1 s+ N- J& y4 j/ d i; X; q2 J
4 x0 X: j" M. u+ { Q! [. Q q/ }2 x2018年3个登陆北上台风长期维持环境条件分析
- |1 d2 l( _4 e3 c- Z# l7 c全文请用PC端下载 地址:
. W* y4 U# V- D( _4 b4 F4 \- g4 P2 R+ x
9 J+ _1 I/ e+ x" x# }读书小笔记# P- M. y& H) |% r2 u
作者:王亚男1 2 苏杭1 2 易笑园3
2 K5 ~8 k/ ~- }; q$ p u单位:1. 天津海洋中心气象台, 天津 300074;( ^; y1 r+ s: J+ C& a+ `
2. 天津市海洋气象重点实验室, 天津 300074;
9 }% t# U! |1 J3. 天津市气象台, 天津 300074' K' f: m; ^* |0 k, B' E
分类号:P457.89 h8 T" @- x; {7 q3 ?/ r
c* C/ @, B$ r4 t3 h( u9 r! y# O, N摘要:使用中国气象局热带气旋最佳路径数据集和美国国家环境预报中心再分析资料,分析了2018年3个登陆北上台风的长期维持环境背景及热力和动力条件。结果表明:在较低纬度时,垂直风切变≤10 m/s,副热带高压呈块状分布,其西脊点一般不超过120°E,且西风槽位置整体偏北,台风主要受副热带高压外围偏南引导气流影响,路径大多在平原,摩擦耗散较小,配合南亚高压东侧反气旋环流第三象限辐散和低空强度相当的辐合条件以及西南和东南暖湿输送影响,台风中心附近平均涡度减弱缓慢;当北上受高空急流影响的垂直风切变增大时,低空出现明显湿能量辐合,有明显积云对流发展和高层凝结潜热释放,且受高空急流入口区影响,高空辐散也增强,利于台风登陆后期的维持。
}) Z3 b. }+ P7 w关键词:台风 登陆北上 长期维持 环境背景 热力动力诊断 合成分析
- k* P/ A p) K2 j
/ |6 D* x/ F4 Y% l6 @7 R/ SAbstract:Based on the tropical cyclone best track datasets of the China Meteorological Administration and reanalysis data of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction, the environmental thermodynamicdynamic conditions for the long-term maintenance of three northward-moving typhoons after landing in 2018 are analyzed. It is found that, when the typhoon is at lower latitudes, the vertical wind shear is less than 10 m/s, the subtropical high is in a block shape. The west ridge point of the subtropical high generally locates east of 120°E, and the westerly trough locates north than normal position. The typhoon is mainly influenced by the southerly air flow in the periphery of the subtropical high, and its path mainly locates in the plain, so the friction dissipation is small. Combined with the divergence in the third quadrant of the anticyclone circulation east of the South Asian High and the convergence with similar strength in low-level atmosphere, as well as the southwest and southeast warm and humid supplementation, the mean vorticity near the typhoon center weakens slowly. When the typhoon is northward-moving, the vertical wind shear slightly increases affected by the highlevel jet, wet energy convergence appears at the low-level atmosphere. With developing of cumulus convective and latent heat releasing in the high-level atmosphere, the divergence also increases in inlet area of the highlevel jet, which benefits for the maintenance of typhoon in the later stage of landfall.0 Y$ E8 A' e9 T7 w [7 p" V
Key words:typhoon; landing and northward-movement; long-term maintenance; environmental background; thermal and dynamic diagnosis; synthetic analysis" r5 W- ^/ M$ a6 f
+ X3 B7 K K, y' j* ~
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$ ?/ v, _3 b! X+ d7 Z未来两天海洋环境预报
% E# d* T& N O7 |$ r* b7 Z预计明天,
" T% l3 Q& B6 D1 @, f s" a渤海有0.3到0.6米的小浪到轻浪;
# L2 }1 h( q6 g- y9 j( V黄海有0.8到1.1米的轻浪;
5 C" d! l* G# B' @东海北部有1.8到2.3米的中浪区;. t; w T! z6 v+ S
7 f9 f5 Q* G: ], J2 h' f1 {台湾海峡有2.6到3米的大浪区; [% L' j T' `5 b
台湾以东洋面有2.3到2.7米的中浪到大浪区;" _7 U, [/ f# C6 R
0 L5 U7 S0 n; m# x* k, U( }. p0 N! {南海北部有2.9到3.5米的大浪区;. W6 x% R3 U! R0 F" d. K5 ^
8 U) O# s$ `7 A; w/ O南海南部有1.1到1.6米的轻浪到中浪;
/ w1 C5 O1 @$ ^$ g1 e T. W北部湾有1.5到1.8米的中浪。
2 d/ S) d4 {* d预计后天,
: `1 A2 j5 ?; O) G0 j& {东海南部、台湾海峡、台湾以东洋面、巴士海峡、南海北部的大浪区维持,浪高2到3米。
; o9 i! V7 k# L2 E1 \6 q& V" U6 K
( c: V" p" Q2 n/ H2 `* w9 K6 d, ^+ ]. _! d% z1 l' q
10月11~15日西北太平洋海浪数值预报8 Z1 z: {: q2 ]- b$ w: G
美丽海岛海域海况. y/ Z* j) ?2 h% }
; ^; `9 s( h4 g; S U* M) a钓鱼岛、永兴岛附近海域有2.5~2.7米的大浪,平潭岛、湄洲岛、东山岛、分界洲岛、蜈支洲岛附近海域有2.1~2.4米的中浪,以上海岛都不适宜乘船出行和海岛游玩;
% f* }% }) m: h. s9 o7 p+ c6 e东极岛、黄岩岛附近海域有1.8~1.9米的中浪,普陀山、大陈岛、洞头岛、南麂岛、嵛山岛、南澳岛、川山群岛、海陵岛、南三岛、东海岛附近海域有1.3~1.7米的中浪,这些海岛较适宜乘船出行和海岛游玩;# ?/ S% `' P& v$ u' R. P
; |9 y' E4 [& o: k, \0 q- d9 f$ p3 I2 y# v4 c. z+ o" p
- r. m, E) m+ @# S/ n& B A' ?觉华岛、长山群岛、菩提岛、长岛、刘公岛、灵山岛、秦山岛、连岛、崇明岛、嵊泗列岛、岱山岛、东极岛、普陀山、大陈岛、玉环岛、洞头岛、南麂岛、嵛山岛、三都岛、平潭岛、湄洲岛、东山岛、钓鱼岛、南澳岛、万山群岛、川山群岛、海陵岛、南三岛、东海岛、涠洲岛、分界洲岛、蜈支洲岛、永兴岛、黄岩岛、永暑礁。2 {) n9 n) a/ A) s; }. R
更多滨海旅游预报 尽在中国海洋预报8 P6 a! O2 g4 \" d" a% b- U: o) [1 _
& Z0 }4 b& X; r6 Y4 k T, ~2 u( U/ S
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