IMBeR国际项目办公室(中国)为您提供每月信息资讯。 9 Y M; |7 x( E$ i
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Your monthly e-news from the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research International Project Office – China. 4 m, Q) Q* ]. |. ]7 \, t
本期内容包括:封面新闻 - Deep Sea Research Part II 稿件征集:IMBeR西太平洋会议专辑|主编精选 - 生物间相互作用对滨海湿地碳循环的影响;与主要西边界流相关的隐藏上升流系统;基于自然混合的水体光吸收系数反演近海浮游植物的类群组成;羊毛海绵 (Hippospongia lachne) 的生长和相关特性:实践和理论考虑;大量产卵鱼类聚集而产生的强烈的海洋上层混合研究;陆地生态系统中氮可用性下降的证据、原因和后果;从环境DNA(eDNA)宏条形码的角度看待珊瑚礁鱼类生物多样性的跨洋模式和过程;在中国北方富营养化海湾的大型海草草甸中,成年大叶藻的幼芽是否决定了幼苗的命运?|IMBeR及其资助部门资讯 - 国际海洋研究委员会(SCOR)征集2022年工作组提案;未来地球(Future Earth)调查问卷;未来地球(Future Earth)青年学者奖学金;第八届IMBeR ClimEco暑期班将推迟至2023年举行|各类会议资源|发展机会 4 y/ J3 j! @; w" p# J3 k
Topics in this issue: Cover News - Call for Papers: DSR-II Special Issue on IMBeR West Pacific Symposium | Editor Picks - Biota-mediated Carbon Cycling—A Synthesis of Biotic-interaction Controls on Blue Carbon; Hidden Upwelling Systems Associated With Major Western Boundary Currents; Light Absorption Spectra of Naturally Mixed Phytoplankton Assemblages for Retrieval of Phytoplankton Group Composition in Coastal Oceans; Growth and Related Traits of the Sheepswool Sponge (Hippospongia lachne): Practical and Theoretical Considerations; Intense Upper Ocean Mixing Due to Large Aggregations of Spawning Fish; Evidence, Causes, and Consequences of Declining Nitrogen Availability in Terrestrial Ecosystems; Cross-ocean Patterns and Processes in Fish Biodiversity on Coral Reefs Through the Lens of eDNA Metabarcoding; Do Adult Eelgrass Shoots Rule Seedling Fate in a Large Seagrass Meadow in a Eutrophic Bay in Northern China? | IMBeR and Its Sponsors Announcements - 2022 Call for SCOR Working Groups; Future Earth Survey; Future Earth Early-Career Fellowship; IMBeR ClimEco8 Summer School Postponed until 2023 | Events, Webinars and Conferences | Jobs and Opportunities
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来源 | IMBeR国际项目办公室(中国) * i* p& O3 @- X" _; M! T# a/ v
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