第十届南海年会(SCSAM 2023)投稿延期通知


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# t2 N% f& N1 h
- R" Q/ m% W9 R4 j8 IThe Local Organizing Committee (LOC) would like to announce that the abstract submission deadline has been extended toJuly 30, 2023.
- U8 z' \6 `% VAbstract Submission Timeline
! p# {  K1 |. F* ^/ C  m; \
    1 T( F9 h8 Q" j! U

  • : |! B2 I2 k) G8 |2 h/ q0 }Jun 1-Jul 30, 2023: Abstract Submission
    ' n" w% j) t* x3 F, z
  • ) _8 M" f+ N- k' }4 @4 _
    Oct 15, 2023: Scientific Program Posted1 h! S* A4 K7 E0 e# h1 Y! a

6 {9 w3 }1 y% L0 b" J: c8 S! B+ BHow to Submit Abstract: u- O: K& X- _" E
Please submit your abstract through website https://melmeeting.xmu.edu.cn/scsam/  W: ~( o+ Y. _) @3 b
by July 30, 2023. If you have any questions, please contact the session conveners or secretariat of SCSAM 2023 via email at scsam2023@xmu.edu.cn.
" ~  ]- e( ^* CTheme of SCSAM 2023* p* N( q" O9 [& E" A1 `- l
The South China Sea under Climate Change: Multi-scale Dynamics and Their Ecological and Environmental Effects
6 W. |% h( ?0 [2 t) A) ^8 {! mSessions and Event
  ?/ j" |' o% y- n- lSessions
; y! U0 t- \5 c8 U. I9 ^/ h$ `9 y1. Air-Sea Interaction and Climate Variability
( F- Z$ y* {7 `0 hConveners:- V* b( E6 p' z" m
Prof. LIN Xiaopei (Ocean University of China) and Dr. HAN Lei (Xiamen University Malaysia), Y5 {4 d" |& g6 k$ j, N' K9 H
2. Multi-scale Dynamical Processes in the Ocean$ ]$ ~/ {& x/ g7 n* z
7 r2 }5 n2 p/ R& bProf. LIU Zhiyu (Xiamen University, China) and Prof. XIE Lingling (Guangdong Ocean University)/ y" O, r6 K) D" U$ |
3. Extreme Weather Events and Their Environmental and Ecological Effects
  z9 ]0 y5 b) J4 N/ e) pConveners:6 R& F2 b2 }+ B" V
Dr. WANG Yuntao (Second Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources), Prof. WANG Guihua (Fudan University), and Prof. CHAI Fei (Xiamen University)
# y7 ?" K' V' i4. Coupling of Marine Biogeochemical and Dynamical Processes) _+ I; U3 {& Q
Conveners:& a  p, _# X* K/ z1 j
Prof. CAO Zhimian and Prof. LUO Ya-Wei (Xiamen University). ~5 R" D- r" x7 Z
5. Coastal Wetlands and Coral Reef Ecosystems' Response to Global Change$ ~5 P6 S5 Q" r" I2 N$ ]
- S; r( V# n0 X; B! r& pProf. CHEN Luzhen (Xiamen University) and Dr. CHEAH Wee (University of Malaya)
0 ?$ G# Z% T% ?- z8 T6. Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence Oceanography
$ J  o6 Q0 \- R- s+ xConveners:
8 t. M/ F1 D1 ~; J, S! xProf. DONG Changming (Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology) and Prof. SHANG Shaoling (Xiamen University)% n9 I4 [4 S; h5 G+ ]" M
( t' I' }+ k9 L  ?' T' R: h8 vEarly Career Forum
: V) u" [' K  `% \. H* UConveners:( i& {+ ^5 ?, e5 ^; _+ |( Y* |  a$ h
Dr. LIN Wenqiang, Dr. YU Xiaolong, Mr. WANG Zhixuan (Xiamen University) and Dr. WANG Chuanyin (Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Zhuhai))+ W. [! W. I& d  U+ ~4 {% D. m
Who can participate?; U9 d" p) i* E% f& F
Postdocs and graduate students.
& g6 J2 a7 j1 P0 b+ O0 h& T8 {: s; eBest Presentation Award+ ?) p# |* @9 t- z) U5 \) K. S
To encourage young scientists to present excellent studies at SCSAM 2023 the Best Presentation Award is given in recognition of the best oral presentations presented at Early Career Forum. Best oral presentations will be selected by the review committee from the Early Career Forum. A First Prize winner will receive a prize of 2,000 MYR prize, two Second Prize winners will each receive a prize of 1,200 MYR and three Third Prize winners will each receive a prize of 600 MYR. Results will be announced during the Closing Ceremony on 5 November 2023.; u3 A3 h" s! t. Q. P( a8 u6 n
Financial Support! o! X' E! U" Q3 O' ]
0 X" ?' U, ~  n( L
SCSAM 2023 aims to encourage high-quality abstracts and foster greater diversity at the meeting by offering registration fee waivers to eligible individuals who require financial support. Please apply through SCSAM 2023 website https://melmeeting.xmu.edu.cn/scsam/
0 y9 W/ u. j* d3 D. f+ ORegistration Fees
& i& W, z# o1 c" c" @3 W, P# {Regular: 2000MYR | Student: 1000MYR
3 n8 W6 e% Q, Y! U3 pOrganizers  i2 U( H2 q0 ]- I

