南安普顿大学(Soton)辅导|管理(Management) - 海洋资源管理计划

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南安普顿大学(英文名:University of Southampton),勋衔Soton,世界百强名校,英国顶尖学府,英国皇家授勋大学,英国罗素大学集团创始成员。

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Risk Management(风险管理)

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MA Global Media Management(全球媒体管理)

1 C7 n0 m s; k! L6 _* F0 x( C

Marketing Management(营销管理)

& e1 P0 Z, q5 }& s* ?

Marine Resource Management(海洋资源管理)

; \, P0 Q+ h! E* R

Management Research Programmes(管理研究计划)

: g6 V% A$ v5 j' c! U& {9 @


# o0 _. L" C8 V8 m" E3 ~; I, j

Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care(健康与社会关怀的领导和管理)

+ S! G+ y$ Y. l; g( B

Knowledge and Information Systems Management(KISM)(知识和信息系统管理(KISM))

' r, P9 {# ^, H" z6 K8 c

Human Resource Management(人力资源管理)

0 g& w1 v: @0 z7 E% d

Geo-information Science and Earth Observation for Environmental Modelling and Management(GEM)(地理信息科学和地球观测环境建模与管理)

0 S$ l r* v1 T, g* L

Film and Cultural Management(电影和文化管理)

! C6 l# I6 Y+ o0 Z2 E4 M% Y

Environmental Management Programme(环境管理方案)

5 l3 q3 u+ t& W7 L

Education Management and Leadership(教育管理与领导)

* ~# Z0 y0 g7 @% P1 m! T( `

MA Design Management(设计管理)

2 Y3 z$ q. R! }( V; R, S

Business Risk and Security Management(业务风险与安全管理)

2 V$ i) w" J5 D6 i! X6 o9 Y; `

Business Analytics and Management Sciences(BAMS)(业务分析和管理科学(BAMS的))

! s! x+ ^! V% y [" ]8 d- ^

Accounting and Management(会计和管理)

! s [1 ^% R! \2 J: `" U! ~

Coastal and Marine Engineering and Management(沿海和海洋工程与管理)

* F1 D+ V. ?; ? X# J8 v3 ]

Leadership and Management Health and Social Care(领导和管理健康与社会关怀)

8 T' n- a& W8 {/ g. d$ W

Business Strategy and Innovation Management(商业策略与投资管理)

3 T: q, D" L9 l5 g$ H8 c y6 i( l) H' k* G2 b1 X) }& q1 N; H/ A, m& R7 B

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