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参与塑料循环行业全面重建 / Q+ x! G- V) B
2020年10月15日,亚特兰大–全球领先的安全科学公司UL与致力于减少海洋塑料污染的领先社会企业OceanCycle正在进行合作,以统一与海洋塑料相关的行业标准,提高标准的透明度,并开发海洋塑料市场。作为各自行业的领导者,两家公司将利用其在海洋塑料回收和认证方面的专业知识来加强围绕社会影响和再生塑料第三方验证的标准。这些努力将提高制造商和购买者对产品所用材料的信心,并提高收集的海洋塑料的社会影响的可信度。 9 U, ]1 k# G; {$ L
ATLANTA, October 15, 2020 – UL, a leading global safety science company, and OceanCycle, a leading social enterprise focusing on reducing ocean plastic pollution, are collaborating on initiatives to align industry standards related to ocean-bound plastics, promote transparency of the standards, and develop the marketplace for ocean-bound plastics. As leaders in their respective industries, the companies will leverage their expertise in ocean plastics recycling and certification to strengthen the criteria around social impacts and third-party validation of recycled plastics. These efforts will result in increased manufacturer and purchaser confidence in the materials being used in products and additional credibility of the social impact of collected ocean-bound plastics.
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UL和OceanCycle将海洋塑料定义为消费后塑料废物,它们尚未到达海洋,但由于缺乏正式的废物管理和靠近海洋,因此有进入水道的风险。根据海洋保护与皮尤研究中心的数据,每年有超过1100万吨的塑料进入海洋,到2040年,这一比率估计将增加两倍。UL和OceanCycle的主要重点是预防,因为80%至90%以上是预防的海洋塑料起源于陆地,一旦进入水中,就很难对其进行回收。通过收集海洋塑料废物并在其进入海洋之前进行回收,公司和市政当局可以增加社区的收入,减少海洋塑料污染并追求更循环的经济。 ( H% B* Q7 ?8 N7 d4 d2 n) O
Ocean-bound plastics are defined by UL and OceanCycle as post-consumer plastic waste that has not yet reached the ocean but is at risk of entering waterways due to a lack of formal waste management and proximity to oceans. According to the Ocean Conservancy and the Pew Research Center, each year, more than 11 million metric tons of plastics enter oceans, and that rate is estimated to triple by 2040. UL and OceanCycle’s primary focus is on prevention because more than 80-90% of ocean plastic originates on land and it’s difficult to recycle material once it has entered the water. By harvesting ocean-bound plastic waste and recycling it before it enters oceans, companies and municipalities can increase incomes for communities, reduce ocean plastic pollution and pursue a more circular economy. " F8 o( h% U, L; Z
作为协议的一部分,UL和OceanCycle将努力调整各自的标准以公开共享,并创建一个框架,在其中可以对这些标准进行评论和评估。作为此过程的一部分,两家公司还将努力加强对社会影响的评估,审核的执行,并努力为市场提供更大的透明度。UL和OceanCycle还将与行业合作伙伴合作,以认可该标准,并合作改善由海洋和海洋塑料制成的塑料的市场准入,从而帮助公司在其产品中识别和使用更具可持续性,负责任的再生材料。 - c% q y6 l1 n# Q& a
As part of their agreement, UL and OceanCycle will work to align their respective standards to be shared publicly and create a framework where those standards can be commented on and evaluated. As part of this process, the companies will also work to strengthen the evaluation of social impacts, performance of audits and work to provide greater transparency for the marketplace. UL and OceanCycle will also work with industry partners for recognition of the standards and collaborate to improve market access to plastics made from ocean and ocean-bound plastics, helping companies identify and use more sustainable, responsible recycled materials in their products.
$ Z) _" O& D- c Alberto Uggetti说:“随着对再生塑料的需求持续增长,海洋和海洋塑料有可能成为再生成分的极好来源,其附加好处是减少了我们水道的污染并产生了积极的经济影响。” UL环境与可持续发展部副总裁兼总经理。“ UL很高兴与OceanCycle合作,提高对再生塑料标准的认可,并增加这些塑料的市场准入,这有助于发展循环经济。” # F, [: e& H9 |
“As the demand for recycled plastics continues to rise, ocean and ocean-bound plastics have the potential to be an excellent source of recycled content, with the added benefit of reducing pollution in our waterways and making a positive economic impact,” said Alberto Uggetti, vice president and general manager of UL’s environment and sustainability division. “UL is pleased to work with OceanCycle to increase recognition of standards for recycled plastics, and increase market access to these plastics,which aids in the development of a circular economy.”
