
66Aptomar AS
Aptomar was founded in 2005 by Lars Andre Solberg, Jonas Aamodt Moræus andHåkon Skjelten, who all still have central positions in the company. Besidesthe founders and other employees, Statoil Venture, ProVenture Seed, Investinorand NTNU TTO are shareholders of Aptomar. The company and its 23 employees arebased in Trondheim, the technological capital of Norway. Agents andrepresentatives are located worldwide. Aptomar places much emphasis on the corevalues of the company: Proud, Fearless, Open and Responsible. We actively useand follow these values in our daily business, in order to provide the bestresults for our customers, employees and owners.
67Applied Acoustic Engineering Ltd
Applied Acoustic Engineering is a leading company in the design and manufactureof a wide range of subsea navigation and positioning products, and marineseismic survey equipment. The extensive product range includes the innovativeUSBL tracking system, Easytrak, and seismic sub-bottom profiling equipment foroffshore geotechnical and seabed analysis. With 25 years’ experience supplyinghigh quality products, Applied Acoustics has built an enviable reputationamongst its many commercial, academic and defence customers worldwide. Itsextensive network of partners,suppliers and technical support centres, ensuresa first class service on a global scale.
68ASL Environmental Sciences Inc
ASL环境科学为国际市场提供海洋领域的专业服务和仪器设备已经长达35年。在此次中国(上海)国际海洋技术与工程设备展览会上,ASL将特别展示: •Ice Profiler™ – 仰式声纳测冰装置,安装在海底,可提供长达一年以上的冰厚度精确测量。 •AZFP™ – 用于高性能的浮游动物、鱼类或沉淀物的状态和位置的观测。 •IRIS™ – Imagenex 881A声纳的数据记录器。 ASL环境科学提供全面的物理海洋方面的咨询服务,包括测流,数值模拟,波浪测量和分析,泥沙输运,海冰研究,以及卫星与航空遥感。
69Rutter Inc. & OceanWaveS
Rutter Inc. specialises in the global provision of enhanced radar systems andcustom solutions for marine, military and security/surveillance applications.Rutter Inc. acquired OceanWaveS GmbH of Lüneburg, Germany, a recognizedindustry leader in the development and supply of radar-based wave and surfacecurrent measurement technology. Rutter’s sigma S6 and OceanWaveS’ WaMoS arerespected within the industry for discrimination of ice, oil, small targets,waves, currents and bathymetry from conventional navigational X-band radar.OceanWaveS’ technology has been combined with Rutter’s sigma S6 product suite(Ice Navigator, Oil Spill Detection and small target Detection, waves andcurrents).
70Kraken Sonar Systems Inc
Kraken Sonar Inc. is a marine technology company engaged in the design,development and marketing of advanced sonar and acoustic velocity sensors forUnmanned Underwater Vehicles used in military and commercial applications. Weare recognized as world leading innovators of Synthetic Aperture Sonar (SAS) –a revolutionary underwater imaging technology that dramatically improves seabedsurveys by providing ultra-high resolution imagery at superior coverage rates
SEAMOR MARINE LTD. 是水下观测级遥控潜器 (OCROV) 及相关模块化部件和配套组件的制造商,位居国际五大 OCROV 公司之一。所有产品线均由公司自有资深工程师精心设计与测试,定型标准产品由熟练技工手工精工打造。SEAMOR ROV的很多独到设计使其被视为水下OCROV行业的先驱。公司总部位于加拿大西海岸的温哥华岛,中国境内设有子公司,全面负责分销商的协调管理和产品售后服务及维修事宜。
72DeepSea Power & Light, inc.
DeepSea Power & Light was founded in 1983 with the goal of providing highquality, innovative products to the oceanographic community. Initiallymanufacturing deep water power systems, the company’s expertise and productline has grown to include underwater video and lighting systems. All of DeepSeaPower & Light’s standard products are rigorously designed to perform in theharsh marine environment, from wet/dry surface applications to full ocean depthdeployments.
73Xeos Technologies Inc.
Xeos manufactures a full line of surface and sub-surface mooring beacons tofacilitate asset recovery and ensure their security. Xeos prides itself on apioneer mentality, always striving to create superior technological solutionsto tracking and telemetry problems. Our customers require reliable andinnovative solutions to track, monitor and control in harsh environments. XeosBeacons designs for short term, surface environments, local recovery as well asextreme depths (11000m), long term deployment and global recovery. Xeos alsodesigns remote sensor management systems for harsh environments such as polarregions and ocean deployment.
