OCMA每周精选|基于深度学习方法的海洋污染法规知识图 - 海洋污染法规执行

4 k* x5 R# T3 [! e+ T


8 L4 Y" e8 E5 }' O2 K


/ X+ T2 Y' I4 N. G% H


Ocean and Coastal Management 242 (2023) 106679 ( m4 g; G u* i


" v5 A+ k# ~3 q6 g0 _


1 J8 v3 }6 ~2 y/ k* m) h. n


Knowledge graph for maritime pollution regulations based on deep learning methods / M' L. \$ \3 O* F2 U* l


: ?6 g2 D. Y" r$ h


# r* d; x, f: S1 F$ ]


. [( L0 @$ ?' n5 T2 M) R* h


- f$ B) v, w% R


2 _0 q4 P: R: d2 s7 ~


2 N I5 ~1 |' ^* G0 ~8 W$ s: w2 ?; O

8 d" U) Z* d3 m( c' e) `

图1 图形摘要

; c' }6 C% Q7 T# ~, i, [

图2 实体-关系三元组的整体组合图

& W; h8 O9 @& U0 A' z

图3 BERT-MCNN模型的体系结构和嵌入层的细节

5 C* D6 X( [5 g% l& O1 S

图4 PCNN和VCNN模块的详细架构(A部分为PCNN模块,B部分为VCNN模块

# Q+ u2 w9 }& w* k: y, N

图5 在Neo4j中存储一个三重的结果(部分)

+ G- W$ r8 o; B' \

图6 石油记录册的子图(第二部分)

6 ]1 h9 ?* T q% Q* |

图7 油清单和油子图

) ^" H' x: Q. a: ~# y

) x5 ^: f$ _" O3 A9 A2 A2 K$ O


- z6 w0 ~2 R$ d5 H, a

j- D4 q1 r. X2 J% E


; o. U! g' M% F6 J! G( e9 ] + O0 {% Z# ]7 f, `9 P- Z

; y6 b! [5 }# s1 a3 [0 z

表1 数据集中包含的规则

8 Z0 o1 b- f$ p# Z0 f l1 K. k

' r# z/ }2 n1 e* ?" B

表2 本实验的参数设置

: I5 b7 p" H3 ]& ]9 @5 ~7 b

% m0 x- [6 Y) I, l# w

表3 对不同模型的MRE的结果

2 h& ]0 `7 _6 O3 \5 b5 _% b" e# S 7 h* U# i; a, w" U, j

" n( w: a: z" m7 r' J: D/ G% K

表4 不同模型的NER结果

- i" R! b$ j3 K8 W5 c 4 c8 ~9 \) e2 P* S


Pollution prevention in the shipping industry has attracted the attention of government authorities globally. Ameticulous Port State Control (PSC) inspection is an effective way to prevent pollution from ships. PSC in spections involve a variety of regulations, but currently lack effective methods to utilize these regulations to support making swift and effective decisions for maritime pollution prevention management at the frontlines.The present study developed a deep learning knowledge extraction model, the Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers -Multiple Convolutional Neural Network model (BERT-MCNN), to extract needed information for frontline management from the maritime pollution-prevention-related laws, regulations, rules, and conventions in China. The results revealed that the maritime pollution prevention regulation knowledge graph can be formed based on the deep learning methods, with a precision of 92.4% and 92.7% for multi-relation extraction and named entity recognition, respectively. The knowledge graph formed by the extraction results is applied based on the graph database Neo4j, which can effectively provide knowledge queries and assist PSC officers in decision-making at the inspection scene. The method proposed in the present study can be applied to analyze the regulations for pollution prevention in China and support pollution prevention inspection.- v( w: }% U; O; ?( h1 S


Maritime pollution preventionDeep learningKnowledge graphMulti-relation extractionNamed entity recognition% U0 }3 _1 J9 I# g/ ?


V" m F% {. Q) E0 Y$ U& U2 s, C, u


% g! n) C6 w5 l. s' [


- L8 m. J% Q% j$ e

官宣!Ocean & Coastal Management 最新Aims & Scope

7 x& k8 @6 R9 f0 J

关注!Ocean & Coastal Management 是SCI /SSCI双检索期刊

: t1 n- J y1 v8 y. E+ c/ k

Call for Papers on the Special Issue in RSMA

# N( i: i# t& |! k/ h9 |


( d& T# H8 T" \7 i. u

深圳大学研究生 姚俊屹

" p2 q1 `, U. K( |4 P


# c1 \7 y$ E! @8 k+ L- k4 S# G ! }6 C. U8 ^3 X5 l, Y! G. w # Q/ m5 |1 S- t

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