: T: B& S5 r3 \) u( U( B E2-K03 . w2 N9 v O: Y, t
" b1 \) B! \, p5 B ROWE TECHNOLOGIES INC. - W- x8 U0 S( w/ q- x% `/ |
- V ^2 `8 x9 f) n* y* r 上海泛际科学仪器有限公司(Pan-Comm)是美国RTI公司的声学多普勒流速剖面仪(ADCP)在亚太区的总代理,也是亲密的合作伙伴。RTI的ADCP是由世界上第一台ADCP的发明人Francis Rowe创立的,目前产品销往全世界各国,主要应用于中小河流的流量监测以及海洋环境的监测项目,目前已经为许多的水文单位和科研院所提供了优良的解决方案。 4 X' O- X* S1 n; Z5 L2 P$ l: M
Pan-Comm除了负责产品在亚太区的销售工作,软件的开发工作也是在中国完成;RTI的ADCP测流软件DP-Pro是世界上首款中文软件,具有自主的知识产权,并且已经申请了软件专利。值得一提的是,用户可以根据自己的需求来订制软件,更加的便捷化和标准化。 3 d6 w: r( t% b# b0 D+ B1 |5 ?
Shanghai  an-Communication Scientific Instrumentation Co.,Ltd is the general agent and close partner of RTIs Acoustic Doppler flow profiler (ADCP) in the Asia-Pacific region. RTI ADCP is built $ A+ W4 L8 `8 W( d1 n7 {
by Francis Rowe who is the worlds first inventor of ADCP, the current products are exported to countries around the world, mainly used in the rivers flow monitoring and Marine environmental monitoring project, has been for many hydrological users and scientific research institutes provide excellent solutions.Pan-comm is not only responsible for product sales in the Asia-Pacific region, but also for software development in China. RTIs ADCP flow measurement software DP-Pro is the worlds first Chinese software, with independent intellectual property rights, and has applied for software patents. It is worth mentioning that users can customize the software according to their own needs, making it more convenient and standardized.
+ X' U: |9 N! g3 u8 ~ 产品图片: 8 {. u7 c5 m/ ~6 K! x
& h0 B7 r7 I) e1 E+ Q' x 英文:Acoustic Current Sediment Profiler,型号:ACSP1 8 |: S/ r' _% f0 x% o
中文介绍:河道流量以及含沙量的测量,具有自记功能,设备内存达到32GB,可安装在河床边或者桥墩上。 " b- \; l6 B; [' g1 c: X9 ^
英文介绍:Measurement of river flow and sediment concentration, with recording function, device memory up to 32GB, can be installed on the riverbed or bridge pier. + K: ]5 I0 b/ v1 Y: q; e. I) u
! p# `) i% e. B7 c$ D$ k! i 英文:Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler,型号:RS1
2 }( E5 `6 a. T- |0 {* i 介绍:河道流速以及流量测量,具有自记功能,设备内存达到32GB;工作频率1200KHz、2400KHz以及600KHz三个频率中组合在一起,主要适用于浅水低流速的水文环境,可根据河道深度自动切换单元尺寸,工作频率,采样间隔等,可自主供电也可接外部电源,测量精度:±0.25%±2mm/s,流速分辨率达到0.1mm/s。 ( Z1 m, I9 U S# ], v
3 z* Y) _0 ]+ b) [. a3 d River flow velocity and flow measurement, with self-recording function, equipment memory up to 32GB;Working frequency 1200KHz, 2400KHz and 600KHz are combined together, mainly suitable for the hydrological environment of shallow water with low velocity, can automatically switch unit size, working frequency, sampling interval, etc., according to river depth, can be independently powered or connected to external power supply, measuring accuracy:±0.25%±2mm/s, and the velocity resolution reached 0.1mm/s.  / r6 ~. S* P8 e: A9 I% R0 C
- }2 x. }( z/ ]# x9 m 英文:Doppler Velocity Log,型号:SeaPILOT
+ M3 h' B1 ~" b) b1 F 介绍:主要应用于AUV以及ROV,水下潜器的导航,个体小巧,便于安装,底跟踪精度:±1%。 " t5 P1 Q1 H, {, J0 O: H. ~& c
英文介绍:It is mainly used for navigation of AUV and ROV, water submersible, small in size, easy to install, bottom tracking accuracy: ±1%. 4 E: i/ h/ w ~0 I8 C' d/ V! k5 ?
, w. v* \- _2 A# x- v2 ^/ [9 k3 p 英文:Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler,型号:SeaSURVEY
4 j# e+ A( A* ~* }* s3 ~ 介绍:用于大型船舶、科考船等,安装在船舶底部,用于实时流速数据的采集,最多可获得1100米的剖面流速。 * g# [! I7 u% m- t
英文介绍:It is used for large ships and research ships, etc. It is installed at the bottom of ships and used for real-time velocity data collection. The maximum velocity of profile can be 1100 meters. O' T$ ^9 c: B: G7 [! d7 |, ?
联络方式: m; M8 ?+ ?0 V+ F! {* k3 K
Add/地址:上海漕河泾开发区松江高科技园莘砖公路518号11号楼701室 ( V) N# E+ ~" Y& a$ Y
Postal Code/邮编:201612 / j! @" s" Y; B, h; d* n
Tel/电话:021-34060911 9 N4 v! I5 m5 {6 s4 L% d: Z9 w6 h
Fax/传真:021-57736883 E-mail/邮箱:misky@pan-comm.com2 h/ C3 x( ~, a; t0 c7 N: P
; J1 B2 d; Y5 Q7 t! m
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