Worldoils.com is the world’s central portal for all information for the Oil,Gas and the Offshore Industry containing news, press releases, researchcompanies, suppliers & services Directory, etc. It also has a jobs portaland a marketplace. Worldoils.com is also a central place for finding land rigs,Offshore rigs, barge rigs and Oilfield camps and equipment.
Valeport are the UK’s leading manufacturer of Oceanographic and Hydrographicinstrumentation which include the world’s most accurate Sound Velocity Probes /Sensors, Altimeter range, Radar Level Sensor, Current Meters, Tide Gauges,Depth Sensors, Wave Recorders, CTD’s, Multi-Parameter CTD’s, Fluorometers andGPS Echo Sounders.
Triton Imaging is a developer of high-performance, highly automated softwaretools for seafloor mapping and underwater imaging applications. Our productsare designed to acquire, process, fuse, visualize, and interpret data from awide array of seafloor imaging sensors including: sidescan sonars, single andmultibeam echo-sounders, seismic sub-bottom profilers, and many otherscan-based information streams.
Ocean We manufacture many of oceanographic equipment, such as XCTD/XBTs,winches, profiling floats and so on. Dam Reservoirs,Lakes and Marshes, Rivers and Estuaries We propose varioussystems for establishment of apparatus for the accurate and stable measurementat every dam and river.
78SIG France
SIG France is located in Bouvron. 60 minutes from Nantes Intl airport, 40minutes from St-Nazaire (on the west coast of France). The company isestablished in a small industrial estate since 1982, on a site of 5.000 m2 (12acres).
79SMC Ship Motion Control
SMC is a manufacturer of the SMC IMU range of Marine Motion Sensor and aninternational system integrator of various kind of systems like environmentalmonitoring systems, helideck monitoring systems, crane monitoring systems andmotion monitoring systems. SMC provides a complete range of services includingthe design and integration of marine monitoring systems, custom solutionssupport and data collection and transfer of data. SMC provides services to awide range of clients in the Offshore Oil & Gas industry, Hydrographicindustries, marine systems and vessel operator′s and integrators around theglobe.
80Society for Underwater Technology
The Society for Underwater Technology (SUT) is a multidisciplinary learnedsociety that brings together organisations and individuals with a commoninterest in underwater technology, ocean science and offshore engineering. SUTwas founded in 1966 and has members from more than 40 countries, includingengineers, scientists, other professionals and students working in these areas.
81Sonardyne Asia Pte Ltd
Sonardyne arrives at Oceanology China 2015 with its award-winning 6G productrange. All of which are aimed at increasing precision, lowering risk andcutting operational costs. Sonardyne’s 6G products continuously deliver highperformance and are also versatile enough to be configured to suit yourindividual operations. Visit stand C10 and discover how 6G technology can helpyou achieve operational efficiencies, even in the most challenging subseaenvironments.
82SubCtech GmbH
“SubCtech’s (”Subsea Technologies for the Marine Environment”) team already hasmore than 25 years of experience in the subsea and marine technology. Thecompany itself was then founded in January 2010 and moved into new buildings inKiel, Germany, in March 2013. These new premises are three times as large asour old ones. Thus, we have the facilities to manufacture new lines in massproduction. We work for, and deliver solutions for the industry, governmentsand scientific research. Our goal: meeting customers’ requirements –communicating well – working flexible – developing products constantly Ourpromise: Solving complex and challenging tasks – delivering professionalsolutions.
83Sea-Bird Scientific
Sea-Bird Electronics, WET Labs & Satlantic have combined to form Sea-BirdScientific. Our focus, to provide reliable data through world-classoceanographic & water quality instruments on integrated platforms enablingthe advancement of science worldwide. Sea-Bird Scientific has assembledunprecedented capabilities in providing best-of-class instruments and sensorsystems for monitoring physical and biogeochemical variability in the world’soceans and coastal waters. Parameters Include: Temperature, Salinity, Oxygen,pH, Fluorescence, Nutrients, Scattering/Turbidity, Inherent Optical Properties(IOP)/Apparent Optical Properties (AOP), and Irradiance.
