海洋科普 | 海洋空间利用

1 v$ p, U) D! y. y& {+ i2 _  c" s! i
7 w' ~7 O& S) U/ }; G# m5 w* V 随着世界人口迅速增长,陆地空间显得越来越拥挤,海洋空间的开发利用问题越来越令人关注。那么海洋空间利用方式有哪些呢?2 x5 X0 [; M$ T( y* b: W
& }4 a$ B  F* B As the world’s population grows rapidly and land space becomes more and more crowded, the exploitation of ocean space is a growing concern. What are the ways of ocean space utilization?; [) n$ n3 |% C( u
海上运输, z, u! ^# G. \1 D- L2 u  G

: h  m" G# h( f0 N0 r$ m# r 海上交通运输包括海港码头、海上船舶、航海运河、海底隧道、海上桥梁、海上机场、海底管道等。海洋交通运输的优点是连续性强、成本低廉,适宜对各种笨重的大宗货物作远距离运输,如粮食、矿石、石油等。缺点是速度慢,航行受天气影响较大。
' G* G9 U5 U4 q2 M Marine transportation
$ B4 P- p) N2 l. f, R7 X Marine transportation includes seaport terminals, marine vessels, navigation canals, submarine tunnels, marine bridges, offshore airports, submarine pipelines, etc. The advantages of marine transportation are strong continuity, low cost, and suitability for long-distance transportation of various bulk goods, such as grain, ore, oil, etc. But its speed is slow and the navigation is affected by the weather.
. x; M! R% E+ P! J  K: v1 Q) F 海上城市和海上机场+ A7 f1 a2 D% d% u

5 V# b  ^% ?  n0 y0 n: b 海上城市是指在海上建立的具有新城市机能、新交通体系的大型居住区,可容纳几万人。世界上已建成的最大海上城市是日本神户人工岛见人工岛。海上机场是把飞机的起降跑道建筑在海上固定式建筑物或漂浮式构筑物上的机场。如日本的长崎机场、英国伦敦的第三机场等。( n& f& s; y0 B" X5 h0 A4 ], g% k
Maritime cities and offshore airports ; t$ b3 _- a$ M; g7 c; h# [7 y  m
A maritime city over the sea is a large residential area with new urban functions and transportation systems established over the sea, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people. The world’s largest city over the sea is the artificial island of Kobe in Japan (as shown in the picture below). Offshore airports are the place where the runways for landing and takeoff of aircraft are built on fixed buildings or floating structures at sea, such as the Nagasaki Airport in Japan and the London’s Third Airport in England.
; R2 A$ F/ n& S% L1 \' n7 y
+ P6 P/ [& K- ]0 e
+ p$ i( R7 Q, O. k

7 @6 n- p# ?( G; M0 {

# I& c7 E/ m& `# q) t4 f* @

* ~0 N. u3 r9 Z3 H; ?, c

. c" G. @# W6 `8 |                               
4 U' _5 r* j4 W& J8 K  X7 p3 Z2 A

9 o3 ~( W% |7 D
1 @0 i" G7 b% b' R- c0 D8 f% m' c/ H

# l& B9 r. l% C& b: U6 C+ c2 ?
$ d$ U! s' m& a! Y+ g
6 S/ i% Q' F) Y& C) j+ L  ]5 @1 V1 L  S
7 r1 z+ b$ y+ t( r+ q 海上工厂是把生产装置安放在海上漂浮的设施上,就地开发利用海洋能的工厂。日本建有日处理垃圾达 10000 吨的海上废弃物处理厂以及日产 5000 立方米淡水的浮式海上淡化厂。
& B+ Y' J8 `# h Offshore plants$ n0 H3 e: L, y4 t8 h1 {, C
Offshore plants can utilize ocean energy by placing production facilities on floating facilities in the sea. In Japan, there is an offshore waste treatment plant that treats 10,000 tons of waste per day and a floating offshore desalination plant that produces 5,000 cubic meters of fresh water per day.. @% }. D/ d( n6 L/ A
8 X% n( y2 Q0 ~7 g+ h" P0 D5 B9 u3 F( L
- D7 G9 n# D9 r( {6 g& x