5 x9 r/ E9 J. s: ~2 a3 @1 ^- @ OceanCycle联合创始人罗伯特·古德温(Robert Goodwin)表示:“我们成立OceanCycle的目的是提高海洋塑料的透明度和可追溯性,并帮助制造商和品牌商做出更好,更可持续的塑料选择。“我们认为这种透明性将有助于推动公司对沿海地区收集的材料的需求达到解决问题所需的规模。我们很高兴能与UL合作,以其诚信和信任而著称。这项工作将帮助我们为希望解决海洋塑料问题的公司和消费者提供更大的信心。” * D' B5 r# v5 p5 F" W
“We started OceanCycle to provide more transparency and traceability on ocean-bound plastics and to assist manufacturers and brands in making a better and more sustainable plastic choice, said Robert Goodwin, co-founder of OceanCycle. “This transparency is what we believe will help drive the demand from companies for material collected from coastal communities at the scale required to address the problem. We are excited to have work with UL, known for their integrity and trust. This effort will help us provide even more confidence to companies and consumers looking to address the ocean plastic problem.”
" f; {$ @' c q0 z UL在努力减少全球废塑料方面发挥影响,并通过制定标准,以促进在所有类型的产品越来越多地使用质量和安全回收塑料的该地址性能,可持续发展和演变到了至关重要的作用ddress社会问题,新技术。要查看经过验证的塑料环保声明,请访问SPOT.UL.com。 要查看性能测试和认证信息为塑料,参观了UL产品的iQ数据库。
* D% w( ?: f/ d UL plays an essential role in efforts to reduce the impacts of global plastic waste and to foster the increased use of quality and safe recycled plastics in all types of products by developing standards that address performance, sustainability and that evolve to address social issues and new technologies.To see validated environmental claims for plastics, visit SPOT.UL.com.To view performancetestingandcertificationinformation forplastics,visitthe UL Product iQ database. ' C s9 J, q& C& T+ @
关于UL 2 S9 q! l3 N! T2 L
UL通过应用科学来解决安全,安保和可持续发展方面的挑战,帮助创造了一个更美好的世界。我们通过安全地采用创新的新产品和技术来增强信任。UL的每个人都拥有使世界变得更安全的热情。从独立研究和标准开发,到测试和认证,再到提供分析和数字解决方案,我们所有的工作都有助于改善全球环境。企业,行业,政府,监管机构和公众都信任我们,因此他们可以做出更明智的决策。 7 R& i1 S) m( F7 q$ u
About UL 0 c( E0 G+ d6 Z2 P; }$ E+ p
UL helps create a better world by applying science to solve safety, security and sustainability challenges. We empower trust by enabling the safe adoption of innovative new products and technologies. Everyone at UL shares a passion to make the world a safer place. All of our work, from independent research and standards development, to testing and certification, to providing analytical and digital solutions, helps improve global well-being. Businesses, industries, governments, regulatory authorities and the public put their trust in us so they can make smarter decisions. To learn more, visit UL.com. ) J7 m, n0 }' d) o }9 g9 e5 ~
关于OceanCycle C$ y5 @; H1 n4 l3 s9 f, ?
8 u: g9 S4 {/ s) _$ w. O About OceanCycle
; u+ [& l! o4 e3 l% a- ]# A, I( ]1 Q$ l OceanCycle is a community-driven organization creating solutions at scale to end ocean plastic pollution. OceanCycle works with a network of partners to create sustainable and profitable recycling practices by driving demand for recycled material and providing turnkey solutions to manufacturers. Their focus is on putting an end to new plastics in the oceans by 2030.
7 v8 ~- E1 v' w' n From:https://www.ul.com 9 h ]/ x# N9 j: }4 Q( X. |8 E
CPRRA与UL合作 " l+ k7 k5 H: ]+ V q
将在中国推动海洋塑料认证、再生塑料含量认证 " a, B: q) {+ Z9 f
3 |) v5 Q% C' l! M- ^0 L3 l, n
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