波浪骑士是测量海浪的经典设备,目前市场最常见的有荷兰Datawell公司的Waverider产品,其成熟产品主要有两种:加速度计类型和GNSS类型。 Datewell Waverider
" g7 M" N: F5 ]! ]* q8 a波浪骑士采集的数据有专门的软件进行读取和处理,本文以Datawell 数据为例简单总结处理方法。 , b- E, J+ X: C8 f
软件下载下载Waves5软件并安装,安装无需注册。 9 Z; z, e# M9 q% C& e
" d2 m4 d3 t. y2 _
: K: e; i' d7 _; X6 |" c) R b数据格式
# R0 N8 e' L; b9 p3 }1、hxv:Raw buoy messages, b9 d$ L, H3 C+ ~
[C] 纯文本查看 复制代码 Meaning: HeXadecimal Vectors
Description: Stream of raw buoy messages
Buoys: DWR MkI, MkII, MkIII
From: HF receiver
Format: Ascii/Text, hexadecimal 该数据包含了浮标的原始记录,半小时一个文件,通过右侧工具栏可以查看统计信息、波浪功率密度谱、二维和三维方向谱。数据样例 [C] 纯文本查看 复制代码 00A4,8B53,80C0,0501,92B7
数据格式 [C] 纯文本查看 复制代码 Format
SS: status
00: correct
01: transmission error, repaired
02: transmission error, not repaired
03: all-0 or all-1 vector
04: synchronizing
05: = 04 + 01
06: = 04 + 02
07: = 04 + 03
NN: index, 0-255, modulo 256
YYYY: spectral/system word
HHH: heave (vertical displacement), 12 bit, sign-magnitude
NNN: north displacement, 12 bit, sign-magnitude
WWW: west displacement, 12 bit, sign-magnitude
PPP: Parity, BCH(63,51)-code ; ~4 [& ^* O x- N4 W. U8 s. t. I4 _
2、raw: raw buoy displacements1 K7 A; c; |' z$ f! d+ `1 I
[C] 纯文本查看 复制代码 Meaning: RAW displacements
Description: the heave, north, west displacements @ 1.28 Hz
Buoys: DWR MkI, MkII, MkIII
From: post-processing
Format: Ascii/Text, decimal
! x0 q% R3 q* O) n+ V 该数据包含了浮标的位移信息,通过右侧工具栏可以查看时间序列、波浪功率密度谱、二维和三维方向谱。数据样例: [C] 纯文本查看 复制代码 0, 13, 3, -13
0, 3, 13, -13
0, 15, 17, -11
0, -10, 2, -1
: L; {' Y9 g& `1 }+ W: |( g0 n
数据格式 [C] 纯文本查看 复制代码 Format sta, hv, no, we
sta: status
0 to 7: see *.HXV
16: one of the three displacements outside +/- 4s.
32: two of the three displacements outside +/- 4s.
48: all three displacements outside +/- 4s.
64: dummy vector to replace unreceived vector
128: gap in GPS link (DWR-G buoys only)
hv: heave [cm]
no: north displacement [cm]
we: west displacement [cm] : b& d( J4 B7 |$ s
3、WVS:the chronological list of upcross waves' B8 X- p# T( o6 C2 f
[C] 纯文本查看 复制代码 Meaning: upcross WaVeS data
Description: the chronological list of upcross waves
Buoys: DWR MkI, MkII, MkIII
From: post-processing
Format: Ascii/Text, decimal 1 `9 a n* }5 P) D
该数据包含了按时间排列的波浪主要信息,通过右侧工具栏可以查看波峰、波谷和周期信息。数据样例 [C] 纯文本查看 复制代码 2012-01-25T05:00:00.000,100, 116, 4.1, 78, 4.0, 62, 3.9, 40, 3.2, 0.534,553
171, 28, -21, 4.071
451, 14, -7, 2.835
385, 8, -20, 2.637
15, 32, -49, 3.230 2 J( ?3 F5 o* F/ Z% D) i
数据格式 [C] 纯文本查看 复制代码 FormatSummary (12 parameters) .
Timestamp: date and time (ISO8601)
Coverage: percentage of raw data used in constructing the upcross waves [%]
Hmax: maximum wave height [cm]
T(Hmax): period of the highest wave
H[1/10]: mean height of the highest 1/10 of the waves [cm]
T(H[1/10]): mean period of the highest 1/10 of the waves
H[1/3]: mean height of the highest third of the waves [cm]
T(H[1/3]): mean period of the highest third of the waves
Hav: mean height of all waves [cm]
Tav: mean period of all waves
eps: bandwidth parameter [-]
NumWaves: number of upcross waves [-]
List of upcross waves (NumWaves x 4 matrix) .
rank, crest, trough, period
rank: index of wave when sorted ascendingly (1 = highest)
crest: maximum heave within present upcross wave
trough: minimum heave within present upcross wave
period: duration of present upcross wave
NB: the wave height of an upcross wave is the difference between crest and trough.