9 h' A4 ]2 Z) _; F: |& v9 R" ~

- j6 p4 s7 Y) O! F
/ p% F9 O0 S9 ^

  X) M  \, k$ d: Y/ d                               

& q; A3 u. `4 N# q5 p; J* K0 U

0 |& f+ c5 k% V7 f8 ~
5 x# Z" f5 X. S/ b7 M' L$ V7 T* m6 t

( p5 Z9 [7 K  u4 g% A7 p
5 p( @  Y; T7 _0 i9 k  {海底隧道
- }9 E- ^9 L& e# N% w% ^2 K1 j8 `& B+ e: N0 E' E- y5 [5 l  s
海底隧道是在海峡、海湾和河口等处的海底之下建造沟通陆地间交通运输的交通管道。海底隧道不妨碍水上船舶航行、不受大风大雾等气象条件的影响。世界上著名的海底隧道有日本青函隧道和英法海峡隧道等。4 l: t4 p0 q0 K& L& Z
Undersea tunnels, w- B$ @2 h& Y- s0 c. Y
Undersea tunnels are transportation pipes built under the sea in straits, bays and estuaries to communicate with land transportation. Undersea tunnels do not hinder the navigation of water vessels and are not affected by weather conditions such as high winds and fog. Some of the world’s most famous undersea tunnels include the Seikan Tunnel in Japan and the Channel Tunnel connecting England and France.- @- _, V1 V  G! ~+ w: D' S7 T
+ j4 ?! h- H  |0 _9 Z' `+ u$ d0 {# _% p: G. h2 d
海底军事基地是指建在海底的导弹和卫星发射基地、水下指挥控制中心、潜艇水下补给基地、海底兵工厂、水下武器试验场等用于军事目的的基地。美国、苏联修建得最多。9 e$ A; f, {3 ]3 v1 m
Undersea military bases
! P9 D' g6 a& I! C3 \1 {Undersea military bases are built under the sea for military purposes such as missile and satellite launch bases, underwater command and control centers, submarine underwater supply bases, underwater arsenals, and underwater weapons test sites. The United States and the Soviet Union have built the most undersea military bases in the world.1 t# k- c$ D& @6 y8 G
+ H1 w& {0 F" T! m, t2 R7 u5 h4 E- @/ M2 A) D: n
4 v  `' j8 Y8 \/ Z" nCommunication and power transmission space0 I0 T! @) h, q
Communication and power transmission space is mainly submarine cables. Communication cables include intercontinental submarine communication cables across the oceans and communication cables connecting land and offshore facilities; power transmission cables are mainly used for power transmission between offshore buildings, oil platforms and land.$ V/ {3 k8 Y5 @' U$ o3 {4 H1 H% f* L
储藏空间& u" A9 Q" C/ t* O# f

  M8 y7 `* ^0 R# W8 {储藏空间方面,有海底货场、海底仓库、海上油库、海洋废物处理场等。利用海洋建设仓储设施,具有安全性高、隐蔽性好、交通便利、节约土地等优点。, |7 [9 z+ M) H2 q( S5 L
Storage space
5 J4 l: H* b8 _; M; E# IFor storage space, there are submarine cargo yards, submarine warehouses, offshore oil depots, marine waste disposal sites, etc. The use of the sea to build storage facilities has the advantages of high security, good concealment, convenient transportation and land saving.
" g# ~# y# `" r) R/ e文化娱乐设施空间
, ?9 P8 y$ t- M& D+ a$ x1 y
' l' N6 B$ S$ I; B文化娱乐设施空间包括海洋公园、海滨浴场和海上运动区等。随着现代旅游业的兴起,各沿海国家和地区纷纷重视开发海洋空间的旅游和娱乐功能,利用海底、海中、海面进行娱乐和知识相结合的旅游中心综合开发建设。
9 \; r: G9 o1 t; I2 zCultural and recreational facility space- m" n9 C  L% N# w, c
Cultural and recreational facility space includes marine parks, seaside bathing areas and marine sports areas. With the rise of modern tourism, various coastal countries and regions have attached importance to the development of tourism and entertainment of marine space, and the whole sea has been utilized to comprehensively develop and construct tourism centers combining entertainment and knowledge.

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