84Sea & Sun Technology GmbH
Sea & Sun Technology GmbH gained its worldwide reputation from the developmentof innovative products and individual customer solutions to the highest qualitystandards, resulting in our status as a major player in the field of watermeasurement. Since 1998 we are an international acting provider for watermeasurements, alternative energies and environmental technologies with today 38highly qualified employees working in 4 branches of business. Sea & SunMarine Tech, our main focus, is specialized in developing, producing andselling high end underwater measurement systems. Sea & Sun Energy offershigh end systems for alternative energies.
85MacArtney Singapore Pte. Ltd.
We are a global supplier of underwater technology specialising in design,manufacture, sales and service of a wide range of systems to offshoreoperators, surveyors, the renewable energy sector, ocean sciences, securityforces and navies across the world. One of the most vulnerable components ofany underwater system is the connection between a cable and an instrument. TheMacArtney Group specialize in all types of fiber optic and copper cable- andconnector terminations and maintain in-house facilities for effectively testingdesigns and finished products in close collaboration with the customers.
86、美国派力肯产品有限公司 Pelican Products,Inc
美国派力肯产品有限公司是世界上最著名的防护箱生产商。经过五十多年的发展,派力肯已经成为行业中的领军品牌,创造出世界上最坚固,最抗摔抗震,最防水,最耐极限温度,质量最可靠,使用最舒适的产品。 Pelican系列防护箱产品被广泛使用于仪器仪表,石油化工,电力电子,卫星通信,航天航空,消防公安,军队政府,科考勘探,物流运输,抢险救援等行业。派力肯箱被广泛用于装载各种仪器设备、飞行器材、军警器械、通信器材、数码器材、维修工具、医疗器械、影像器材、救生器材等各类物资,可用做器材箱、包装箱、配套箱、运输箱、行李箱、枪械箱等各种用途。派力肯箱可抵抗子弹、炸药、风沙、酷热、严寒、暴雨、路途颠簸、高空坠落的袭击,从而在航空、航海、高原、沙漠、丛林等各种场合可靠保证内部装载物资在各类恶劣环境下的适应性和可靠性。
89Rowe Technologies, Inc.
91International Submarine Engineering, Ltd.
国际潜水器工程有限公司及其姊妹公司国际潜水器研究所是世界上专业设计、研发及整合载人型水下系统、远程遥控水下机器人、自治式水下航行器、半潜式水下系统、水下专用工具和陆用,海洋用及航空用机器人的姣姣者。ISE的水下系统和设备被广泛地运用于包括石油和天然气在内的离岸工业,电缆维护,海洋科学,海洋地质及军用地雷探测在内的各种水下环境。 ISE的产品已经面世和服务了近40年。
92OceanWorks International
OceanWorks International is an internationally recognized subsea technologycompany specializing in the design and manufacture of manned / unmanned subseasystems and specialized equipment for military, oil and gas, scientific, andother marine markets. Offering a full range of subsea system engineering,design and analysis, fabrication, testing, and project management services,OceanWorks International has been at the cutting edge of deep submergence anddiving technology, operations, and support for over 20 years.
93Parkburn Precision Handling Systems Ltd
Parkburn Precision Handling Systems is a marine engineering company, whichdesigns, manufactures, installs and commissions specialist offshore handlingsystems, worldwide. Parkburn provides quality equipment, drives and controls tomarine operations markets including; DSV, O&G, Deepwater-Heavy Payload(using fibre rope), Renewables, Telecoms, Seismics, Naval & OceanographicResearch. The type of systems and equipment currently provided includes; • DiveBell Handling Systems & Equipment • Heavy Lift Fibre Rope Capstan &Drum Winches • Carousels / Turntables • Tracked Tensioners • Linear CableEngines & Haulers • Streamer & OBC Handing Systems • LARS • FullyIntegrated VSD, Control & Instrumentation Systems
94IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society
The Oceanic Engineering Society of the Institute of Electrical and ElectronicEngineers, Inc. (IEEE) seeks to advance the science and technology of Ocean Engineering.Its objective are scientific, literary, and educational in character. TheSociety strives for the advancement of the theory and practice of technologyapplied to the ocean environment, not only by ocean engineers but also byindividuals in allied branches of engineering and related arts and sciences.The Society maintains a high level of professional standards among its membersand affiliates and through them promotes technical excellence and activelyencourages the exchange of information through conferences, meetings, works
95Gill Instruments Limited
Gill Instruments Ltd. is a world leader in the field of ultrasonic windmeasurement and weather monitoring etc. Our core product ranges include:Ultrasonic Anemometers; Weather Stations; Ignition Systems and Air/FuelControllers who supply products globally. As the undisputed world leader in thefield of ultrasonics for wind measurement we have a proven track record ofemploying our wealth of expertise in research and manufacturing to a wide rangeof technologies. This has enabled us to create revolutionary high qualityproducts for the automotive, agricultural, marine, safety critical systems,industrial, meteorological and medical markets for our many blue chipcustomers.
