% F1 h8 h( i6 C. F5 a4 W7 Z 随着地球上人口的增加,我们努力为所有人提供食物、水、住房、能源、交通、基础设施和医疗保健,导致消费激增。但事实上,消费和温室气体排放的增长速度已远远超过了人口本身的增长速度,这或许表明了人类生存条件的整体改善,是以牺牲环境保护为代价。& Y2 j5 H; X% I7 N) J/ C/ F4 _
温室效应引发的气候变化能最直接地让人感受到人类活动给地球带来的负面影响。这一现象的背后是人类燃烧大量的煤、石油、天然气等非再生化石燃料,由此释放出的气体与自然界中的碳、氮、硫循环相抗衡,进一步破坏大气中CO2和其他温室气体的稳定状态,使得海洋中的温度、pH值和pε值发生变化。除此以外,人类生产氮肥磷肥带来的营养物污染也造成了广泛的沿海缺氧和低溶解氧条件。这些问题最终都会严重威胁海洋生态系统的健康。 Figure 1. 由于燃烧化石燃料、全球变暖和海洋富营养化对地球上的元素循环造成大规模破坏而导致的稳态和主变量的整体变化示意图& T6 d; b. [. O" j- k) J
来自美国爱荷华大学的Jerald L. Schnoor教授是SKLMP杰出学者讲座系列的第一位受邀演讲嘉宾,他在第一期杰出学者讲座上论述了自己对“气候变化与海洋”话题的见解(点击回顾讲座)。 Figure 2. 人类活动影响着海洋的主要变量,温度、pH值和pε值。这些主变量控制着海洋的物理、化学和生物过程,如分层、环流、氧溶解度、冰融化、海平面上升和氧化还原过程。
& F0 K, L% M/ z% `6 ?! C1 q0 @ 今年4月,Schnoor教授与其团队在ACS Environmental期刊上就相关主题发表了一篇内容更加丰富详实的综述论文,题为“气候变化与海洋:稳态和主变量的重大破坏”。文章呼吁环境科学家在气候变化领域应发挥领导作用,政府和国际组织也应推行更多有关陆地和海洋环境保护的法规,以阻止当前世界范围内生物多样性的不断丧失,为地球创造一个更加可持续的未来。 M1 s$ E. ?- N1 L$ b7 a
The negative impact of human activity on the planet is most directly perceptible when climate change is triggered by the greenhouse effect. Behind this phenomenon is the burning of large quantities of non-renewable fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas, which releases gases that rival nature’s elemental cycles of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur, further unbalancing the steady state of CO2 and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and causing changes in master variables, namely temperature, pH and pε values in the oceans. In addition to this, nutrient pollution from human production of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilisers has led to widespread coastal hypoxia and low dissolved oxygen conditions. These problems ultimately pose a serious threat to the health of marine ecosystems. , } I" X, j0 c& f% ?' t0 m% x2 a
Prof. Jerald L. Schnoor from the University of Iowa was the first invited speaker in the SKLMP Distinguished Lecture Series, and he presented his insights on the topic of "Climate Change and the Ocean" in the first Distinguished Lecture.
3 A5 u1 t: x i In April this year, Prof. Schnoor and his team published a more detailed review paper on this topic in the journal ACS Environmental, entitled "Climate Change and the Ocean: Major Disruptions in Stability and Main Variables". The review calls for environmental scientists to take a leading role in the field of climate change, and for governments and international organisations to promote more regulations for the protection of the land and marine environment so as to halt the current loss of global biodiversity and create a more sustainable future for the planet. >>>>
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