Countries, gather in Pingtan in hybrid form, to attend the China-Island Countries High-level Forum on Ocean Cooperation bearing the theme “Ecological Islands, Blue Development” held on November 9, 2022 in Pingtan, China. 3 w2 h, {% [/ y4 f# M! y; G7 R- K
" P( @0 C: _1 y' Z* V We review the "Pingtan Declaration" adopted at the China-Island Countries Ocean Ministerial Roundtable held in Pingtan, China on September 21, 2017. We highlight the positive progress made in areas including marine spatial planning, data and information sharing, exchanges of knowledge and experiences, and the establishment of joint marine observation stations, laying a good foundation for Blue Partnership.
5 K% X. r4 @, N$ r8 A6 N4 n$ E+ o: J/ v 我们认识到在新冠肺炎疫情对世界经济社会发展造成破坏性影响的背景下,实现联合国2030年可持续发展目标,特别是保护和可持续利用海洋资源,促进海洋可持续发展等目标方面,我们有着共同且紧迫的关切。 * f) h5 T- T! V" }
We take note of our common urgent concern in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, especially those related to the Goal 14: conservation and sustainable use of the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development, in the context of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on world economic and social development.
1 B- [( T5 D/ x/ [* r, _ 我们注意到全球发展倡议(GDI)与岛屿国家所奉行的战略和政策密切相关,有必要利用这些联系,为实现更强劲、更绿色和平衡发展的共同目标做出贡献。 ; z! I& A) p- K( @ {" Q J
We note the linkages between the Global Development Initiative (GDI) and strategies and policies pursued by island countries and acknowledge the necessity of leveraging the linkages to contribute to the shared objectives of more robust, greener, and balanced development.
$ s3 w& s: \) g8 O 我们强调中国与岛屿国家之间的密切合作,将会加快落实联合国海洋科学促进可持续发展十年(2021-2030)。
5 v8 ?; m+ C7 C! R" c/ b) R We highlight the great potential of closer collaboration between China and Island countries in speeding up the implementation of the UN Decades of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030).
8 L( d8 M7 c9 P8 m P/ L 我们赞赏中国—岛屿国家海洋高级别论坛机制,愿继续秉持“相互尊重、平等合作、互利共赢”的原则,助推海岛地区可持续发展。 $ ?0 k1 O: J: b# F. y; [5 N6 ?6 e) j$ P
We value the cooperation mechanism provided by the China-Island Countries High-level Forum on Ocean Cooperation and remain committed, based on the principle of mutual respect, equality, and win-win cooperation, to promote island sustainable development.
* k7 v y' p7 O# i 为促进各领域务实合作,推动构建蓝色伙伴关系,共建“海洋命运共同体”,我们将达成如下共识: 2 O7 ?, P8 q9 k$ {8 L; p2 `# N
In order to deepen marine cooperation in areas of shared interest, and explore the opportunity to establish Blue Partnerships towards the " ocean community with a shared future", we achieve the following consensus.
* e) q1 z! s0 R6 G' @( ?8 v# R 一、探索建立蓝色伙伴关系。充分发挥各级政府、区域组织、研究机构和其他利益相关方之间的合作潜力,以互信、平等和尊重为基础,充分考虑各方优先事项和需求,推进实现可持续发展,使蓝色伙伴关系造福沿海社区和居民,成为促进变革、创新和福利的强大推动力。
, [% l, C" M9 W3 r. D; X I. Establish the Blue Partnership.We tap into the potential of collaboration among governments, regional organizations, research institutes, and other stakeholders at all levels. Based on the principle of mutual respect, equality, and win-win cooperation, and accommodating the priorities and needs of all parties, we forge the blue partnership that delivers benefits to the coastal community and residents and catalyzes the collaboration, innovation, and transformation. ! `) s( j4 V* d+ B" F& h0 W
二、推广基于生态系统的海洋治理模式。各方努力评估、养护、保护、管理并可持续利用海洋及其资源,研究和实施各项基于生态系统的管理战略,探索将基于生态系统的治理方案融入“低碳”“零碳”海岛建设,守护我们共同的蓝色家园。 1 m Y, z5 f2 @! w/ y
II. Promote ecosystem approach in ocean governance.We strive to assess, conserve, protect, manage and sustainably use the ocean, seas, and its resources, implement the ecosystem approach and incorporated it into the "low-carbon" and "zero-carbon" islands development with a view to protecting our blue homelands.
