可降解塑料在海水中“力不从心”,缓解海洋塑料污染如何另辟蹊径? - 海洋微塑料污染

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然而,可降解塑料真的可以缓解海洋塑料污染吗?有实验发现,即使在三年后,大多数可生物降解塑料在海洋环境中没有出现任何降解的迹象,或者符合国际标准化组织(ISO)和美国材料与试验协会(ASTM)对于生物降解的标准[11] ~[15]。有研究人员分析认为海洋中微生物量非常少,且海水温度低,生物可降解塑料赖以降解的条件不存在。也就是说,除非满足特定和适当的生物降解条件,否则可生物降解塑料可能破碎成与传统塑料相同的微塑料颗粒[12] [15]。另外,大多数生物基塑料也含有有毒化学物质,构成风险与传统塑料类似,即作为污染物和致病生物的载体,含纤维素和淀粉的产品含有更多的化学特性并诱导更强的毒性[16]。由此可见,生物可降解塑料并不是完美的传统塑料替代品,无法从源头上解决海洋塑料污染问题。

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(来源:From pollution to solution: A global assessment of marine litter and plastic pollution.)

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文/蓝天 审/赵玉萍 编/angel

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[1]Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD]. (2020). Gender-specific consumption patterns, behavioural insights, and circular economy.

( Y7 s/ b3 ?$ z2 `4 ^5 d


* Z3 H* F' k5 k8 Y A& \3 S

[2]The Pew Charitable Trusts and Systemiq. (2020). Breaking the plastic wave: A comprehensive assessment of pathways towards stopping plastic pollution.

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4 C$ i+ q6 l. c X& T! H9 Q; q) q

[3]United Nations Environment Programme [UNEP]. (2021). From pollution to solution: A global assessment of marine litter and plastic pollution.

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[5]E.M. Duncan et al.. (2019).Microplastic Ingestion Ubiquitous in Marine Turtles. Global Change Biology, 25(2): 744-52.

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2 i% K* r8 v$ z8 } i, X, V

[6]Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.(2016).Marine Debris: understanding, Preventing and Mitigating the Significant Adverse Impacts on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity.

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5 K6 Y. P. _! R. H$ B W0 o4 y! m


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[8]Green, D.S., Boots, B., Blockley, D.J., Rocha, C. and Thompson, R. (2015). Impacts of discarded plastic bags on marine assemblages and ecosystem functioning. Environmental Science and Technology, 49(9):5380-5389.

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[9]Green, D.S., Boots, B., O’Connor, N.E. and Thompson, R. (2017). Microplastics affect the ecological functioning of an important biogenic habitat. Environmental Science and Technology, 51(1) :68-77.

9 L \. o3 ^! Q


; A( `; S$ T6 ^; i# i/ G

[10]张宏博,刘焦萍,赵苏杭,等.生物可降解塑料发展现状及展望.现代化工, 2023,43(4):9-12,17.

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8 o9 M W' }% I

[11]O’Brine, T. and Thompson, R.C. (2010). Degradation of plastic carrier bags in the marine environment. Marine Pollution Bulletin 60, 2279-2283.

9 Y- }0 J G' s A5 U* S8 ]' q% K


! R' {2 C% z, N; f

[12]Alvarez-Zeferino, J.C., Beltrán-Villavicencio, M. and Vázquez-Morillas, A. (2015). Degradation of plastics in seawater in laboratory. Open Journal of Polymer Chemistry 5 (4), 55-62.

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[13]Narancic, T., Verstichel, S., Chaganto, S.R., Morales-Gamez, L., Kenny, S.T., De Wilde, B. et al. (2018). Biodegradable plastic blends create new possibilities for end-of-life management of plastics but they are not a panacea for plastic pollution. Environmental Science and Technology 52(18),10441-10452.

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[14]UNEP (2018). Exploring the Potential for Adopting Alternative Materials to Reduce Marine Plastic Litter. Nairobi.

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7 ~8 y, ]2 T" ~

[15]Napper, I.E. and Thompson, R.C. (2019). Environmental deterioration of biodegradable, oxo biodegradable, compostable, and conventional plastics carrier bags in the sea, soil, and open-air over a 3-year period. Environmental Science and Technology 53(9), 775-4783.

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2 Z8 h: Z' T- B0 P6 `& ?' O

[16]Zimmermann, L., Dombrowski, A., Völker, C. and Wagner, M. (2020). Are bioplastics and plant-based materials safer than conventional plastics? In vitro toxicity and chemical composition. Environment International145, 106066.

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[17]World Wide Fund for Nature [WWF]. (2020). Stop Ghost Gear. The Most Deadly Form of Marine Plastic Debris.

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[18]The Pew Charitable Trusts and Systemiq. (2020). Breaking the plastic wave: A omprehensive assessment of pathways towards stopping plastic pollution.

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