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作者:卢勇夺1 陈剑桥2 周东旭3 刘喜惠4 高志一1

# t U! z3 \" I9 r) y/ V$ R$ J! ^


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1. 国家海洋环境预报中心, 北京 100081;

! @. [3 Z/ Q- o

2. 福建省海洋预报台, 福建 福州 350003;

$ }1 j, l" D# s9 [& t0 S' r5 |% j

3. 自然资源部第一海洋研究所, 山东 青岛 266001;

4. 中国环境监测总站, 北京 100012 / W d; I( k2 `9 n3 o T & a' {1 u/ O. K1 Y# D- i) X2 E# d


. E$ s7 T! r5 Y6 p2 R6 s r


" `% B1 c Z6 L- n8 R. I

摘要:采用Web service方式采集台湾气象局等网站发布的海洋观测数据存储到本地数据库,并利用福建NO4浮标数据与台湾马祖浮标数据开展数据比对。结果表明:台湾马祖浮标与福建NO4浮标观测结果相近,散点分布较为集中均匀,相关系数较高。利用202106号台风“烟花”开展同步观测分析,两浮标数据相关性较高,曲线走向也较为一致。利用数据分析,有效评估了台湾海洋浮标观测数据质量,进而说明台湾海洋浮标观测可与东海海洋浮标观测网形成有效互补。

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Abstract:The marine observation data of meteorological bureau in Taiwan is collected using web service and is stored in local database. The buoy data in Mazu of Taiwan Province is compared with the NO4 buoy data in Fujian Province. The results show that the observation results of the two buoys are similar with concentrated and uniform scatter distribution and high correlation coefficient. The observation of the two buoys during the typhoon "Fireworks" in 2021 reveals high compliance and consistent curve trend. In conclusion, the marine buoy observation data in Taiwan is effectively evaluated by comparative analysis, which further indicates that the marine buoy observation in Taiwan and the marine buoy observation network in the East China Sea is effectively complementary to each other.

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Key words:open source data; marine observation; data collection; Taiwan; buoy

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