《海洋预报》| 长江口一次持续性强浓雾过程特征和成因分析

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' Q. m& t% j# l! u长江口一次持续性强浓雾过程特征和成因分析
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% _9 X0 r. V9 c; N* ~% y; Q
& b0 e+ z! S( j* ]3 R读书小笔记+ m! E2 D/ R2 a
作者:韩苗苗  高雅文  钟剑  杜树浩  周彤, g9 W8 Y  i- m7 h
单位:中国卫星海上测控部, 江苏 江阴 2144315 p) G/ D2 e, r$ E
7 c6 A2 P! W5 {! o! h出版年·卷·期(页码):2024·41·第一期(74-82)
3 b4 z( J: _) ^& _' F) _摘要:使用船载观测资料、FNL再分析资料和葵花八号云图资料,对2022年3月11—14日发生于长江口的持续性浓雾过程进行研究分析,并归纳总结了预报的实用性方法。结果表明:本次浓雾过程包含辐射雾和锋面平流雾,持续时间长,影响范围广,雾区在锋面的前后部都相继出现,且锋面移动往往影响着雾的移动。在雾的生消和维持过程中,气温和相对湿度通常呈负相关,温度露点差和能见度呈正相关,当温度露点差大于3℃时,长江口也会有雾生成,但能见度不低于3 km。雾生时段通常盛行偏南风和偏北风,偏西风和西北风则会导致相对湿度迅速下降,不利于雾的形成和维持。可见光云图上雾的特征明显,颜色纹理均匀,边界清晰整齐,外围无丝状或纤维状云系扩散,而红外云图上对应处是一片灰暗区,只有边界隐约可见。! C: B2 s* I6 f# W8 _7 D+ F
关键词:浓雾 长江口雾 生消过程 水汽输送 预报+ w+ _. _2 w; x, Z

2 J1 @7 M3 }. Z7 N$ z$ P8 |Abstract:This paper uses shipborne observation data, FNL reanalysis data and Sunflower-8 cloud map data to study a persistent strong dense fog process that occurred at the mouth of the Yangtze River estuary from March 11 to 14, 2022, and to summarize the practical methods for fog forecasting. The conclusions are as follows: This dense fog process includes radiation fog and frontal advection fog, which has a long duration and a wide range of influence. The fog area appears in the front and rear parts, and the front movement affects the movement of fog. During the lifetime of the dense fog, air temperature and relative humidity are usually negatively correlated, air temperature-dew point difference is positively correlated with the visibility. When air temperature-dew point difference is greater than 3 ℃ , fog also occurs at the mouth of the Yangtze River estuary but the visibility is normally not less than 3 km. The prevailing wind during the dense fog process is usually southerly and northerly. The westerly and northwesterly winds cause the rapid drop of relative humidity, resisting the formation and maintenance of the fog. The visible light cloud map has obvious characteristics of the fog including uniform color texture, clear and neat boundaries, no filamentous or fibrous cloud diffusion on the periphery, while the characteristics of the fog on the infrared cloud map is a gray dark area, only the boundary is faintly visible.
6 z9 Z+ L" `7 ]. I7 u3 NKey words:dense fog; fog at the mouth of the Yangtze River estuary; fog lifetime; water vapor transport; forecasting( {) m: H3 y1 d0 g
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未来两天海洋环境预报. b& H  X7 ^: ^
预计明天,2 k& M& v" ^# {( |0 V8 C% J8 u
* t# g- v5 z" j) e# Q- t黄海北部有1.3到1.8米的中浪;
- R- z( t. ]: \+ h0 K黄海南部有1.5到2.3米的中浪区;8 G" Q% s7 W: a1 C  B4 M' O
: v* S& N- ~5 D5 B: K, y台湾海峡有1.3到2米的中浪区;
( ]- u5 p4 o' t$ Z0 Z台湾以东洋面有1.8到2.3米的中浪区;
' u. p, H/ m" q3 P, }1 p+ \* Q+ I巴士海峡有1.3到1.8米的中浪;
/ w5 {1 q4 n: s: G) V; S6 D8 |南海北部、中部有1.3到2米的中浪区;- C2 b, M: }( F3 h5 ]0 H
南海南部有0.6到1米的轻浪;8 ?. M: q, ]; v9 ^
2 ^" J7 a- A4 J8 D
7 B$ r: G  E- g/ ]5 e预计后天,  K( I+ F: L' R0 ?' j; Z0 U
东海北部的大浪区维持,浪高1.8到2.5米;3 f, T/ a- e1 U% z* K
东海南部的大浪区减弱消失/ _- a/ M% @7 ?6 ~

3 |" O3 A; I- @0 h1 s4 \& \7 i1 i                               
7 k% l; l) v, G9 B2 ~; g* Q
5 B% t7 F0 ?9 V
4月2~6日西北太平洋海浪数值预报, W1 y2 h6 t) h# o
6 t2 y, s' I, L/ [. }2 ]预计明天,
) ?6 h& |7 G1 }" E+ t东极岛、大陈岛、洞头岛、南麂岛、钓鱼岛、海陵岛、永兴岛附近海域有1.8~2米的中浪,长岛、灵山岛、连岛、嵊泗列岛、普陀山、玉环岛、嵛山岛、平潭岛、万山群岛、川山群岛、南三岛、东海岛、涠洲岛、分界洲岛、蜈支洲岛附近海域有1.3~1.7米的中浪,较适宜乘船出行和海岛游玩;
% k9 b8 O% H* e; C" p我国其他美丽海岛附近海域都是轻浪,海况不错,非常适宜乘船出行和海岛游玩。$ h9 n% u+ A! R! C
* _- q8 N8 z4 r5 A
美丽海岛是指以下的35个海岛:) b8 @3 ~' ^$ I% N% \  Z
# }8 J1 I9 h. k2 e& f更多滨海旅游预报 尽在中国海洋预报( J! v6 Z* z% ]' @3 u

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