8 @: D1 o9 Y4 U% m) v+ B 三、增强海洋灾害应对能力和海岛发展韧性。以中国—太平洋岛国防灾减灾合作中心海洋防灾减灾分中心为主要平台,推动开展海洋观测预报、科学调查、生态监测和风险评估、共建海洋观测站点、生态减灾、海平面上升风险评估、灾害应急处置、灾害风险管理研究和防灾减灾教育等方面的合作,增强海岛发展韧性。
9 O5 e# {0 L5 w' |4 ~ III. Scale up the coastal disaster response capacity and resilience. Taking the Marine Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation affiliated center of the China-Pacific Island Countries Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation Cooperation Center as the main platform, we deepen cooperation in marine observations and forecasting, joint survey, ecological monitoring and risk assessment, establishment of joint marine observation stations, environmental disaster risk reduction, risk assessment on sea level rise, disaster emergency response, disaster risk management research, public education on disaster prevention and mitigation, to enhance the resilience of island development. " z3 U0 G, ~% D* }; s! [ v" {
; y* V) Z% H5 L) {- ]4 V IV. Empower science-informed marine policy. Science, technology, and innovation are indispensable drivers of sustainable development. We support the implementation plan of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) (the “Ocean Decade”) and consider developing a specific action plan on Ocean Decade for China and island countries. We encourage the knowledge sharing and application of marine scientific and ecological achievement to strengthen the role of science and knowledge in sustainable development and improve ocean literacy in coastal communities.
+ h' f% [# S. [4 w- }8 E 五、推动可持续蓝色经济发展。提升海洋科技创新和成果转化水平,推进海水淡化、海洋可再生能源、海洋生物医药等新兴产业的发展,推广海洋能与绿色养殖融合发展模式,优化产业结构,创新融资工具,发展包容、普惠、可持续的蓝色经济,实现后疫情时代的经济复苏与持续增长。
, D6 U' {5 t! T' Y$ u$ Y V. Promote the blue economy.We intensify efforts in marine scientific and technological innovation and commercialization, boost the development of emerging industries including desalination, marine renewable energy, and marine pharmaceuticals, and promote the integration of aquaculture and renewable energy systems. Through optimization of the industrial structure and innovation of financing tools, we develop an inclusive, universal, and sustainable blue economy to shore up and stabilize economic growth in the post-pandemic era. ' I% k) O9 {& M/ ]
, e5 G: ]! O \5 A2 ~6 a VI. Improve capacity-building for sustainable development.We strive to enhance capacity-building by organizing workshops and seminars and greater collaboration among universities, academies, and institutes. We encourage young oceanographers from island countries to apply for the Marine Scholarship of China and other programs to pursue further studies on ocean disciplines in China. We emphasize the importance of collaborative action to conserve and sustainable use of marine resources towards the island sustainable development. 9 S X& G6 ]0 Y
海洋资讯(2121)| 保护海洋生态系统的“熊猫”!我国将打造全球首个国际红树林中心 7 q: Z6 L( n0 C6 d! c9 C# w4 q2 H
海洋资讯(2120)| 加快建设海洋强国是中国式现代化的必然选择! ) V( Q( z+ d" C. H3 F& k% s7 [, K
海洋资讯(2119)| 海洋赤潮灾害监测进入“快速”时代 1 Z# Q3 j$ c' S) ~# P
: s( n# W [# n1 I* t
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来源:自然资源部海岛研究中心 9 {( [# f% P/ f1 k0 P
转载编辑:黄菲 0 Y- q4 `0 y& k) {2 ?
初审:曾瑛 $ N+ |0 \! r k3 K! {3 N
) \; w& i1 t$ j' V2 ]9 l 审核发布:李春荣返回搜狐,查看更多
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