海洋地球物理学 -海洋地球物理学就业前景

' T8 h$ F6 b# h7 j3 ~' v' j

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7 ^' L r4 W. x5 p: Y

Science, 29 November2019, VOL 366, ISSUE6469

* e9 \9 c1 X5 @( m


) Y1 w6 k: f9 [0 I! T$ R3 g" I


Mutual control of coherent spin waves and magnetic domain walls in a magnonic device


8 l0 {% }0 u6 Q3 y) c% v

作者:Jiahao Han, Pengxiang Zhang, Justin T. Hou,et al

. _- d4 ?1 W9 _. M


4 y7 n( U- F% ?1 U2 {: M


$ O" I: y6 ^/ x7 L% P. [! i" L' S9 X


* }; ^# v* q6 O+ O- z3 z* y W3 p2 z# k


$ F% |# f: p" X


* ]1 u, c5 W6 D' S


\* ^+ ?" B% O3 f4 A/ o( F9 Z


7 I+ y6 r! p$ l" i, Y; X

The successful implementation of spin-wave devices requires efficient modulation of spin-wave propagation. Using cobalt/nickel multilayer films, we experimentally demonstrate that nanometer-wide magnetic domain walls can be applied to manipulate the phase and magnitude of coherent spin waves in a nonvolatile manner. We further show that a spin wave can, in turn, be used to change the position of magnetic domain walls by means of the spin-transfer torque effect generated from magnon spin current. This mutual interaction between spin waves and magnetic domain walls opens up the possibility of realizing all-magnon spintronic devices, in which one spin-wave signal can be used to control others by reconfiguring magnetic domain structures.

Magnetization switching by magnon-mediated spin torque through an antiferromagnetic insulator


0 _0 L5 Q1 g9 @. E/ T r

作者:Yi Wang, Dapeng Zhu, Yumeng Yang, et al

/ U% k% g0 j2 o5 d


+ Z+ y/ ?, J; [( T# C


4 d1 h( |/ @+ r# Q' A


/ I! l% F/ ?' \3 _


" Z( X. T; f7 F+ L* m, c) d( {


F/ O w( h/ U. `4 ?


7 l8 T8 l& ^! H5 a0 t' t( C; d


' M- d3 ]1 e! i' Z6 R


J/ v; R1 C: d' J7 Y- Q

Widespread applications of magnetic devices require an efficient means to manipulate the local magnetization. One mechanism is the electrical spin-transfer torque associated with electron-mediated spin currents; however, this suffers from substantial energy dissipation caused by Joule heating. We experimentally demonstrated an alternative approach based on magnon currents and achieved magnon-torque–induced magnetization switching in Bi2Se3/antiferromagnetic insulator NiO/ferromagnet devices at room temperature. The magnon currents carry spin angular momentum efficiently without involving moving electrons through a 25-nanometer-thick NiO layer. The magnon torque is sufficient to control the magnetization, which is comparable with previously observed electrical spin torque ratios. This research, which is relevant to the energy-efficient control of spintronic devices, will invigorate magnon-based memory and logic devices.

1 ]$ T [4 K) I }; ^

材料科学Materials Science

Quantum units from the topological engineering of molecular graphenoids


" H! K5 G* c y- y& s& c$ T

作者:Federico Lombardi, Alessandro Lodi, Ji Ma, et al

' k( p' l* c( o9 h" s


3 H' K6 }* j# Q6 }# \3 t


# X2 _' k9 G2 T, `) Z7 h k0 q


x) T8 d/ _3 U( s% E& F


8 _5 U1 e# B1 f3 n# y# ~


* w8 ~4 v, [) _3 d


) U9 Y4 O S) t8 C


; B" @) O8 p) k4 ?0 @


4 L8 c! R4 e l9 T' x! _- m

Robustly coherent spin centers that can be integrated into devices are a key ingredient of quantum technologies. Vacancies in semiconductors are excellent candidates, and theory predicts that defects in conjugated carbon materials should also display long coherence times. However, the quantum performance of carbon nanostructures has remained stunted by aninability to alter the sp2-carbon lattice with atomic precision. Here, we demonstrate that topological tailoring leads to superior quantum performance in molecular graphene nanostructures. We unravel the decoherence mechanisms, quantify nuclear and environmental effects, and observe spin-coherence times that outclass most nanomaterials. These results validate long-standing assumptions on the coherent behavior of topological defects ingraphene and open up the possibility of introducing controlled quantum-coherent centers in the upcoming generation of carbon-based optoelectronic, electronic, and bioactive systems.

