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9 n8 S- g. E& b F D& y 渤海海域海上观测站逐时气温和气压的质量控制分析
3 u- t: |7 k# {# S( s* Y8 b3 h1 Q v 全文请用PC端下载 地址: " {: H+ J! [" h/ j, }* J- b
+ d: U6 u2 L2 I, B, k http://www.hyyb.org.cn/Magazine/Show.aspx?ID=3487
* d( k( H9 i& x7 T& r 读书小笔记
( a+ c+ |2 L. I" b) `( h" M$ I2 t: {: w 作者:王敏1 2 徐梅1 年飞翔1 任建玲1 黄纯玺1 郭阳1 勾志竟1
& P* g. R: {! `) r7 B 单位:
# w& a% `0 H( E$ M6 G
- {0 C- {% M( U9 A" f 1. 天津市气象信息中心, 天津 300074; 2. 广东省韶关市气象局, 广东 韶关 512026
" B& ~' g" M; w" ?- t6 T/ Y& l! y/ Q ? 分类号:P732.1 9 _5 b$ x3 A* m
出版年·卷·期(页码):2023·40·第三期(97-103) " L% C7 Y- d- O! e# j: |( }& S* y' L
+ B z A# R; t" |) l 关键词:质量控制 逐时数据 海上观测站 气温 气压
# U7 f i; _1 V$ F' M Abstract:To effectively advance the quality of marine observation data, quality control analysis are applied to the hourly air temperature and pressure observations from 19 marine stations in the Bohai Sea in 2019. The quality control methods include maximum-minimum checking, climatological changing range checking, internal consistency checking, temporal consistency checking and spatial consistency checking. The results demonstrate that: the data quality of the observed pressure is better than that of the observed temperature, data availability rate of hourly pressure is above 99% for all the stations, however data availability rate of hourly temperature at 3 of the stations are relative low, with values of 88.9%、 91.3% and 92.3%, and the abnormal temperature data appears in a continuous period. Comparison between the hourly observations and ERA5 reanalysis data shows that, after applying the quality control analysis, the root mean square error between the observations and reanalysis data has decreased, and their correlation coefficient has increased. Therefore the quality control methods can effectively eliminate the unreasonable value of data.
3 R1 |) _. I$ |' M Key words:quality control; hourly data; marine observation station; temperature and pressure
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