; t1 M" a8 n5 T7 e2 J. c4 u
4、spt:the heave and directional spectrum
. v' P0 i4 A8 C( g% P[C] 纯文本查看 复制代码 Meaning: SPecTral data
Description: the heave and directional spectrum
Buoys: DWR MkI, MkII, MkIII
From: post-processing
Format: Ascii/Text, decimal
3 [( [0 X6 S2 Y/ [3 [- C' ?3 }& {该数据包含了按时间排列的波浪谱信息。 数据样例: [C] 纯文本查看 复制代码 10
$ k( m: @& Z+ h7 n
数据格式 [C] 纯文本查看 复制代码 Format
System file (12 parameters)
tn: transmission index (1 to 8)Hs: significant wave height [cm]
Tz: zero-upcross period
Smax: maximum of the psd S(f) [m^2/Hz]
Tref: reference temperature [°C, centigrade]
Tsea: Sea surface temperature [°C, centigrade]
Bat: Battery status (0 = empty to 7 = full)
Av: offset of the vertical accelerometer
Ax: offset of the x-accelerometer
Ay: offset of the y-accelerometerOri: buoy orientation [°]
Incli: magnetic inclination [°]
Spectrum file (64 x 6 array)
f, S(f) / Smax, Dir(f), Spr(f), Skew(f), Kurt(f)
f: wave frequency [Hz]
S(f) / Smax: relative psd (power spectral density) [-]
Dir(f): wave direction [°]
Spr(f): directional spread [°]
Skew(f): skewness of the directional distribution [-]
Kurt(f): kurtosis of the directional distribution [-]
& W% S* C. M' z3 S: Z
波浪能量密度谱计算方法 能量密度谱主要包含一下信息: / i& Y$ g1 u" e9 ^8 f- G
能量:海面高度波动的方差。 能量密度谱:积分之后即能量。 周期:峰值即周期(频率)。 3 P& Y# x; E2 d# I
使用Matlab可做如下计算和测试: [C] 纯文本查看 复制代码 % Load spectral density data From SPT file
TrFid = fopen(TrPath,'r'); % 路径
FormatString='%f,%f %*[^\n]'; % 读取数据的类型
Ctr = textscan(TrFid, FormatString, 'HeaderLines', 12,'EndOfLine','\r\n');
Ctr = cell2mat(Ctr); % 转矩阵
% Load max value of spectral density form SPT file
TrFid = fopen(TrPath,'r');
FormatString='%f'; % 读取数据格式
smax = textscan(TrFid, FormatString, 'HeaderLines', 3);
smax = cell2mat(smax); % 转矩阵
% Calculate PSD using RAW data
fs_g=1.28;% hz
% Plot
plot(Ctr(:,1),Ctr(:,2)*smax(1));hold on
plot(fxx_wb, Pxx_wb);
legend('From SPT file','By matlab pwelch')
# f$ R# y! ^5 K3 p; t! M3 _0 C( f2 H可见使用波浪骑士的原始波动数据计算PSD和SPT文件中的PSD是符合的。所以采集数据之后,既可以使用wave5进行数据处理,也可以自己编程实现,二者一致。 方向谱 波浪骑士可观测海浪的三个方向的加速度,进而可以通过交叉谱确定方向谱。 Maltab开源程序包diwasp也可以独立计算方向谱,下面比较Wave5软件和diwasp计算方向谱的差异。 Matlab程序
[C] 纯文本查看 复制代码 % WB的方向谱
folder ='C:\Users\lei\Documents\MATLAB\diwasp';
addpath( genpath(folder) );
ID.layout=repmat([0 0 25]',[1 length(ID.datatypes)]);
SM.freqs = [0.01:0.002:0.7];
SM.dirs = [-180:1:180];
SM.xaxisdir = 0 ;
EP.dres = 180 ;
EP.nfft = 64;
EP.iter = 100;
EP.smooth = 'ON';
EP.method = 'DFTM';
[SMout,EPout]=dirspec(ID,SM,EP,{'PLOTTYPE',2,'FILEOUT','sampleout.spec'}); 2 x8 h" V8 {2 B i- _2 Y
结果为: MATLAB计算的方向谱和波浪骑士自带工具显示的方向谱形态大致符合,但是角度相差了90度。原因不确定,但可能是参考轴的差异引起。后面需要进一步分析差异原因。 & J1 c: m1 ~8 J( O) ]% r