Fatigue-resistant high-performance elastocaloric materials made by additive manufacturing


+ V. J! f0 P( Y' o

作者:Huilong Hou, Emrah Simsek, Tao Ma, et al

9 X2 L# V$ P/ _* U7 q9 ?) f. C


' l) y) u0 `0 j; g


! p) n+ c6 _- k2 H/ U' x. J


0 d& z1 y9 Z' m5 G1 {2 o; J


" l9 _ M2 w h) s6 f% T( ^


5 f: X4 g) E( l! L2 P( k+ G; q


) @# m$ p: l- h) @: D* Z- j


0 O; O& r6 Q) N; p


( \5 k/ b( Z/ L* K* A$ L0 Q4 u/ r# s4 R


& ]& N" ~, R+ M3 x

Elastocaloric cooling, a solid-state cooling technology, exploits the latent heat released and absorbed by stress-induced phase transformations. Hysteres is associated with transformation, however, is detrimental to efficient energy conversion and functional durability. We have created thermodynamically efficient, low-hysteresis elastocaloric cooling materials by means of additive manufacturing of nickel-titanium. The use of a localized molten environment and near-eutectic mixing of elemental powders has led to the formation of nanocomposite microstructures composed of a nickel-rich intermetallic compound interspersed among a binary alloy matrix. The microstructure allowed extremely small hysteresis in quasi-linear stress-strain behaviors—enhancing the materials efficiency by a factor of four to seven—and repeatable elastocaloric performance over 1 million cycles. Implementing additive manufacturing to elastocaloric cooling materials enables distinct microstructure control of high-performance metallic refrigerants with long fatigue life.

Incoherent strange metal sharply bounded by a critical doping in Bi2212


9 E( a2 l8 f" D" ?

作者:Su-Di Chen, Makoto Hashimoto, Yu He, etal

5 u4 l7 h) ?) k$ B3 @, M/ U


. T( W# ^7 }2 l! J$ s6 }


- V. p1 Y3 r. A) r; y5 r


0 ^+ j0 ?/ D& X9 {


* S y! } j$ G' P0 P


1 o* R4 T0 ~0 I: g- _2 }+ O

随着在温度无关的临界值pc~ 0.19处的掺杂量增加,我们观察到在布里渊带边界附近,具有非相干谱函数特征的奇异金属突然重构为拥有准粒子的更传统的金属。

4 v$ V( z+ p, ]! y, C/ E+ k


; F# L+ r6 b1 Z8 c/ J


! ` B% L& i) h5 D


5 P: F$ T7 l' D! ]

In normal metals, macroscopic properties are understood using the concept of quasiparticles. In the cuprate high-temperature superconductors, the metallic state above the highest transition temperature is anomalous and is known as the “strange metal.” We studied this state using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. With increasing doping across a temperature-independent critical value pc~ 0.19, we observed that near the Brillouin zone boundary, the strange metal, characterized by an incoherent spectral function, abruptly reconstructs into a more conventional metal with quasiparticles. Above the temperature of superconducting fluctuations, we found that the pseudogap also discontinuously collapses at the very same value of pcThese observations suggest that the incoherent strange metal is a distinct state and aprerequisite for the pseudogap; such findings are incompatible with existing pseudogap quantum critical point scenarios.

* A7 q2 X: r# n3 f. ~6 O' }" u; x


0 p- O( n/ X4 \

Marine Geophysics

Illuminating seafloor faults and ocean dynamics with dark fiber distributed acoustic sensing


% m4 X& {7 P" a+ q. c

作者:Nathaniel J. Lindsey, T. Craig Dawe, Jonathan B. Ajo-Franklin

3 o! H/ M' J+ b7 b


( U4 u* p9 l; w% G: O, [, L


2 s F: v& @6 C+ Y' }. Y


& F9 J" L9 ?8 Z& X$ X, P0 m$ V* N


+ Y, J; ~3 v0 X8 x$ {8 |9 h: Z) f


- p/ g1 [. b' G! `' m


6 @4 r7 u+ V2 B6 y j6 x7 y6 Y


8 h( n& W/ A) c% `


& \+ h' n5 Q6 Y/ h8 V1 j) X/ j

Distributed fiber-optic sensing technology coupled to existing subsea cables (dark fiber) allows observation of ocean and solid earth phenomena. We used an optical fiber from the cable supporting the Monterey Accelerated Research System during a 4-day maintenance period with a distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) instrument operating onshore, creating a~10,000-component, 20-kilometer-long seismic array. Recordings of a minor earthquake wavefield identified multiple submarine fault zones. Ambient noise was dominated by shoaling ocean surface waves but also contained observations of in situ secondary microseism generation, post–low-tide bores, storm-induced sediment transport, infragravity waves, and breaking internal waves. DAS amplitudes in the microseism band tracked sea-state dynamics during a stormcycle in the northern Pacific. These observations highlight this method’s potential for marine geophysics.

% s' f" }; e' E" a. h0 @


! O/ g' s! R/ X3 m- `


& q* A" Q) g$ {: L/ K9 H C + I {6 ~, O4 C ! h# I0 G" c) N. _0 `! ^' i% v9 h1 |% B! B3 V 2 x7 P( M, c% f7 Q2 P0 k3 h) q

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