    , R" |  Y$ ]4 }2 Q, L0 [  k

  • ! U. e+ D! C$ t% qState Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University- ^  R  ~5 l* J& T9 S- P
  • ( Q1 t! K+ ^6 u6 w9 d! k- \: k
    College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University
    # P) ?( d3 F6 d" z* G
  • ' X+ p" Q- h' m4 ?9 l) K: m/ Z
    China-ASEAN College of Marine Sciences, Xiamen University Malaysia3 X# U) ]7 k. ?1 U/ t( E, L/ r
( O8 Q0 [3 U* y5 T: @6 G  ]
Co-sponsor$ M% q% a& k3 n0 T' U
COASTAL-SOS (A project endorsed by United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development):
, j$ n: W4 ], Q. {4 n4 p0 p) wCoastal Zones Under Intensifying Human Activities and Changing Climate: A Regional Programme Integrating Science, Management and Society to Support Ocean Sustainability* }, ]* y$ _4 P9 p; w0 g- T
Organizing Committee of SCSAM: R: h7 ?- j: a& V( _# A
Co-Chairs:! i/ ?8 e) {- t  o) e) v
ZHENG Quan’an, HU Jianyu, LIN Mingsen, QI Yiquan
/ e) x6 m7 Q9 P' G( G$ }- X0 jMembers (Alphabetical order by surname):- H0 @) s9 H0 U
CHAI Fei, DONG Changming, GAN Jianping, GUAN Yuping, HO Chung-Ru, HU Jianyu, HUANG Ruixin, JING Zhiyou, LIANG Xiangsan, LIN Mingsen, LIN Xiaopei, LIU Zhiqiang, LIU Zhiyu, PAN Aijun, PAN Jiayi, QI Yiquan, SONG Jun, TIAN Jiwei, WANG Dongxiao, WANG Guihua, WEI Zexun, WU Chau-Ron, XIE Lingling, XU Hongzhou, XU Jie, ZHENG Quan’an
. t4 U/ p+ E4 E" ^4 i2 r/ Q# B& }Local Organizing Committee6 h! e* h+ d8 X
Chair:LIU Zhiyu2 h2 b0 c$ p& D
Members:SHI Dalin, CHAI Fei, HU Jianyu, LIM Phaik Eem, SHANG Shaoling, CAO Zhimian, LUO Ya-Wei, HAN Lei, LIN Hongyang8 J" F! y5 Y* ?
Background2 m) j9 L) a6 _1 ^* k' f8 J
The South China Sea Annual Meeting (SCSAM) is a series of international academic conferences that are organized voluntarily by scholars engaged in ocean science research in the South China Sea and its adjacent sea area. The Organizing Committee of SCSAM coordinates the event and selects host institutions. The first conference was hosted by Xiamen University in 2013, and nine successful events have been held since then, hosted by Guangdong Ocean University, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the First Institute of Oceanography of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Hohai University, the Institute of Deep-Sea Science and Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fudan University, Guangdong Ocean University, and Jiangxi Normal University.
9 x! a6 {9 c2 r$ F4 p( PThe South China Sea Annual Meeting 2023, the 10th annual Meeting, is hosted by the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (Xiamen University), the College of Ocean and Earth Sciences (Xiamen University), and China-ASEAN College of Marine Sciences (Xiamen University Malaysia) with the agreement of the Organizing Committee of SCSAM.- z; `% z9 h* }: ^: W$ j8 s
Important Dates  }! y5 l6 E& m$ v$ l
Jun 1, 2023:Abstract Submission Begins8 H0 X. {8 H8 d- X
Jul 30, 2023: Abstract Submission Closes
+ x6 D3 e# r3 ~8 }4 e; HOct 15, 2023:Scientific Program Posted
2 n0 k+ B0 Z: z- t+ N7 I# g3 ENov 3, 2023:Early Career Forum8 E) p% h0 s3 D
Nov 4-5, 2023:South China Sea Annual Meeting
( O2 l- L8 D+ J6 ?! Q! g& WNov 6, 2023:Xiamen University Malaysia Campus Tour
+ z( P* ?5 ]4 w2 b$ t! UContact
+ }( r4 D, O3 n5 USecretariat of SCSAM 2023
1 F4 c8 [/ n" V1 _! h5 m/ _& rMs. HUANG Ying (Coordination)
6 c( h+ W. I8 }Mr. ONG Soon How (Registration & Logistics)
# c2 D  s1 T% o, B1 x% Z  DMs. WANG Guanfei (Visa)( g" t5 j& {" V) G$ S4 F0 n
Email: scsam2023@xmu.edu.cn8 q6 N! R7 s5 h+ G1 Y; }2 b
Tel: +86-592-2181571/ +603-8705-5208* x7 E* D. Y" P  E7 B9 e
<ul><li id="1V6EP3ME">: R  }1 u# ?2 e, j5 Q1 ^

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* l6 G4 ^8 ^. O! A* B- ~/ ~# ]9 [% }. v7 ^
<li id="1V6EP3MF">: {. w! p# o2 E5 r2 k9 M4 k
" S$ _* f& a4 V5 r, S6 V# b
信息来源:近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室。) T2 ?* ]/ f( U- |2 i

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