96GeoSpectrum Technologies Inc.
GeoSpectrum Technologies Inc. (GTI) supplies hydroacoustic hardware fordefence, security, oil & gas, and environmental monitoring. Our productsinclude hydrophone, acoustic projectors, moored and towed thin line arrays,portable acoustic calibrators, and acoustic communication systems. Our compactsonars and towed arrays are suitable for unmanned vehicles and small craft. Fortowed systems, GTI can provide turnkey packages, including the cable, winch& handling system and towed body. GTI is a world leader in directionalsensors and particle motion detection.
97Geosoft – 北京迈勤
99Canada Pavilion
Canadian companies are showcasing their technologies and conductinginternational business development at Oceanology China 2015. Technologies rangefrom environmental technologies, acoustics, marine consulting, simulation,sonars, ocean exploration, ocean monitoring systems, radar signallingprocessing, winches, launch and recovery systems, oceanographic sensors,submersible microscopes and tracking systems.
三十多年来,CARIS一直引领着海洋GIS软件的发展。CARIS为广大用户提供一整套从声纳数据处理、海图产品生产和分发的解决方案——CARIS Ping-to-Chart解决方案,详情请登陆www.caris.com
101Applied Acoustic Engineering Ltd
Applied Acoustic Engineering is a leading company in the design and manufactureof a wide range of subsea navigation and positioning products, and marineseismic survey equipment. The extensive product range includes the innovativeUSBL tracking system, Easytrak, and seismic sub-bottom profiling equipment foroffshore geotechnical and seabed analysis. With 25 years’ experience supplyinghigh quality products, Applied Acoustics has built an enviable reputationamongst its many commercial, academic and defence customers worldwide. Itsextensive network of partners,suppliers and technical support centres, ensuresa first class service on a global scale.
102Datawell BV
Datawell is a company which develops oceanographical measuring instruments.Datawell products have proven to excellently withstand the harsh marineenvironment. Datawell measuring instruments are utilized all around the globe.Datawell was established in 1961 as a research laboratory for the developmentof general instrumentation. Specializing in the marine environment, Datawelldeveloped the basic principles of the gravity stabilized long period motionsensors. Our best known products are wave buoys and ship motion sensors. Thelatest release is our DWR4 with Acoustic Current Meter which can also measurethe sea surface current.
103DeepWater Buoyancy, Inc.
We create subsea buoyancy products for oceanographic, offshore oil & gasand industrial companies around the world. Our products have worked reliablyfor over thirty years, from the ocean surface to depths exceeding six thousandmeters.
104ASL环境科学 ASL Environmental Sciences Inc
ASL环境科学为国际市场提供海洋领域的专业服务和仪器设备已经长达35年。在此次中国(上海)国际海洋技术与工程设备展览会上,ASL将特别展示: •Ice Profiler™ – 仰式声纳测冰装置,安装在海底,可提供长达一年以上的冰厚度精确测量。 •AZFP™ – 用于高性能的浮游动物、鱼类或沉淀物的状态和位置的观测。 •IRIS™ – Imagenex 881A声纳的数据记录器。 ASL环境科学提供全面的物理海洋方面的咨询服务,包括测流,数值模拟,波浪测量和分析,泥沙输运,海冰研究,以及卫星与航空遥感。
105Forum Energy Technologies (FET)
Forum Energy Technologies (FET) was formed in the summer of 2010 in a five-waymerger among Forum Oilfield Technologies, Triton Group, Subsea ServicesInternational, Global Flow Technologies and Allied Technology. Today, we’re3,400 employees strong and still growing, going places none of us could havereached alone. We’re a worldwide provider of mission-critical products andservices to the global energy industry’s drilling, production andinfrastructure segments.


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